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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Get on the waiting list for the new HD tivo (directv branded DVR) as soon as you can. they rock and they are only retail 300 bucks but that is to lease it
  2. i am supremly interested. The one problem i have is removing crystals, which i bet if i tried hard i could find a watchmaker to do for me. There is the problem of who's crystal is who's do they have a solution for that? and, have you built money for yourself into the process? because handling 25 crystals from random members is ALOT of work. there is no way you want to get into this for free or you will never make it past hte first run
  3. thats only cause you aren't listening to the new music There are less rock stars that have universal non- muscian appeal, but that is true across the board, i think its more the way music is marketed - i mean there are no Guitar Hero's that your average idiot on the street can identify. But there are definatly stand out drummers. you want to talk fast hands - ala buddy rich - check out Admin lang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J_ePg8DNEI (notice by the way the single bass drum as per earlier discussion) want to talk groove? - will calhoun of living colour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQG60858LQo and, crap check out this 12 yr old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeqdyOjJCcc and of course my favorite is Mike Portnoy of dream Theater (vinnie doesn't count he was out in the 70's) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A70riIDQ_r4
  4. non-SLR go with canon no one beats canon pound for pound in the non-pro market for quality of camera If you want a nice portable digital camera - i recomend the the SD800IS - http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=sd800i...0&scoring=p you can't go wrong for 350 bucks i have the 700IS, its awesome, you can see my photos if you click on my collection in my signature the 800 has a built in wide angle lens. the IS is image stabilization which is just ok for photos, BUT its AWESOME for video. you won't need a video camera anymore- just a couple of big memory cards, the 800 will accept 4 gb thats like an hour and a half of video!!!! i had a really nice sony, but my brother wiht an older camera always had better color in his photos. If your going SLR - different world, but they are heavy and less portable. But you will never get a non- slr to give you the color depth and quality of an SLR ENJOY!!!
  5. ALL THE MORE REASON TO REP IT i like lost more as well. I just started heroes my wife is a lost nut. i try not to get invested in to many shows thanks to tivo - i run everything on my own time
  6. [censored] Cheney is here hunting again - no one is safe TALLAHASSEE -- Vice President [censored] Cheney flew into Tallahassee Monday afternoon to go on a hunting trip. Though there are no details of his destination, Cheney is on a hunting trip. Exchanges on Interstate 10 were blocked earlier this afternoon and a spokesperson for the Tallahassee Police Department said it was done as security for the vice president passing through. He's expected to be in the area through Wednesday. Megan McGinn, spokesperson for the vice president's office in Washington, D.C., said Cheney flew into Tallahassee Regional Airport this afternoon. Gov. Jeb Bush's office said the vice president did not meet with anyone in the governor's office. "He's hunting north of here," said Anthony DeLuise, a spokesman for Bush's office. It was on a hunting trip nine months ago in Texas that Cheney was responsible for a shooting accident. Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old Austin attorney, was shot while hunting quail with the vice president and later recovered.
  7. yeah - that can be true - with the head response depending on how you tune it i have had that issue when my head is to loose, it doesn't respond well with the double kick, i'm no portnoy but sometimes its almost like a flam DB hit, but - in reality, i have seen the super crazy fast guys, the ones that can't keep a beat but can sound like a blender on drums - they usually use 1 DB - and they play faster than portnoy. eitherway its definatly not common - -Re: Kiss in the 80's KIss set definatly not bigger than portnoy, but probably was bigger than the pert set. 70's and 80's it was all about who had the bigger kit - Kruz- Gadd is one of the best, he is up there on my best of groove charts - my favorite groove of his to play is 50 ways to leave your lover - Man thats a tuff one to hit right. Vinnie rises to the top for me, because he also had a great rock groove. - I know that Zappa used to call him mini steve gadd or something to that effect its amazing how this thread got hijacked yet kept its bi-polar issue on track
  8. you spray your eyeglasses with hair spray? that just sounds silly jk Arch - " Guys this is a great effort. (Modders can get any AR shade they want for 60 bucks). " was that a comment or a fact?
  9. yeah i heard 2k as well. Dani - this was practically a real time blog commentary on the episode it happened last night so if you missed it, you owouldn't have remembered it. But clearly our evil villian is a watchmaker with crazy cookoo glasses I'm tellin ya - syler watches - for chinese prices = lots of rabid fans in HS spending $$$
  10. NO [censored]- me to, its such a small world
  11. used to be into dave mathews - i think they had some really innovative ideas. Under the table and dreaming - great stuff. but he is a little steril for my tastes - i tried, but i just couldn't get into it. i am more groove oriented, my favorite drummer is vinnie coliuta - you have heard him you may just not know it. He played with zappa, he was sting's drummer for fields of gold played on like 100 albums. (http://www.vinniecolaiuta.com) i mean how can you not love a guy that recorded with Zappa, chick corea, and MEGADETH - no i'm not kidding Although that dream theater track sounds kind of steril and technical if you listen to the drum tracks broken out (which you can do cause he puts that stuff out) its actually very "Groovy" dream theater is great - if you enjoyed that you should check them out, just do a you tube search. They range alot- this is one of the heavier songs they do. much melodic much progressive all amazing
  12. i should let it be known that TVT has retained me as counsel - and i have to assert that he is correct in its posting in thsi particular forum. Therefor hitherto i believe he should be qualified for any post of the month here thereafter TVT - post of the month is sponsered and you get free stuff like watches - this month its like cufflinks or something As your attorney i am taking 1/3 although i maintain post of the year winner should win dinner with his or her dealer of choice. and the plane ticket to get there. how fun would that be - can you imagine a group of josh's security guards pick you up blindfolded at the hotel take a tour of the light box . . . candelight dinner for 2 on the beach . . oh wait - this is getting to wierd
  13. no one uses real double bass you would have to tune the 2 heads identical everyone uses double bass pedels so your kicking the same drum. usually the 2 bass drums are for effect
  14. probably some sort of digital animation. So, i wonder if we here about a homicidal maniac named panerai running around, that either palp or The Zigmeister have discovered they can inherit super powers by killing people Alright, so - can enzo make a Syler watch? we could make shitloads of money on myspace.
  15. actually i think its a homicidal maniac
  16. i have a blackberry it has a super loud speaker and i cut mp3's from my favorite band dream theater for ringtones There is one that i am using now -which i think is super cool, its got a crazy drum into, i use like the first 14 seconds or so. But no one knows what the hell it is. it usually shocks them. i actually had a group of them i called ringtones for drummers, it also had some neil pert anyway if anyone is interested or if anyone wants to be able to pick me out of a crowd - if you hear this, look for the phone and i always put it on vibrate in business meetings they wouldn't understand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A70riIDQ_r4 ROCK ON BEVIS oh its called honor thy father
  17. the opening scene of Heros opens with a watchmaker puting together a supposed 1917 movement he listened to the movement and said- Hmm, its running 2 seconds slow.
  18. interesting, he used to push josh - he pushed me to josh, Josh went and got me a watch that river, king said wasn't available being willing to make a little effort for me definatly paid off for him. he has probably sold 20 watches to me and friends and family i reffered. Its much easier now with his website. I have also learned to get out of the middle of transactions for family, cause then you end up doing quality control and problem solving for family. So now i go - here, website, paypal, i recomend - enjoy!! I have had nothing but great experiences with josh. i respect a guy who is willing to say - I can you get you something like thta, but in all honesty its crap, i won't stock it, because its not worthwhile. And even with his unbelievable pace he ads watches to the site (he must have a walmart size shipping ooperation) he still responds to emails (at least mine) faster than anyone else. ------------------ and thats portnoy's kit, its actually 2 sets together. He is freaking awesome Ok, time for you tube here you go portnoy playing on that drumset - using both sides - if you watch teh whole thing. This is from modern drummer festival so the video is drum heavy this is a montage of solo sections of songs put together that they did for this tour. it will BLOW YOUR MIND musicially unfortunatly because of utube restrictions you only get 7:33 of a 12:00+ montage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyqNNCUtgHM
  19. Definatly removed, there are a few people working on bringing the service to the community it won't be soon and it won't be cheap. if you can get the AR crystal for 150 bucks, it might actually be worth it. if it fits then you have to have someone pput it in for ya
  20. This will be in that first batch of crystals going for AR
  21. TVT - there is only 1 option GO BACK write more - win post of the month !!!!
  22. ok, i understand cross marketing, but - there are a bunch of dealers. Wonder if this is the future. and for drum sets - don't bother me with such trinkets for a child - a Real Drum Set - Mike Portnoy - The Siamese Monster
  23. has anyone noticed that my thread title got changed? i guess its about drums now
  24. if dev can't help i can resize the graphics for you if you have the originals and the new sizes you want. PM me for emailing details
  25. RWI has a lottery like every 10 minutes
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