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Posts posted by slask111

  1. Yeeees snus is the way to go. Try snus2.se .. get all my stuff from there.

    Thanx Redwatch and Jkay for the hints. I cinda love that Macro extension tube that you linked to redwatch. Good price as well. Have the missis over atm, but i will loke into it tomorrow.

    Btw have been playing around with the camera all night. I love it more and more. Most because of the easy menus and settings. Its a breeze to setup and it dosent take long to learn how to use the camera to its potential. I can recommend it.

  2. Playing around with it now. Seems hard to take real macro shots, it cant focus. But then again i have had the camera for an hour or so.. might be my fault...

    Otherwise it seems like a nice camera. Not to big and its light weight. Remains to se if its any better than the Canon G9 i had before. Bad lights inside my apt, but theese shots a managed to take without any flash (its night outside).



  3. Thnx for the input all. How is that lence for macro shots scanny?

    How fortunate for me that the pen works with the Panasonic lences ;-) might as well get me one of theese, for 250€ it seems like a good deal. Nothing better out there? For that price i mean? Now lets se.. A new camera or a new Pam 005 ;-)

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

  4. Hi,

    I love my watches, and i love taking pictures of them. I used to use a Canon GX9 and a Ricoh Micro 4/3 camera bot sold em both (yes to buy more watches..).

    Now i use a crappy point and shoot and the pictures sucks. Its a waterproof camera so i have some use for it ( you should se the looks i get when i drop it in a glas of water ;))

    But there might be a solution. It seems that the OLYMPUS PEN E-PL1 with objective 14-42MM is on sale nowadays. It has good/great reviews, but mostly the price is right. In sweden they can be bought for around 250€. Im no wizard when it comes to taking pictures. With my previous cameras i had to take 300 shots to get 1 good one. I like the idea with the PEN that you can take great shots without any knowlage. So thats me.. taking the easy route..

    Anyone got this camera and is willing to share some input? I have read like a million reviews but noone tell me how the macro mode is.

    Pls give me your thoughts about this camera, and if you dont have one.. what could you recommend in the 250€ range?


  5. It's funny you said someone to bring you back down, I thought if that scene in Airplane, calm down, get ahold of yourself slap slap.

    Haha that is how i felt, truly! Now two days has passed and i realise that i just need to shill.

    What to answer on such a nice post? No idea, but the words are true wisdom ;p Thnk god for the oldtimers ;)

    Now i will just shill and find something i really want.. like a used 000 where someone already changed the movement. Might not be avalible today.. but someday :)

  6. Also - note I said The Zigmeister. The Zigmeister is the # 1 source and authority on rep movements in all of the rep universe bar none. If The Zigmeister says it, might as well be Moses with tablets.

    Ok, I saved you 2 weeks of research - enjoy

    phoband, good and valid points. I guess its love that make you want to service a watch. To be honest im happy that i did service a few gems thats not avalible anymore.. so i couldnt buy a new one if the one i own broke. But i only do that with keepers.

    Thnx again, sometimes i think to much and need to get back down to earth.

  7. Haha thnx for all the help. Buy it! No dont buy it! I would make an offer on that one for sale but im in EU and its with a rubber strap. But man that 000 looks good.

    Maybe i have to order a new one and have it serviced. But it would be better if the factorys would sort out their movement issues ;)

    And no im not going with running secs. I just loooove the clean look without secs on the dial. Love it! (and its the cheapest as a gen, passable ;))

  8. Hello folks,

    Been of the Pams for a while but i figure that with the latest releases and how good they are its to good to pass on. Who knows when or if we will se something like this in the future.

    Im looking for a base pam, like the 000 or 112. A wery clean watch if you ask me. So now to the problem. Should i get one?

    After reading (alot) on the forums im no smarter. There seems to be no good version at the moment. And i base this due to the fact that im not able to swap movements my self, and i want a out of the box rep. Hasslefree so to speak.

    H maker movement is not reliable? (Lowbeat 6497).

    Noob movement not reliable? (running sec stem mod might be bad).

    So what to do? Anyone happen to know if H or Noob is updating their movements soon or something? The 000 sports a closed caseback so put whatever in there right?

    Any tips on how to solve this. Just want a base pam without running secs thats reliable.

    Tnx for your time.

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