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Posts posted by Katerchen

  1. @andy sorry incomplete:

    "if you are in need of a lawyer, youll get no lawyer!" lol

    One thing comes now to my mind if you are

    willing to perform a "metal-warping-live-mod" for

    the customs authorities with your watch before they seize it:

    They definitely WILL know that your watch IS FAKE :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    only a madman would do this to his gen :D

    But if you are really going to twist and bend your rep with

    a tool-kit you carry with you Andy, you have GOOD CHANCES

    that your rep will "come out" straight and all spruced up

    when they will roll over it with their PAVING ROLLER :bicycle: lol

    BEWARE that you could also be asked where you bought

    your tool-kit from and if you have a bill :D :D :D

    I see you standing there... in the end they will even demand

    a valid bill for your underwear :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Forget about it - i guess i should abate my drug-consume at the weekend lol


  2. Bought this Tiffany ring from a site along with other things and this is the only one that came out bad. There is a weird coating on it. It's supposed to look like sterling silver. As you can see the floral pattern is not affected, just the rest of the front.The inside and the sides of the ring look fine, its just the front. Here are pics:

    I suppose it is maybe rhodanized... ask your local jeweller to redo it.

    Or you polish it off.



  3. Hi folks. I wanted to know if anyone has been successful in moving the crown lower so the pushers and crown are staggered as they should be and not inline? Maybe those older expensive mbws? Thank you.

    That someone (what i DOUBT) is going to relocate the pushers

    at AP ROO rep is nearly of the same effort as going for the goal

    of machining an entire NEW case for the rep.

    Only thing you can perform on an easy way is to relocate

    the tube by removing the old - then closing the hole with a metal-bolt,

    redrill the hole - inserting a new (or the old tube) to the desired

    location. Now if you think this was (dont forget beveling and refinishing)

    an easy task, then try to "relocate" the 2 pushers that easy!



  4. @Katerchen: not exactly a nice way...


    YES, indeed... same thoughts went through my head

    BEFORE i typed my text, but you know what?

    If in a situation like that beeing too naive to realize whats going

    on in reality - this guy will put his hand onto the hotplate again!

    And then?

    Then this guy will think - how lucky would i be now, if someone

    experienced only would have said the hard facts articulately

    inside my face...

    You have no other way, if someone doesnt "wake-up" with noise

    than to take the bucket with cold water and spill.

    My words were choosen mate because as a "longer-time-member"

    i feel responsible to DETAIN people from such avoidable errors...

    Nothing more - nothing less.

    BTW Kirk Hammett ROCKS :band1:

    used to play an ESP explorer :punk: lol

    Now you understand why...


  5. Andy... BEST thing is always to have a bill or copy of a bill

    of the watch. What also would "make their day" is a different proof

    that the watch/watches belong to you and where already bought inside

    of the country you for ex. return to!

    Maybe as someone stated a hint/photographs inside a photobucket

    or similar account would work as well - maybe you have older

    pictures of the watch together with a computer/laptop with you ;)

    But be carefull - i saw at the airport that they also check

    sometimes for ex. salesman with laptops travelling from outside EU,

    if they bought or are going to import this machine...

    if you have no bill or copy for your laptop

    you might get other problems lol

    Damn that customs... omnipotent controls more and more

    police state. Dunno where we are heading...


  6. Dear Apexwatch!!

    First sorry for your loss - from what i heard ProWatchPolo

    might be "newer" but dedicated and trustworthy seller!!


    dont wanna dampen you but DO YOU REALLY THINK

    that some "CN-special-hack-agent" achieved to

    implement successful a fake PP link on

    fake-watch-site making you send over 500 Bucks

    and you still BELIEVE you are going to get

    a maybe inferior Rep from that extraterrestrial

    "陳佩玲" Dealer - Man, are you NAIVE! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Welcome to the internet btw!

    This was apprentice's premium $$$ you paid my friend -

    and btw i already lost over 1000

  7. @automatico

    Life can be weirder than fiction soemtimes


    Situation "A" is not clearly posted as a question or not?

    Beeing no expert but from what i expereinced and heard:

    Situation "B" - if you have really "a [censored]" of a custom-officer

    and no receipt of the watch you have the situation rolling

    in 2 possible directions: Wearing/carrying one watch is positive

    for convincing him that you where not going to sell it!

    Bad for you is if the custom officer doesnt believe your

    story that you already HAD the watch when travelling out

    of germany. (This can be for ex. if the item looks "brand-new")

    Situation "C" is maybe the classic situation where you CAN

    get forced to pay import taxes - for ex. if customs dont believe

    that you are going on a GTG/meeting of some sort of Club

    with NO intention to sell/import. But good in this case is

    that you are able to get your taxes back when leaving the


    Maybe we have a lawyer here?

    Havent been too many times outside EU carrying watches

    lately to know better...


  8. ...but it's because my name is real common and matches that of someone they've been after for some time.

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    B I N L A D E N ? ? ?


    Sorry but i couldnt restrain... ahhh that was a good "pass" for me.


    Dont you want to get my new "comical assistant"??

    Sorry man... maybe its because of weekend lol


  9. Thanks Mac on brightening up my knowledge :)

    But DAMN!! :shock: i cant believe (looked it up)

    we EU people got scammed by Michael Moore -

    this was stated in one of his films...

    He represented Canadians as such "frightening"

    people that they even dont need to lock up their

    homes against burglars!

    Knowing girls such as Pamela Anderson... or Evangelista

    and others i highly doubted Moore on that one anyway :D


  10. I dont know what to say but DAM!!! :shock:

    @doderix and others

    SORRY for your loss!!

    Dont want to sound like a wise guy but following is what i practised

    at least 2 times:

    Tell the item is yours (of course you have "no clue") if item

    is gen or not - pay the TAX for importing the watch,

    then if you travel home, check with customs authorities

    and again and refund the amount you payd because

    you are taking the item back home...

    This worked for me 2 times with greek customs

    and one time the item was already packed as a gift

    but i remained stubborn and said that i am not

    going to "import" the item and it worked as well.

    This might be a solution - alternative can be

    to send the item then via mail.

    Good luck next time :)


  11. @Hike

    Thanxs for the heads-up bro... although its too late now!!! :cry2:

    I am more into Bananas than Kiwis anyway?!

    But wait... damn!

    Considering... i already did loose my Viriginity but for C H E A P :blink:

    See, that's one of those things I don't understand. Would you rather have sex with a virgin or someone who knew what they were doing?


    ---> YOU BET i would rather NOT knew what i was doing!! :bangin:

    LUV yall!


  12. lol @toad

    yeah... sorry :)

    May "teh true Kanadians" forgive me!

    I was originally trying to "mimic"

    an average American lol...

    Europe? Wheres that?

    But dont want to mix up guys... i heard (i have friends in toronto

    from greece) you canadians are pretty "laid-back"

    and smarter than americans too 8)

    (PLS may no US resident read this post so ill get stone to death)

    BUT Canadians BEWARE!!

    I also heard some US guys making HUGE PROGRESS on this issue!

    After having found where exactly the US lies and still

    is located... they found the Iraq, than also Afghanistan...

    Hopefully they will never find out WHERE exactly Canada

    or Toronto lies :D (i keep it secret)

    Too bad, my bathing trunks are in the dirty laundry

    otherwise i would consider "chiming in" your Toronto GTA from Europe -

    the atlantic can be lil cold at that season 8)

    The best to you friends!!


  13. Goreous Tourbillon - allways had great respect

    of the craftsmanship - the understated design of the

    dial with guilloche pattern almost like a ZEN-garden

    takes this movement to "another level" -

    Gorgeous rep!!

    Wouldnt care either if the breguet aint 100%

    accurate - because its for sure 100% of a beauty!!

    Wear them well friend :)


  14. stumbled over this thread before...

    today i had a closer look.

    Just have to add, you guys are absolutely


    Kudos @all for beeing

    part of a place not only about watches

    but generally a GREAT place to be

    for getting in touch with almost

    every kind of people!

    When i first joined i couldnt imagine

    that "a place about watches" or reps

    would be so much fun...

    Sorry i cant describe that good,

    maybe its not only the information you

    can get about watches and reps

    here, its more "the way" things where

    communicated between members that

    make this place an often very comfortable

    place to stay in the net!

    ...and of course because of some

    great "characters" beeing part of the show :)



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