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Everything posted by David74

  1. waiting for mine and interested in the needed mods already ordered a ted su strap which i feel will fix perfectly
  2. I bought from Davidsen the ultimate fiddy, to be sent to Italy... left asia the 12 april, from that moment one untrackable, will keep my fingers crossed
  3. welcome aboard buddy
  4. wow the eberhard is very wonderful, can u give a review?
  5. I'd been in an AD yesterday and tried few Grahms, well I was more impressed to look at them in the window then feeling them on my wrist.. not as heavy as I expected, and the lever looked odd... nevertheless I'm still considering to buy one cause the pics on josh site are tantalizing... but now I'ver a better idea.. i'll wait u to buy one then will check if u'll regret ur money or not keep us updated
  6. ciao pietia benvenuta stavi antipatica ai tuoi o pietia
  7. since is The Zigmeister that find us... well I make it easy to him to find me I've 4 watches willing to be modded, will like to enter his waiting list
  8. First of all I wish to thx all of u for the support and the help-offer whom many countries are giving to Italy For the EU citizen who are blood donator (and for the ones who anyhow feel to do) I urge you to contact ur local civil protection to donate blood to send to italy.. is badly needed http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7984867.stm thx
  9. r two different case back... once without gold lettering and with titanium - not TANTALIUM wrote on the case back the other with all the correct thinghs in place I hv same 172, with gold lettering but with TITANIUM wrote on the case back instead tantalium... will bring to my goldsmith to rewrite!
  10. "officine panerai firenze" in caseback mechanism shouldnt be in gold?
  11. it seems them hv but not the darn right size!!! http://www.cousinsuk.com/catalog/4/2221/2222.aspx ... same at ofrei http://www.ofrei.com/page1208.html too bad
  13. when u'll be ready to sell them i'm already in line to get one congrats, very escellent work
  14. well what can I say... i was missing ur excellent review, thx for posting it, very great
  15. very cool looking congrats ordered mine as well from pt, the dealer was kind and comunicative, nice experience so far (still waiting for the AS chrono ordered 1 month ago from chris I've the feeling them will arrive togheter )
  16. i ordered 3 watches (almost 1.000 usd payed) the 9 march, Chris is comunicative, but watches r still on the way, I think you just hv to seat on ur hands and wait calmly
  17. Hi, I'll be in Florence next week I noted many members wear on them Panerai leather straps made in Florence... someone can point me out some store I may visit to buy some good quality strap for my pannys? thx
  18. Hope some expert will reply.. I'm interested in the answer as well
  19. Dont worry.. I bealive in Italy there r as many replica "factoryes" as in China... and u can see at any corner brand articles (expecially clothes and accessories fashion) to be sold in the streets Just my 2 cents, if u dont want to be spotted dont wear a Rolex, at least in rome it seems to me any 10 person 2 wears an original one (not to count the ones with a rep).. if I was u i was wearing a Pam.. more rare to be see sofor harder to be spotted Hv a good stay in italy, and if u happen to visit rome dont miss Galleria Borghese Museum (u hv to reserve a visit throught them website) which is absolutely unmissable (filled by marvellous bernini masterpieces)
  20. wow marvelous baby congrats
  21. the collectors in this forum sell all the same watch (hig end replica coma all out from the same factories, only costumer care and qc may vary from one collector to another... forum is here to make u build ur own opinion about who to trust better, just read the review, I found myself always fine with Josh, now buyng from Eurotimez ((Chris)) and will review him as soon as I've the watches) , u can make it relumed by The Zigmeister and ar by chieftang and u'll hv a perfect (or as close to perfect as a watch who cost thousands and u payed less then 1k) can be I WOULD LIKE TO ASK TO THE EXPERT A THING: WHO SELL A PANERAI WITH THE CORRECT ENGRAVING LOGOS ON THE CASEBACK MECHANISM BRIDGE? thx in advance
  22. i c ur point the sea-gull quater repeater at 21k complicate my finances as well, just waiting such drilly feathuers to be costy as the affordable tourbillon (500 usd..)
  23. since u r into repeaters maybe u hv more info then i do I'd been reading sea-gull presented last year a repeater mechanism in basel (so they should produce "perpetual calendar" "tourbillon" and repeater... pretty many complications...) but browsing them site i didnt found nothingh about repeater watch I'm into repeater as well (in fact i bought a bulova millennia... I know is quartz... sorry) any rumors about chinese mechanical repeater mechanism coming out any soon?
  24. Ciao Domenico, fra le modifiche che esegui fai anche il relumen delle lancette/quandrante? Puoi trattare i cristalli per l'antiriflesso? grazie
  25. Christiaan van der Klaauw is a famous watchmaker... if i didnt geti it wrong his movements are modified ETA 2824-2 and for a way much cheaper price him is able to make watch as planetarium, look them out... http://watchismo.blogspot.com/2007/01/asto...stiaan-van.html
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