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Everything posted by crystalcranium

  1. They also lack an enzyme that allows them to metabolize alcohol at the normal rate of one ounce per hour so I guess this explains the lack of Chinese Vodka and Bourbon on the market. It does make for interesting happy hours in Bejing and other asian countries. I never saw so much public drunkeness and vomiting as I did in my trips to Tokyo. You can get quite a buzz on a six pack if you lack the proper genetics to metabolize it! http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/127/5/376 Alcohol Metabolism in Asian-American Men with Genetic Polymorphisms of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Tamara L. Wall, PhD; Charles M. Peterson, MD; Karen P. Peterson, PhD; Mona L. Johnson, BA; Holly R. Thomasson, MD, PhD; Maury Cole, BA; and Cindy L. Ehlers, PhD
  2. Good Lord, every day here is another day of education and stripping away of my ignorance. I did not have an image of lone technicians hovering over single pieces with the Alps in the background but I did see a squeeky clean ISO 9001 factory with lots of employees walking around in clean room suits etc... Is there nothing in the consumer world that doesn't originate in China?
  3. Good God! I thought ETA's came seal packed from Geneva to insure their origin. Cousins gives you the option of buying them this way to insure the quality. Just what are you suggesting? The hair on the back of my neck is standing up I'm so scared!
  4. 46. Jesus Christ...tied for first place as oldest so far and way above the mean age. Maybe I'm too old for this nonsense
  5. Yeah I did mean from photographic evidence and from feedback from others in a forum who may have been burned or might have an excellent experience. It should be pretty easy from a website like Joshua's to say "It looks like his new copy has better print fonts on the dial" or "those cg's look better" or to even say in the absence of adequete photo documentation "hey that Sub looks good from the front, but you should see pics of the caseback to be sure its accurate before you buy" etc.... I have no desire to run a forum, I just thought a dedicated space here might provide a better opportunity for some to say "I got gold from Paul for $89" or "I got [censored] from so and so for $270" on an ongoing basis as the market and product quality changes.
  6. How's this for an idea. From what I've gathered here, the Rolex Submariner and all of its' variants, is the most replicated watch in the world. If the quality of replication is in constant flux with new variants poping up monthly, isn't there a need for some sort of specific forum here? I know most of the vets here look at the sub as the entry level watch for the replica newbie but doesn't the sheer volume of its' production and the A to Z quality of those reps justify the number of inquiries? How about a Submariner sub forum (no pun intended) in the newcomer section where novices debating their first purchase of the Ford F-150 of replicas can ask basic questions. One of the previous posts was quite correct in pointing out that most of the searchable threads for the best Submariner available have to do with vintage versions. A specific forum might serve to cut down on the number of requests for basic information and give the long time members a place to point them to when questions arise.
  7. Where can one get this "Noob"? Is it any asian 21j powered sub or is there a particular dealer selling this model?
  8. Just for immediate gratification kicks, I bought this one at Pauls crazy sale just now for $119 http://www.aspire-eshop.com/product_info.p...dc1344494e8dd9f
  9. Said my peace. We all have shitty days. I have to tell you, there are still some questions I have that I'm gun shy now to ask even though I think I've paid my dues with some 70 odd posts and more than a few searches on the subjects. Who the hell is Maria??? Is luckyyy the Oracle? Yadda...yadda...yadda
  10. Hubris...absolute hubris. It's more like going to a public library and saying "How do I find the best book on the second world war or the best piece of fiction written about the old south. Any librarian worth a dime would be egger and happy to point someone new to literature and enthusiastic to the classic texts on these subjects. I can't imagine him or her saying, "Haven't you ever heard of Gone With the Wind stupid?" If you are so put off by questions that you deem beneth you, why even bother to respond and why the outrage? I just dont get it.
  11. Oh come on! It's a personal message not a personal visit. Instead of treating it like spam you guys seem to take it personally. As far as one on one mentoring, I've found the experience of working with medical residents in fellowship programs and graduate students in Masters and PhD programs both frustrating and rewarding, but never have I told anyone no matter how ignorant the question to go home and not bother me. Am I indiferent to those who are annoyed by repeated requests for the same information? No I am not but this is not rocket science here folks and in direct response to your example, these are not neophytes showing up at your door. I just dont like the holier than thou attitude of you've got to pay your "newbie" dues first before you dare ask me a question.
  12. Hey what the hell is the matter with you people? I guess my vocation as a teacher and researcher has taught me to treat the inquisitive and yes, even the naive as a responsibility and a privilege. Do the work, yes but a public flogging and self-reassuring "Were so smart, they're so dumb...doesn't it [censored] you off too my fellow experts" rant does nothing but put people off. Don't tell me you just want people to do their homework, I have seen requests for posted permanant accessable lists of the best, the most desirable, the most reliable, ridiculed for the same reason. What do you experts think you have here...the keys to the kingdom? This whole replica nonsense is for entertainment purposes only. If you think your level of expertise is so un-approachable here then go tell it on a mountain somewhere and just ignore the pleadings of those of us who are so woefully uninformed. The most knowledgeable member here just so happens to be one of the most open to questions (Ziggy) so go take some lessons in civility from him.
  13. Agreed. I've limited my rep purchases to SS unmodified 7750 chrono clones and to unadulterated 2836 closed caseback replicas. I dont quite understand the draw of the display caseback in watches that do not have them in the genuine versions just to display a gold plated 2836 movement with an engraved trademark rotor or the attempt to replicate the appearance of the rotor on an obvious non original movement in a closed or clear caseback. I've also stayed away from anything gold plated because it looks so fake. Even gold plated watches I have worn seldom begin to change color after a few years. The reason I buy a rep is so they LOOK so close to the original that they impress even owners of originals and un-enlightened jewelers. I do understand the appeal of the "Perfect Clone" where both the inside and the outside are exactly the same as the original but the only two I've seen like this are two non-Rolex/Omega reps, a Franck Muller Casablanca 2892 platinum rotor watch and a Cartier Tank original movement clone both sold by Josh. Even so, these exact look alikes probably wont fool anyone truly knowledgeable. My local jeweler buys watches from all over the world and she told me she had to take a certification course where part of the process was identifying reps from genuines. Interestingly enough, appearance is not the primary giveaway, feel is. I took my Rolex rep to her and asked her to let me know what had to be changed and the first 3 things she mentioned had to do with the feel of the watch in her hand and other non visual characteristics like how the bracelet links sound as they rub against eachother. I guess what I'm trying to say in this diatribe is that I feel simplicity is best. My best bet in a rep that is going to fool the vast amjority of individuals is one without many bells and whistles. The more complexity you try to emulate, or the more complexity you try to add to a simple design, the more you are apt to give yourself away.
  14. Looks like josh is offering modified cases with accurate cg's on all of his subs now.
  15. http://perfect-clones.com/product_info.php...roducts_id=1045 Is this a good price ($458) for the services described?
  16. I guess that sounds like the best compromise, best looking out of the box with the potential for modifications. Which of Josh's subs?
  17. Think so? You should see some of my wife's shoes!!! The ones that make her 4 1/2" taller get my imediate approval.
  18. Hey, I'm just looking for CURRENT information and discussion. I've been on more than a few discussion boards in my computer life and the idea is interaction, not just information. I have noticed a bit of apologies here for asking basic questions so I guess there's a minority of posters who have strong opinions about who belongs here and who does not. I have been told several times, rudely, to do "my own work" and use the search feature. Looks like I'll just keep asking questions!
  19. The right to buy herself another pair of shoes or a handbag (#s 100 for each) without a question from me!
  20. That's pretty funny because for years we played the same game on both sides. This agreement came more out of not wanting to be dishonest than it did with budgeting. I hated keeping new aqusitions hidden, watch and other toys as well until a sufficient money cooling off period had passed. I hope this arrangement works out much better.
  21. Merci beaucoup!!! That's the kind of info I'm looking for!!!
  22. OOOhhhhh, you're right. Original movement has a solid rotor.
  23. I've dealt with Joshua for 2 purchases. Are his reps on the mark? I thought his Sea Dweller was spot on until I saw him selling a dead on Sea Dweller with the proper thickness and even this rep was blasted by some as being an abomination...wrong HRV etc... What's the consensus opinion on the best looking sub rep?quote name='manuel' date='May 31 2006, 10:12 AM' post='59478'] Joshua or PreciousTime i believe.... Both very good and reputable dealers here
  24. Not more than $250 but let me know all options so I can dream and scheme!!
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