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Posts posted by Katerchen

  1. thanxs @all for your words...

    yes, indeed this one was a "hard one" and i was

    in contact with him minimum +1 year before i

    decided to give it a try with the handsset for kruzer

    because i looked for a ro dial.

    Inside of WIS-circles he is very well known (thats all i can say)

    and on my hunt for some parts i ran at least for 3

    times over people that either told me - they got their parts

    thru him or directly from him "if mr.x cant get i cant get them as well"

    I suggest that all new AP dials and rarely other AP parts

    popping up on the net especially germany or on the bay

    where ordered thru him. I asked him too but there is no

    "proper" occupational titel to the work he does - he is no AD,

    he somewhat "grew" into this field ordering parts from the

    swiss manufacturers for service work done by others and

    watchsmiths he knows.

    I guess his knowledge for Timepieces of AP, Patek and VC

    was the reason why he has this position - at least 2 times

    he pointed out that the ADs and watchsmiths mainly dont have

    a clue when it comes to ordering replacement dials, hands, crowns

    etc. and he is the proxy assuring them that they get the right

    parts from manufacturer. Too bad, i rarely had so much fun

    discussing this and that - this was an "inside" interview

    that had to be recorded, typed and pinned for the members of

    the board :bangin: i couldnt restrain and almost felt off my

    chair when he remarked lapidary "They have no clue..., you can

    walk right thru their door wearing a rep and they wouldnt notice

    the difference...!"

    Maybe this wouldve been no such thing as a "one-way-road" leading

    to this person if interest would be mainly be in parts as rlx or

    omega that are somehow easier to get elsewhere.

    If it comes to AP, Patek and VC he is the man.

    I will contact him again (for sure) it turned out that

    we also have common acquaintance outside watch-biz and

    watch collectors... a friend and customer of mine is

    known by him. For the future and if i would be able to

    source more thru him, it depends on how our relationship

    can grow - i definitely will keep you updated.

    Someone asked for similar contacts in UK?

    I dont know, but its no bigger problem to ask him

    if he knows someone working in a position like him

    based in UK.

    Glad if i can help...



  2. just something id like to add:

    the "this-and-that-aint-available-theory" is simply

    not true - talked with my contact

    and he told me that its almost possible to order

    "anything" just a matter of $$$ and waiting time.

    Of course i have to convince him that it is "necessary"

    for him to order something for me... ;)

    Man i wish i couldve done pictures -

    for. ex. i saw about 30 - 50 Offshore Dials

    all queued up inside a folder for reference and ordering

    parts... i said tachy scale hard to get - reply: not for me...

    He wore 2 watches right a patek nautilus left a lange&s

  3. Welcome bunch and the "leisured classes" of RWG -

    especially the AP lovers :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Was hunting down a few gen parts for years now,

    suddenly a known contact "opened a door",

    this turned out to be a "gold-mine"!!

    I cant be more precise ;) - but i bet that some of you wouldve

    creamed your pants (as(s) i did :animal_rooster: )

    having experienced what i just saw...

    I couldve build me a few gens just from the watch-parts

    and spares i saw shortly - new out of the factory and used/overhauled parts.

    Might be able to source some more parts again - no promise -

    "bulk" ordering not allowed.

    And @kruzer - i will send you the ROO handsset, pls contact me for details.

    Here we go...


    Gen crown for an AP RO jumbo c-serial - no engravings




    Gen handsset for AP RO jumbo c-serial



    Gen dial for AP RO 14802ST jumbo jubile

  4. Knowing from my brother in law who has diabetes too

    i know that this illness is a struggle...

    I never had any transaction with Neil.

    I can second the impressions of many members,

    he wasnt always "easy" to handle when of different opinion...

    Nevertheless i hope the rumours about him passing away

    where not to be affirmed yet

    Now would be too soon to die.

    Best wishes!


  5. @panoris

    the thanks should mainly go to Paul and to Leo for having "the balls"

    on unveiling the true source of some of the mysterious so called

    MBW watches... this was about 3 years ago.

    The demand on these high grade watches (mainly vintage rlx) accepting genuine and OEM parts

    was so high on the rep boards, that many people either choose to loose

    some money on a transaction, than to complain about a dealer

    "where is my watch?".

    I remember many others having lost money - yeah seizure by custums IS a risk,

    but we will never know in all cases WHERE the money went.

    Secondly the prices went up up up, there were just a few people

    on the boards having access to these watches as f.ex. maria, luckyy,

    watchmaster,... in the end ttk stepped up as a supplier.

    Although there has been a lot of harsh words, fighting and even

    banning - i guess it was just about "the right time" to unveil the source

    to the unaware members and dealers to break this thing and to

    give us the chance getting these watches at moderate prices and

    maybe at a more reliable "ordering service" from the dealers.

    And @Paul you allways do risk some criticism when you manage things

    in a group buy combined with some modifications involved!

    I think you involved us in a fair and honest way during the process

    of this project - and let me just guess that the main reason that

    maria or one of his followers showed up here might just be that

    he wanted to offer the members of his board "the same watch" respectively

    a "new" version also with modified silver-screws ;)

    You see we are somehow all connected like a big community due to our interest

    in watches and good reps but when it comes to topics such as "money" and "market shares"

    there is fighting...

    Best Regards


  6. +1 @leonado

    ...there have been updates on some models.

    Having 4 RO mbk jumbos

    1 - WM9 George 2006

    2 - Used "original" MBW bought around 2003

    3 - direct from the "stall" Nahpiek - 2006 (thanks Leo)

    4 - direct from the "stall" Nahpiek - 2007

    i can say that there is virtually NO big difference -

    all watches are quite the same!

    Only differences i see is:

    Dial texture/layout shifted a little bit from

    older Modells.

    Some newer modells have different hands (more flat)

    and some have (as posted by rolexfinder in the beginning

    of this thread) different screws as first batch.

    Maybe i can see also some differences in the

    design (AP engraving and shape) of the crowns

    used now... the watches ARE definitelly from the

    same producer as the so called mbws.

    Remeber we have some collectors or dealers

    (whatever you call them) but only thing they can

    do (also Maria) is "cherry pick" some watches,

    do some QC about them, maybe order with or without ETA

    and thats it! The sellers DONT produce them,

    thats why you only bring confusion when you call them

    "made by mbw/maria" or made by WM9/George or sometimes

    back they were also called Eddielees because they

    sourced them - they didnt produce them!

    The "silver-screw-issue" is really a matter of taste.

    And you can say whatever you like about the outcome -

    ugly - beautiful - whatever... True is that Paul DID involve

    the members into the process and keeped them informed.

    To me that means that you couldve also said "no, thanks"

    if the posted pictures of the "prototype" didnt suit you.

    I didnt order one because i was in doubt that the screws

    of the "old batch" RO jumbos were replicated properly by the

    stall. I think they installed existing silver (steel/chrome)

    screws into this jumbo - thats the reason why you have something

    like a gap surrounding every screw.

    I measured and found out that the silver screws smaller ROs

    are about 1.8mm size and the screws in the jumbo about 2mm size.

    But what do you want? The people wanted a good and durable

    solution to their demand of silver case screws and this is

    what they got!

    I suggest that if they were able to get ahold of the screws (bras)

    used in the older Jumbos and silver plate them, the outcome

    wouldve been not so durable as the result of Paul!

    Make a search here and youll find plenty of pics of this model.

    The reason why the bras didnt botherd me that much is that

    Nahpieks bras screws are manufactured (or polished?) in a way

    that they do reflect pretty much and it depends on the light

    and surrounding whether youll notice a more yellow cast on them

    or dark, or a lighter yellow cast as on some WG models!

    Ive talked to several people (ADs) and other collectors about

    this issue. Shortly ive been told that AP increased their amount

    of Palladium on newer Models (AP 15300ST) on the Screws and

    the rhodanized finish wasnt applicated that much on older models

    before, thats why the screws on some older ROs appear to

    be more yellow than silver.

    But thats a different story...


  7. Ive read the whole thread TZ now interesting :brow:

    I am far away from beeing an expert on Rlx models and reps

    but in that case id like also to hear what our "Experts"

    say about Rlx-Reps back than in 1999 and if this watch

    (in TZ thread) could have been a particular rep

    of a source known to oldschool members?

    Reason i choose to say something here is because of an

    assumption to this rep and why i dont believe this watch

    to be necessarily of CN make or assembled in CN...

    What some members stated inside this thread reminded me of an

    incident i experienced back in '99:

    Never having seen or touched a thing as a replica-watch before,

    a co-worker of mine proffered some counterfeit watches to

    me asking if i would be interested in getting one.

    He had some rlx, breitling and tags inside a box.

    This guy had some work experience abroad in mid 90s

    because he was selling and installing air conditioning units

    mainly in saudi arabia (dubai) and asia.

    I guess it was Electrolux but dont blame me im not sure...

    The watches looked good to me, price was cheap so

    i choose to pick up my first rep - a white dialed quartz

    TAG chrono. Having so many questions about where he got them

    bla bla whatever, i decided to have a cold beer and talk

    with him after work.

    So, this guy told me that he got his watches mainly from

    dubai (doesnt mean they were necessarily made there)

    and also told me about gold market, jewelers , gen and rep

    rolexes in Dubai and that he would NEVER buy a Rlx from there

    even if someone would give him $$$ as a present to buy...

    I said why? And this is where the "tale" beginns.

    He said (and this is exactly what this guy on TZ wrote)

    that for some watchmakers in Dubai it aint no big thing

    in getting a genuine Rlx movement and letting the case

    of the watch/bracelet etc. replicate as close to gen as can

    be and than sell the "franken" watch as a gen one, with papers,

    box, stickers etc. etc. I asked further and he said, this is

    mainly the case for Solid-Gold Rlx replicas.

    He also did tell me about some cases where a watchmaker

    couldnt confirm that a watch was counterfeit because of

    gen movement and good overall replicated (or aftermarket??)

    case etc. and they first heard that the watch IS counterfeit

    when they returned or send it to Rlx headquarters for Service :)

    He said he did saw some of these watches in Dubai in person

    but never bought or intended to sell something like this

    for a profit. I asked him about whether these watches where

    produced/replicated also in arabia but he couldnt confirm or

    disclaim that it wasnt like that! He just said that he suposses

    especially the gold ones to be of arabia/dubai make.

    Is anybody maybe of the oldschool members down here also familiar

    with things like that or was it just a "tell-tale"??

    If things like this did really happen - maybe we got a case of a few

    "high grade" non-CN frankens produced in the orient on the market?!



  8. Glad to see the project did finally achieve some results :victory:

    So, in the end, what model Royal Oak is this trying to be closest to?



    ;) it may depend whether you do "judge" this replica more from the

    front (15202ST-like) or first from the back (more 15002ST like)

    ok pls forget the E-serial engravings on back...

    Another thing i just want to add especially for the people who are

    sceptical about pulling the trigger on this one or not is

    that you do really receive a watch (mbk jumbo)

    with a feel and finish second to no existing

    AP RO or AP RO jumbo rep to the day!

    This rep has been one of my daily beater for a period

    of 3 years and more now...

    All i can say is that the fit, finish, feel and endurance

    of the watch are outstanding!

    Compared to a "standard" CN 36mm AP RO and a smaller

    36mm 14790ST rep (said to be TW made) this mbk Jumbo

    takes the cake... Far better clasp and bracelet

    than CN 36mm Versions (mine was twisted and broke

    just after a few days of wearing) beautiful brushed

    and polished metal on case - just minor scratches

    after years of "desk diving" -

    Maybe the screws coloring is more a matter of taste

    to some but also dont forget and bear in mind that

    you really receive a rep that "feels and looks valuable"!

    So if you love the design and look of the Royal Oak

    THIS is the rep 2 go!!



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