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Everything posted by gran

  1. gran

    I'm hurt

    I am not able to log in at the original RWG something going on..or down?
  2. Even with a tourbillion and being a skeleton I think that US$980 for Nice rose gold plated replica is steep for any watch Do you think it is too steep? g.
  3. For a moment there you sounded like a new dlgates but lets face it this request comes from someone who has got 26 posts and no avatar tell us all about yourself first BTW I do like you a lot warburg so dont get offended I once a long time ago had the great fortune to attend Port Richmond HS for half a year (do you know where it is located?)
  4. Your avatar is driving me mad....
  5. The Classic Billable HourTM Watch for lawyers Clocking the Hours They really could only have been invented by Americans. Far more useful than a goldfish Jacuzzi, more fun than a magnetically floating fountain pen, The Billable Hour watches and clocks must be birthday nirvana for some lawyers out there . . . . The timepieces—sold by US couple Mark and Lisa Solomon—have faces delineated not by standard five-minute sections, but by the six-minute increments used by many lawyers to break up their chargeable hours. Now you too can tell at a glance whether to interrupt that favourite client during one of their fascinating phone tales . . . or just leave them to slip over to the next unit.
  6. The replica repport can not possibly contain everything there is to know about replica watches so no worries guys...... and BTW replicas is all about the money for a lot of people anyways. Good thing is that the rapport allows some customers to avoiding buying "fakes". g.
  7. Lets get back on topic.....should we make this the official RWG newbie picture? Guys in red are RWG veterans the one in greem is....a newbie or someone who want to ruin the party...Gr....something
  8. Slik så det ut ned Kirkegårdsveien på Tromsøya litt etter halv ni i morges (08:30 this morning). Snøen hadde tint på veien, men ikke helt på bilen. Valen, Finnsnes akkurat nå
  9. Great to have another collector here. You seems to have a taste for complications and that means that you have to buy watches that are functionally very far from the real deal. I call these approximations or in some cases fantasy watches. They are nice, flashy and impressive to look at. Myself, I dont buy complications like these any more (even if they look spectacular) and above all I try not to buy watches with a silly sun at the place where a modest moonphase dial should be revolving. Regards Gran
  10. Welcome to RWG Les and yes this forum will definetly help you but please read and search as much as possible g.
  11. Since its you TANGFOLIO it cant possibly be a bluff g. (besides you got the gun..)
  12. This is unfortunately true too bad that the people running the factories et al are not as interested in improvements as we are Thanks for this great description by-tor and i hope someone will pin this Regards Gunnar
  13. Exellent review thanks for sharing Happy Timekeeping Gunnar
  14. A few years back peterussell began counting his age not in years, but days. "The day is the natural cycle of our lives. The cycle of light and dark, wakefulness and sleep, has more significance than the cycle of the seasons. Indeed, in equatorial latitudes, you hardly notice the passing of the seasons. The day is what counts." http://www.peterussell.com/age.html
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