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Everything posted by adrenalin

  1. My personal experience was just the opposite... Member sent a watch from Canada on Nov. 26 via priority Canada Post. Same story, got a tracking number and nothing else.... It finaly got to me on January 3rd. I have no idea WTF is up with the postal system, but your not alone. Must be the new homeland security system... Hope it shows up soon... -K
  2. One other thing about ultrasonic cleaners... I have only seen them being used for cleaning parts, not entire movements. I would not use water as a 'cleaning solution' for either... The mechanism of cleaning is that it creates 'micro-cavitation' (small bubbles) that lift away the dirt and grime. Some kind of surfactant is required to clean effectively. This helps lift the crud off and should help to prevent foaming. As for watch parts, the technique I have seen is to fill the tank with water and have various cleaning solutions in seperate pyrex beakers, as you do not want the petrolium based solvents coming in contact with the tank liner. When used correctly, nothing is better. For watch cases, I personaly use soap and water with an old tooth brush.... -K
  3. Robbie, Glad that you cheated death, yet once again! I am glad that it wasnt more serious. Think of it as a 40,000 mile checkup.... at least the pipes are clear! As for the groin, if it is still bothering you much after 7-10 days, you might want to get checked out again... you dont want an infection to be brewing down there or anything. You know these doctors, big germ carriers.... Welcome back! -K
  4. Thanks for the link! -K
  5. Greetings all, I have several PAMs. I have watched (no pun intended) as several of our fellow RWG'ers have done some pretty impressive waterproofing steps/ tests. I was looking at several of the crown gaskets on some of my favorites and some have seen better days. Simillarly, the caseback O rings could stand to be replaced too... Here is the question: Is there any place to get several of the above mentioned without having to buy a lot of 10,000? Parts numbers would be apreciated and who carries them would be most helpful. Thanks! -K
  6. Excellent! This is why I love this forum! I really like the masking tape trick... Will let you know how it turns out. -K
  7. Greetings all, Here is a new one for me.... I got this in the mail today: So, what is the best way to remove the crystal without having shards explode and lacerate a major artery? I have a crystal press, but am concerned that it will further fracture and leave residual pieces. All the crystals (so far) that I have removed have been intact. Any suggestions? Thanks! -K
  8. One other thing, even though you didnt get any glue that your aware of between the case and the bezel, the acetone will track to where the glue is. ALSO do NOT try this on any watch that doesnt have a mineral glass or saphire crystal... Older vintage healite (sp?) crystals will turn a lovely milky white. Then you get to replace that too...
  9. So funny that you mention that... I got an abused noobmariner that had the bezel glued in a similar manner. What I did was to take several small (less than 1cc) of nail polish remover (acetone) and placed a drop at the 12,3,6, and 9 between the bezel and the case. Wait about 30seconds to 1 minute and gently place what ever tool you use to raise the bezel at those spots. Work it gently around the face lifting only 1mm at a time. Too much and you will bend the bezel. If it takes some time, add the acetone one drop at a time as needed (evaporation) and repete the process. BTW this technique also works nicely with Gorilla Glue. Take your time, and once it is off, clean the bezel and bezel insert and try again. Good luck! -K
  10. Great! Thats what I wanted to hear! Im off to go spend some more money.... Apreciate the input! -K
  11. Greetings all, You guys know how this all goes... I am getting ready to swap a dead noobmariner movement with a DG4813 and I notice that the bezel insert on my noob GMTII was looking pretty shoddy, so I thought while I am there.... So here is the question. On the Otto Frei website, it list their bezel inserts to have measurements of 37.50mm by 4.0mm in width. Now upon measuring the bezel insert on the watch itself measures 37.50mm by 3.5mm in width. Does the Otto Frei guys round their measurments up? or do I need to shave 0.5mm from the internal diameter? If so how do you do that and keep it in round? I know that you guys have done this a bazillion times, and I would apreciate your guidance. I know that there are some simple mods required to make an accurate fit with regards to bezel height and thickness, but the whole diameter thing and making sure that it doesnt turn into an elipse doesnt really thrill me too much... Thanks for any input! -K
  12. "print your own datewheel and stick it" I thought of that... My thought would be to take the old date wheel and place it on a flat bed scanner and produce a high resolution 1:1 image. It is real easy to manipulate colors on the scanned image, but there is still a concern. I am worried that the thickness of the overlay will be too much for the tolerances required to have everything function without binding or touching something that it shouldnt. Has anybody else done something similar? What type of glue? Remove the old font? Ahhh, the questions could go on, and on, and on..... Apreciate all the input! -K
  13. Thanks, I will do that. I am in 'crunch time' at work, and have very little time to do much of anything right now. I will probably post shortly after the first of the year. Just trying to plan ahead.... -K
  14. Greetings all, I find myself in possession of two noob rolex (rolex-ies??) with some problems. One is a noob mariner with movement and case issues, the other is a noob GMT II fantasy with bezel, dial, datewheel issues. Well, not really datewheel issues, its just that its green. Both are sporting Asian movements. This may seem obvious, but would it be possible to swap the datewheels, or does the GMT have different specs in alignment, diameter, etc...? Any input would be apreciated! Thanks! -K
  15. Quick question.... How many people wanting the same watch before you have enough for a 'group buy'? I would be intrested even though I am over budget for the year... -K
  16. Welcome! Start reading!
  17. Sandman, I have a BR01-92 in blue. I got mine from Trusty. I will tell you that the strap it comes with are spot on.... High quality and excellent markings. I compaired mine to a gen that a friend has. He was visably irritated when he looked at them side by side. I may have actually converted him to the rep world.... Couple of suggestions: If you want leather, get it from Andrew (Trusty) at the same time you get he rubber. He has really decent quality at a reasonable price. Plus it comes in a single order. Have him include some of the pesky 1.3mm hexhead bolts that are used to hold the strap to the tube. These allways seem to work themselves out and it is a real PITA to source some new ones (ask me how I know...) Lastly, when you actually get the watch, put a little thread loc on one bold for each side... that way you only have 2 of the 4 bolts to worry about working themselves out and you can still change straps easily. Best of luck with your purchase! -K
  18. Greetings all, I recently aquired a watch that recieved a healthy dose of Gorilla glue that aparently expanded enough to afix the bezel of a noobmariner in place. Is there any known sovlents to loosen the death grip it has, or is a hamer and chisle the only alternative? I really dont want to marr the finish on the case, as it is pretty decent. Thanks in advance, -K
  19. Anesthesiologist. Frustrated with medicine, using the watch thing as a nice diversion.... Too old to go back and re-train, too young to quit. -K
  20. Er, I may be incorrect... cant tell which one the hairspring is attached too... One adjusts the speed, One adjusts the beat... How is it running? -K
  21. Ahhhh.... Your Screwed..... Just kidding! It will just take you longer to regulate your movement. Check this link: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...p;hl=regulating follow the sublink and you should be back on track... Dont worry, your heart rate will come down....eventually. Good Luck! -K
  22. There is an amazing amount of info at this site: http://pugwash.info/eta/7750/7750.html There is at least an hour of your time gone.... Welcome to the forum and have fun! -K
  23. Let me know how it turns out... If King doesnt come through, I will check around and see what I can come up with... -K
  24. Kevn97a4, Nice watch! even nicer strap! Welcome to the world of the "B&R-good-luck-finding-parts-for-anything"... I too have experienced loosing those screws. They are 1.3mm hexhead in PVD. Your best bet is to contact King (where it was originaly purchased) and ask them to source the screws. As I found out, not all 1.3mm hexheads are truly 1.3mm. I originaly got some from Otto Frei, but they were actually 1.35mm and didnt fit. I finally got a replacement from where I purchased originally. I then made sure that those little suckers were tight before I wore my B&R anywhere... Set time, check date, tighten screws... Good Luck! -K
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