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Everything posted by gran

  1. Follow this link to the greatest Tourbillion maker in Asia http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=3454 Some description of a simple tourbillion Here is a graphical illustration of the tourbillon parts. The tourbillon device has the escape wheel, lever, and balance wheel all mounted in a carriage made of a lightweight material (usually titanium). The carriage turns 360 degrees at regular intervals (usually once per minute). The fourth wheel (not shown) is fixed and is concentric with the carriage pinion and arbor. The escape wheel pinion meshes with the fourth wheel and rotates around the fourth wheel in the fashion of a satellite. The escape wheel and lever are mounted on the carriage, and the third wheel (not shown) drives the carriage pinion, turning the carriage once every minute. This rotation of the escapement helps reduce the positional errors of a watch.
  2. Two tone OMEGA Seamaster look more like something TAG would have done...
  3. Good work! Now go find out the details
  4. That is true Pugwash but maybe now we need a Asian tourbillion expert.....to tell us whats out there
  5. @Pugwash "A mean solar day is exactly 24 hours long" is a constructed measure of time. The length of a real day differ and thus what you see on a sundial differ. You seem to beleive that an artificial construction ("mean day") is more real than the real day cycle out there. Wake up. the watch time is just an approximation and a convention. There is a need to look at this for many angels Pugwash, you should take in new knowledge with pleasure rather than to resist true insight. True time is what is actually happening out there in the real world not what is shown by your watch (admitedly the difference is only seconds but its ads up...) Regards Gunnar
  6. What the hell is going on?
  7. I am not sure that this BarndyCurtis is a tourbillion at all looks like an ordinary chinese automatic to me BarndyCurtis is likely trash But maybe the sea-gull one is a true tourbillion.....we need more details about all of this. g.
  8. Clue number 2: This watch has two balance wheels. The aim is to even out the effects of gravity on the escape hairspring, alternative solution to the problem than a tourbillion, and is much more rare to see than a tourbillion
  9. Replica dealers should never go on vacation
  10. Get the PO then at least you dont have to wind it
  11. True the movies are bad but the books could be great books often overshadow the movie Truth is I love Star Trek a lot more than Star Wars
  12. It seems you know very little about the space fabric of time Pugwash Our watches do not tell us the true time at our location on the earth. The revolution of our planet around our sun and our planets revolution around its axis as a measure of time is what is supposed to be measured. Fact: The day length is not exactly 24 hours at my current location and probably not on yours either.
  13. absolutely, there is so much unknown about him. I'd really like to know why he wanted to take over the galaxy...I mean i guess ppl have weird aspirations in our world all the time...sadam hussien and all the rest of it....but still. Also how or when his anti alien bias started/why. It would also be an interesting book to see the clone wars from his perspective.
  14. I would love to see a Palpatine novel be written.It should tell how he became a sith,or maybe he could be a jedi that turned to the darkside ,and changed his name to Palpatine.What do you guys think?
  15. Sundials in fact can tell time more accurately than your watch Now how can this be? Regards Gunnar
  16. Re: Getting friends Hello Hal, I just read your message and I thought I would write back. I would like to make as many friends as possible from everywhere around the world. Maybe one day we can meet. Where are you from ? What do you do ? Do you work ? Have you traveled a lot ? What countries ? Tell me a little about yourself. As for me, I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. This is where I still live. I live with my parents and I'm 24 years old. I have one brother who is younger. I work full time a legal secretary for a law firm here in Montreal but I'm planning to go back to school next fall (2000) and finish my bachelor's degree in law and become a lawyer. Well, email me as soon as possible. Take care, Katia
  17. If it was me I would have.....but then again its just an internet fora
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