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Everything posted by adrenalin

  1. Robertk Not entirely true. I had the experience of loosing $1500 to a 'Member' that came with recommendations. (He is no longer part of this community.) It was a highly modified IWC 3717.... I sent the money, no watch ever arrived. It was a hard lesson to learn. I am much more selective in who I deal with, but ultimately, its a crap shoot... The other folks that I have dealt with have been nothing but phenominal! Do your homework. Best, -K
  2. Why are there locks on the doors of 24 hour convenient store?
  3. Robbie, Dude. My heart goes out to you.... What can we possibly say that hasn't been expressed already? If there is anything I can do for you (referal, ask friends or whatever) I am just an email away! Be strong, and know that there are plenty of people wishing you well! Your in my prayers, -K
  4. Dont forget Boston Beer works.... you have to get a microbrew and some of the frenchfries (4 fries per spud) For a little more upscale, try "Figs" on Newberry street and then walk to Armani Cafe for coffee and people watching (also on Newberry street) Go to Copley square and just walk around. There are plenty of things to see and do (and eat) in a very small area. I never had a bad meal in little Italy... even the grocery stores have wood fired pizza ovens and sell by the slice. A couple of other suggestions-- dont rent a car. Unless your doing side trips. Boston is the easiest town to get around on their Subway. Get a 'T-pass' (sold in 3,5,7 day passes) ride all you want. Cheap too. The subway is very, very safe (my wife used to ride from work at 11pm without worries) If you can, get out to see the town of Salem... its worth half a day. I could go on, and on. If you have any other questions, just PM me and I will rattle on, and on for you. Enjoy! ATB, -K
  5. You didnt open the package.... did you?!??
  6. If that is 'minor', what defines "MAJOR" ??!??
  7. I wonder if he had a sister named 'Anita'...
  8. GHBG35, From my own personal experience.... I won an auction on this board from a guy in Canada. I am in the CONUS. I got the tracking number and all was well... It took 16 WEEKS (no exaggeration) to get here. I managed to time it about the same time as the postal strike, and winter hollidays. I know that this was extreme, but once you get the tracking number its just the wait game. It sucks, I know. I am just glad that its a mail thing rather than 'one of the guys STILL hasnt given me a tracking number after I sent money' threads... Been there, done that too.... The wait time wil make you apreciate it all the more Wear it well! Best, -K
  9. JLC reps (good ones, at least) are difficult to come by... There is no AMVOX 1 reps. There probably never will be either. Sorry. -K
  10. A movement shot would help.... I would also say 'Rep'. Wouldnt be the first time I was wrong
  11. Yeah, The subdials are way off. But honestly, it is my first 'go-to' dress watch. It is absolutely my favorite when I dress up. Honestly, it is so subtle that 99% of folks dont even know what they are looking at.... The biggest concern is just at Toad points out-- do you look /act/ carry yourself off to actually be wearing a $40K watch. Professionals, more believeable. College aged students, probably not. But honestly, few people actualy know what Vascheron is... Just my 2cents... -K
  12. Yeah, no biggie.... 'What could possibly go wrong?'.... Read the tutorial and you will be fine -K
  13. Blade Runner Death at a Funeral Pi If you want to laugh your a$$ off--- Death at a Funeral. My sides hurt for a week! -K
  14. Try reading this... http://www.rwg.cc/members/The Zigmeister-t82994.html&hl=The Zigmeister It explains alot. -K
  15. Yeah, Customs are funny.... Had one watch in Customs from China spend 12 hours there, and one watch from Canada spend 2 weeks... Absoluetly no rhyme or reason... -K
  16. You dont find him.... he finds you. HA! I allways wanted to post that!.... In all seriousness, that happens from time to time. As you can imagine, he is a really, really popular guy. He will open his message center back up when he is ready. In the meantime, look around, read, read, read and have fun. I would start with Toads' Noobie guide--- perhaps the best collection of info about this forum and what its about in one place. It specifcally addresses The Zigmeister. I still reference it occasionally. http://www.rwg.cc/members/Hey-Noobor-NoobR...tml&hl=noob Have fun! -K
  17. The crown movement may be something as simple as a movement clamp being loose.... Is the 'wobbly' motion linear (like when you hack the movement) or lateral (when the time is being set)? I dont think that it would be an issue either way unless it was extreme... Just my 2 cents... -K
  18. A wise man once told me... "If you dont have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to have time to do it again until it is?" I dont think thats a very good idea at all. Just my 2 cents. -K
  19. Well said by Freddy... The only other helpful thing I found is to use 2 sets of tweezers... one to hold the end, the other to manipulate (squeeze) the sides together. This helps prevent the jewel holder from getting away from you if the squeezing tweezers happen to slip of the end. good luck! -K
  20. The letter reminds me of the old police trick when they pull you over.... First words out of their mouths " Boy, do you have any idea why I pulled you over?!!?" They are waiting for you to incriminate yourself... "Yeah, your pulling me over for speeding/warrent/tax evasion (or whatever)" Then they respond: 'So... you admit to ______' I agree with RobbieG. You signed. Its done. Evoke the plausable deniability clause--- I was expecting a certified letter from somebody else... I have no idea what your talking about.... That wasn't my certified letter from my accountant? Wait for them. Good luck! -K
  21. Crappy photo that I see.... Hard to tell, only one movement shot. With only one picture of not very high quality, I would hedge on rep... not swiss. only my 2 cents... -K
  22. Thanks for the replies.... I vaguely remember a sub with a green bezel (maybe its just my imagination) I honestly didnt know about the Blancpain.... I guess I owe him a beer.... -K
  23. Hey Guys, Was having a conversation with a good friend and the subject came up about Mike Nelson and the TV show 'Sea Hunt' circa 1960's.... Anybody have an idea what type of rolex he wore in all the diving shots? Any input is always apreciated, especially 'cause we may have some money riding on the answer... -K
  24. +1 for jonthebhoy, here is my vote-- with the built in bottle opener.... <yeeeeshhhh!.... shudder!> -K
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