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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. BEst you can get, custom order it from HKTAN otherwise, look to bob - http://www.waccex.de/catalog/ he has some nice orange gator
  2. yeah [censored] i was up all nnight posting from my blackberry and talking tiffany jewlery and photoshop with ken. my wife was like - its so bright, put it down, get some sleep. No - I must keep the Posts, Going -Must Not Let Them Fall OFff AHHHHH 2 of 3 days with only 2 and 1/2 hrs sleep - the crash is coming
  3. I can play take 5 on drums - i have a funny video playing it in HS for a talent show when i was 16. i put it together last minute - drums trumpet bass - and Vibes for the key parts. I put us in tuxedo shirts and bow ties- used black lights. We opened the theme song to the muppet show - went into take 5 when it ws my turn to solo - i first took off my big white hat with teh black satin thing around it - hung it on my cymbal and comed my hair. then soloed - ahh the good ole days - I can also play on guitar the lead line to take 5 including the original sax solo note for note - i was proud of that. time out was one of my early must play albums
  4. My Drum Heros are Vinnie Coliuta Mike Portnoy My Drum Influences are Jeff Porcaro (toto) Jerry Gaskill (king's x) Lars (metallica) Alex Vanhalen (duh) WIll Calhoun (living colour) Tim Alexander (primus) Rod Morganstein (dixie dregs, platypus, jelly jam, winger) favorite guitar song to play - wind crys mary is anyone still reading this? -
  5. is it just me, or does anyone else, every time they read this thread title, they think of the song Cry me a River Design me a logo. . design me a logo, i designed a logo for youuuuu
  6. the next logical question is where to source affordable non-ar crystals - this saves the problem of popping it out and it saves the problem of stripping. was that 100/crystal or 100/25
  7. no one said the hobby is cheap and i have always stateed that the list price for a rep is only the starting point!!! I have a few 7750s 1 old, 2 new - no problems hmmm 28800 hmmmm There will always be a percentage in this game that just craps out - thats the nature of the business. no QC this is about have nice watches and lots of them for reasonable prices. - i have seen plenty of issues with Gens- so don't fool yourself they are "perfect"
  8. on the page is does NOT say light ar, it specifically says AR - i don't know if that was missed on their part. Most of his other watches say light ar, you have to always check http://perfect-clones.com/omse10029-planet...ate-p-2204.html "Sapphire crystal AR coating"
  9. I think that casio calc watch that was above, or maybe the G Shock one. i only ever perused the 500- and under watches until i got into reps What started my crazyness for high end watches/ reps was my dads breitling chronomat - photoed in my collection
  10. That wasn't the point at all. - The point was - i wanted to put my opinion out there that i think we (rwg.cc) should stay independant and not follow RWI's lead on the 5 star deal. I don't think were name calling - I don't think i or others were accusing them of taking money or watches. My point was, once you open the door, down the road it is inevitable. - bad month for sponserships - high extra costs for servers - desperate times. My experience with human nature. we often end up having to do in a tuff situation things that were never intended.
  11. He does weekly poker games with the 5th beatle and Dave Mustain - Man i hope that someone gets this joke and its not to obscure
  12. thanks everyone - i have a bunch of stuff with The Zigmeister right now - and a few more on the way, once that is all done, i'm going to re-organize the whole my collection setup i got going here
  13. Concern - i have the new PO coming soon, it has AR, not light AR - guess i will see when it gets here
  14. Not my kind of statement. I am an establishment rebel. Its a fine line. In many ways I like to stick it to the man. But in many ways I am the man Such is the conflict that encompases my daily travels. I like to live on the edge (Of wus cliff). Who knows.
  15. Well I am very happy to hear it !!! Long live rwg!!! I guess thanks to the admins to the dealers to the The Zigmeister to everyone for making this such a great place. there are a lot of people that put work and time in and not a lot of thank you. So thanks!!!!! This is the greatist drain on my financial resources ever
  16. . I think it is. I have a definit anti streak. Rebel without a clue so to speak. And anti in the name of creativity I like corums anti attitude. I think its creative. I was suprised myself at how classy it ended up. I actually wanted more anti. I'm workin on a po witha nice orange crock band. That should be a statement
  17. i was so sad to see my post count - die coming over only time i ever built up a post count on a forum - this one is getting up there
  18. ahh yes the great asshat storm of 72 - i remember it as if it was yesterday
  19. no my father swears by him. Here is my top story top compliment ever. I sat in with a jazz big band a few years ago - i played a song that was nto a hard core swing tune, but one that buddy rich used to play. Mercy Mercy mercy After the tune - i hear a "where did you come from man" - from the back row -a trumpet player - Thought i had a great groove. That guy - was at my college under scholarship getting a masters - he got that scholarship as a "ringer' cause he was a touring member of the buddy rich big band. That was the greatest compliment i ever got we had a jam band for a few months - we met really early in the morning. - i never got to try to go tot he level i would have wanted in music - But, thanks to this and a few other things, i have peace with it
  20. um - man, - well if its your thing? - maybe without all the bling - but isn't it like 7k? or did i read that wrong
  21. i agree with all your points. I dind't post there - i posted here, where i feel some ownership as an active member and sponser. well except 3 - my point was - the age old question is really who has the best sub FOR ME is it the newbmariner? for the perfect sub? that was always the prevailing theory right? Choose your dealer then you watch? are you really willing to say that josh and trusty have the best sub?
  22. i posted on this before cause i was confused. but i have been reading some more discussion with what is going on at RWI. I don't think anyone there could or nessecarily should give a rats ass about what i have to say cause i am not very active there. but, here - i do participate. so i wanted to just put on the record my thought, for what it is worth. 1. i think it is important for the board to stay independant of the dealers. I think "ranking" dealers officially just doesn't accomplish anything. when i started this, you didn't have a dealers section. there was an offers section, but you had to search alot 2. now people get it on a siver platter - they don't need any additional headlines. 3. there is plenty of information out there for consumers to make their own decisions. 4. no dealer is perfect. i love josh, and trusty, - i do. never had a bad interaction with them. but, i have had some bad deals with other dealers - and other people on the board think they are the best thing since sliced bread. - to each their own - every dealer is different with different styles - those are personal decisions and criteria that i do not believe can be ranked on independant criteria (which is something you woud need for a star system) 5. i think this board has integrity. Did i jump on dev cause i thought he was overly harsh? yeah, but, we debated, got our points out, agreed to disagree and went on. - i did not dispute his right to state his opinion, just tried to convince him to take a different perspective. 6. Maybe there is no money changing hands now with dealers for ratings, but lets get real. money makes the world go round and maybe not today maybe not tommorow but someday soon, it will turn to money, or free watches or whatever. if you don't think so, you haven't had enough "real world" experience. this opinion is based on lots of experience of bribing politicians for a living. - Its amazing how people change over time of course i am not knocking our admins or RWI's admins, i'm just saying that sooner or later, money comes in - maybe its just enough to keep the board going. well i am happy to chuck in my 5 bucks a month to keep the forum independant. this of course has not happened yet here, but i see it there, and who knows, people get ideas. - so, for whatever its worth, i wanted to go on record - and do it here, where i consider home. - to many long years of - our current system hurray to end on a positive note - this is clearly the golden age of reps - it won't last forever. i am super happy - i am super poor and I LOVE RWG!!!!!!
  23. never used a panasonic, only canon sony nikon and osme crap brands so to be revised - in the same camera class, its been my experience that canon's photos are better colors are better, pound for pound. based upon the models i have reviewed glass is very important. bigger your glass, better your photos (keeping all else =) compact = less quality - also, red eye is caused by the flash being too close to the lens. so on the tiny compact camera's like mine - you suffer in flash capabilities the reviews are great, dpreview is great. first pic your dealer - oh wait - first pick the class of camera you want, based upon size and quality and then find the best camera in your class keep in mind that if you choose wisely you will have a complete video camera replacment as well
  24. Good then, those prices are good - also, find out if they can coat on an uneven surface like a cyclops or does it have to be removed. I knew this could be a good business for someone. i hope for all of us the best of luck
  25. thought this was worth a post Aeh Warehouse hands out $99 Pearl Consider this the fine print. Russ points us to this little tidbit - thank you, sir. For Canadian residents, there’s a warehouse sale going down at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. GetConnected.ca, on select dates and times (find those after the jump), will have the Pearl for a mere $99 after you agree to a three-year plan with Rogers. You’ve got to be one of the first 50 activations through the door to receive a free Bluetooth headset, though, so grow your nails to gouge some eyes and slap on those old soccer cleats - that Pearl is yours. The Pearl blowout is happening at the following dates and times: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM http://www.toronto.com/shopping/event/504365
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