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Noel Fleischer

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Posts posted by Noel Fleischer

  1. I know they don't get too much 'press' around here because everybody is

    always talking about the SMP, UPO, "Moonie", etc. Just a reminder that this is still a really great rep.

    the quality and mov't are tops, real ETA- almost positive. Also, not too common like the sub; therefore almost

    everybody will think its gen. There are some awesome TT combos available too.


  2. the watch does look really nice. i think maybe we should be alittle open minded about the

    movt. aren't quartz movts sometimes very small and they work well. if its truly a swiss ladies movt and it works who cares how big it is.

    it does look weird but who's gonna open the case and look at it anyway?

  3. i have the opposite experience. i have good luck with my A7750's although

    i hardly use the chronos. the exception of course are the Daytonas.

    i have tons of trouble with the 'swiss etas'- most of them have to be serviced. they are dirty and the winding/setting mechanisms are crap.

    at this point most of the mov't seem suspect over there. probably better off with a $500 Hamilton with real swiss mov't.

  4. thanx doc.

    don't feel bad. i posted my entire collection of about 50 something watches

    on RG. i had like 20 views and 0, nada, zilch, replies! i had to book an extra session with my shrink.

    i'm being treated for rep watch dependence disorder. now i have severe depression due to the lack of interest in my


  5. well spoken robbie. i wasn't into watches at all until my late 30's. in fact, even though

    i'm a professional, i wore Casio, Seiko, etc.my first half decent watch was a Tag. looking back- almost all were

    stylistcally rolex knock- offs.

    when i turned 40 i bought myself a plain white/oyster DJ. that was the start of the collecting. i 've always had at least 1 gen DJ since then.

    now that i'm into reps - i have concentrated still on the rollies. i have 3 gens and like 20 reps, almost 1 of every model and many

    subs, DD's & DJ's. i have since spread out abit to bigger models like the PAMs, HB BB etc.

    there is still something special to me about the rolex. i've never seen one that i thought looked bad (except maybe the YM2).

    some of the geeks put down the rollies cos they're 'too small'. also they mistakenly say that the bracelets are 'flimsy'.

    i challenge anyone to handle the gen and not think that they are the most comfortable and silky feeling watch/bracelet combo.

    i even disagree with By-Tor when he says that the best reps are close to the quality and feel of the gen. they never come close to the FEEL.

  6. the exchange rate doesn't seem to affect the dealers. for ex;

    i recently bought from PT in the UK. before he was listing prices in pounds.

    now that the dollar is stronger he simply switched to pricing in USD. i wouldn't expect any across

    the board drop in prices. even the recent severe economic conditions haven't caused any drop that i can tell.

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