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Everything posted by chronoluvvv

  1. depending on the watch-smith, repair & replacement can take anything from a few weeks to months and even then there's no surety the fixes will stay fast if you're willing to take the chance and have the patience get 'em fixed else sell 'em for parts and use the funds to buy a replacement
  2. yea but i like the driver in your sig
  3. fat girls need love too same reason people buy Panerai
  4. welcome onboard i'm in the PNW that is half way to the Arctic Circle and i've been watching too much HGTV so it amazes me how affordable beachfront housing is down there however i'm particularly detestable of reptiles, how bad is the bug situation down there ?
  5. are you sure it actually takes 8 hours to flip the date ?
  6. sure it is right at the corner of Are You Kidding Me place and Go Jump Off a Cliff street
  7. and here i'm complaining about windy wet conditions
  8. i don't even like the Datora but that is a fab shot
  9. tell him you'll give $30 if he hits himself over the head with it 300 times
  10. Thanks SGW service polish + double A/R by Taka
  11. please surrender your man card @ the door and never speak of this again p,s, also please drink a cup of water every hour on the hour until you start to stink less
  12. my eyes will be sending you an Ophthalmological invoice soon please have $200 ready
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