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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Now THAT, my friend, is a beautyfull watch! And OH! That MVT!

    And I don't blame you one bit about balking at that sort of spend. It's been years since I have even spent that on a car! More so since it's more like sixty grand here. Since all watches are pricer by more than the exchange rate it would be far cheaper for me to fly somewhere and buy it. Much like gold jewelery. When I had cash for that I flew to Asia to buy. Anyone who spends more than a cpl of grand on jewelery here in OZ is stupid. The holiday comes free and you still save money!


  2. I just recived an email from Chris at Eurotimez with even more reason to enter! I'll let him tell it.

    Hi Col,

    Sounds like a great project

    Sure I can donate 2 noobmariner watches with asian DG 2813, one Black and one green.

    Which I already have in stock in UK.

    I'm sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on the forum for months, simply because I working day/night on this new-webstore which I hope to launch soon.

    Just let me know where the two addresses and I'll have it arranged for you.

    So there you go! I'll get this added to the main post ASAP along with pics.

    A huge thankyou to Chris for a most generous adition to the prize pool!!!!!

    Stay tuned for some exicting news from Chris very soon!


  3. The Zero set hack. I had never heard of that one. VERY handy! Pity all don't have it. DO you have a gen Lang Robbie? I'll have a look next time I'm at the only dealer I know of in QLD that has Langs. Great for pedantic beggers like me.

    I'l have a think and come up with my fav when I have a chance bit busey writing out raffle tickets ATM! :)


  4. Just to set the record straight, I'm actualy third officer and a crew leader (in charge of a fire unit), equipment officer and one of the training team. I also captain the brigade team that competes in the firefighter games and lead the "away team" that provides the bodies for interstate and long didtance task forces.

    Up here in sunny Queensland we are the Rural Fires division of the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) and have slightly different responsibilities to those in the CFA in Victoria and South Australia.

    Not so many of our folk are trained as structural firefighters as this is undertaken by the Auxillery (part time and paid as opposed to the volenteers of the RFB) arm of the QFRS (another involvement of mine).

    I cannot express how great a feeling it was when allmost all asked responded right away with "what do you need?" when asked to contribute to this undertaking. Just knowing that folk all over the world truly care about what happens "Down Under" makes the pain of the last few days that little bit more bareable.

    Give what you can, no more. I am painfully aware of how tight things are for people ATM. Thanks everyone.


  5. I'll be giving the shirts as one of each so you can chose to one wear depending on your watch!

    Please edit the pic in when you get it Ken. I won't be able to.

    Yep, thats a one of a kind FM special there. I love the shine on that PVD. So deep you could allmost dive into it!

    Thanks to the pair of you BTW. :thumbs:


  6. The inter-fora Bushfire appeal raffle and auction.


    As anyone who has not been hiding in a cave for the last week knows by now there has been a natural disaster of an almost unimaginable size occurred here in Australia. The bush fires in Victoria have taken the lives of 181 people from newborns to the elderly. Seven thousand have been rendered totally homeless. There are now 1831 homes totally destroyed, countless more families have lost their outbuildings and their livelihoods. Graziers have no stock or feed for winter and many businesses have been razed to the ground taking an as yet untold number of jobs with them.

    Here's your chance to help!

    With the blessing of the various admin teams I am running a monster raffle to aid the victims of this tragedy. This is running over rwg.cc, replica-watch-guide.net , replica-watch.info. and repgeeks.

    All monies raised will go direct to the official Australian Red Cross bushfire victims appeal fund. Thru the generosity of members from all the fora I have some nice little prizes to give away.

    A Rolex single red Sub, PVD from Fakemaster


    Two prizes of one Noobmariner each from Eurotimez, One black and one LV (green bezel)


    This is as good as a noob gets folks. Complete with Eurotimez famous QC.

    A Rolex Date Just from your friend and mine WBK Time. Nice watch!


    Thanks Wacko! WBKs on a short break ATM and a better pic will be forth comming upon his return.

    A Movado Museum handwind from an anonymous donor.


    This one's growing on me! Then again, I like Rodo Sintras :)

    A Neonode N2 cell phone from jmarin.72 Mint condition complete with box and all acc.

    More info HERE and HERE These things are Da Bomb folks!


    This is a handy pick up for the dedicated poster. A Logitech diNovo Edge re-chargeable wireless keyboard/mouse thanks to Whoosh70.


    Folks, these have a RRP of 139GBP! Thats 197USD! Possibily THE greatest key board money can

    buy. Appart from being a great KB it's a work of art!

    Two crystal AR jobs in Chieftang's next AR run (two separate prizes of one AR job each, one of which will be a prize for the book buyers draw.)


    Two hand made wooden pens from the hands of RWIs token female AHW676. One on the book buyers list, the other in the general prize list.


    Sample only, yours may differ.

    And another one from Wacko Bird Keeper


    A rather tasty Mont Blanc, just for a change.

    And even more pens! These two from Graman at RWG1.1. Handmade by his dad. One in Jarrah and one in Olive wood.


    Thanks mate!

    Now here's a prize money just can't buy. A set of Opperation Iraqi Freedom patches! You guys are lucky I'm honest :) I'd just about kill for these. Many thanks to SFA437 over at RepGeeks for donateing these.


    A set of watchmakers tools from an anonymous donor.


    Two sets of two dress shirts from Kenberg (two separate prizes of two shirts each, one of which will be a prize in the book buyers draw)

    These are the Paul Smiths. Note:all four are to suit a 15.5" neck. If they don't fit they'll make great gifts!


    The 2 Armani's


    In addition to the above there are three auctions being run at www.rwg.cc the proceeds of which will go to the Red Cross fund.

    Auction one: The last ever FXandy strap. This is the very last strap FXandy will ever make so this is your last chance to own one of the best.



    Auction two: A brand new BCE V2 un-worn, donated by Lanikai

    Link and pic to be added on start of auction.

    Auction three: A genuine Detroit Lions NFL jersey, the real deal donated by Patinga. "Hello Sports Fans!!! Up for bid is a Detroit Lions Mitchell & Ness autographed Barry Sanders Jersey. This is the top of the line jersey with sewn on numbers and letters. It was signed in person by Barry during his 2004 induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It comes with the Induction program and the bag from the Hall of Fame. This is a tremendous and rare piece I am donating to help our friends in Australia.



    How will it work?

    Simple, tickets are five dollars each (the min donation at the Red Cross site) that's five dollars Australian or as of last night 3.29USD, 2.28GBP or 2.54EUR Go here: Australian Red Cross and make your donation via any credit card and you will receive an E-receipt. Email the E-receipt (or a cut and paste thereof) to ozfirefund@yahoo.com This will be filed and the correct number of tickets will be issued. Your numbers will be emailed to you.

    Buyers of five or more tickets will go into the book buyers draw.

    The Draw.

    Due to the multi prize nature of the raffle the usual method of using a state lottery is difficult so the draw will be conducted here in Queensland by an official, probably the local police sergeant. The draw will be videod and the video posted on my photo bucket site for verification by anyone wishing to do so.

    The book buyers draw will happen first. One ticket per book from each of the book buyers will be used in this draw and then ALL these tickets (inc the two winners) will be added to the rest of the tickets and the remaining prizes drawn in the order above. There for: if you buy between five and nine tickets you have one chance in the book buyers draw, ten to fourteen, two chances, fifteen to nineteen, three chances etc.

    Winners will be announced on all forums involved and notified by email and/or PM. The link to the video of the draw will be posted at this time. Prizes will be posted by the donor of the prize. The winners of the AR jobs are responsible for contacting Chieftang to arrange their work. Contact details will be provided with their notification of winning.

    Anyone who promised something I have forgotten about please PM me, the last 24hrs have been flat out. Likewise anyone wanting to add a prize to the raffle or an auction please get in touch. In the interest of full transparency my mobile phone number is available upon request.

    So come on folk, let's make a real difference in lives that have been torn apart.


    Many thanks to all who have donated prizes and helped out with organising this.

    Regards, Col Miles.

  7. Oke guys, give me a cpl of hours and I'll have it up and running. This is becoming a fairly large task and the planing alone (co-ordinating across three fora) has been a challenge. One made easier may I add by the unqualified support I have recived from the admins everywhere. I'mm starting to write the post now.

    I have just got back from a callout at 3am this morning (it's after one PM now) due to heavy flooding here. Queensland, don't forget has the oppisite problem to our Victorian brothers ATM, it's pelting down rain here!

    Thanks to one and all for the amount of help and generous donations I have recived from across all three boards.

    BTW, I have nothing to do with Rep Geeks so if somone wants to volenteer to post something over there regards this to complete the quartet please contact me. Somone well knowen to the admin there would be best.

    Your all going to have to excuse my typeing for the time being, I'mm buggered and it's worse than usual :)


  8. In breaking news a Victorian man, 39 has been arested and is helping police with their enquiries in relation to one of the fires. The fire he is connected with killed 21 people. He is due to be charged with arson and posesing child porn. Further charges are expected to follow.


  9. For a story of a more recent (3rd 1/4 last year) visit to the GZ markets go HERE for luthier's tale of rep heaven complete with pics of this amazing place. You will have to join RWG1.1 if you arn't allready a member but it's worth it for this story alone. Be warned, it's another long post.

    If it's posted here as well someone please supply the link.


  10. hmmm, looks like the thread has been removed, "Invalid link".

    How very kind of them to contribute to the ignorence of their members in such a positive manner!

    The less they know, the safer we are. 'cause some still read here as I am shure do reps of just about every gen watch maker in the known world.

    Hi Mr Rolex guy!

    /me waves @ Rollie spy


  11. /me silently thanks TZ poster for the heads up and seriously considers adding swordfish to short list.

    Actualy, this could be bad, real bad. The're starting to realise just how good reps are now. Not so shure live links to TZ etc are a very good idea anymore either. Perhaps a "annonto" setup like RWI's may be a good idea?


  12. That's the point Nikki, fires don't move this fast! This one behaved in ways that even the bigest fires simply can't. Well up untill now anyway. The fronty was traveling at up to 80+ KPH when even a large fire should only be capable of 15kph on flat ground and no where even close to 80 regardless of the slope. The world is changing. . .


    EDIT: latest news and video DARKEST DAY

    EDIT2: Dems: Not there yet. I'm in Queensland, about 3000 klicks away. We will be deployed at the end of the week if needed. By then everyone there will be well and truly buggered and in need of rest while we take over for a while. They usualy don't like sending us to Vic beacuse they use different tactics and equipment down there to fight a different kind of fire to what we get here. A realy big fire is not a good place to learn a new truck and/or method. As frustrating as it is (I got more crew volenteering then I need ATM) I am allmost glad I missed this one. Bad dude, real bad. I'v seen some horror fires but this one scared me even from here!

    Mind you, if they want or need us we'll be there. It's a tribute to those in charge that no firefighter has been lost this time round.

  13. The latest news story.

    Many Good people lie dead.

    AUSTRALIA has witnessed its greatest natural disaster. Worse than Black Friday. Worse than Ash Wednesday. Only in wartime has the toll of dead and wounded been greater.

    Last night the official death toll was 84, with at least 750 homes destroyed - 550 of those in Kinglake, north of Melbourne, and surrounding areas. And much worse is still to come. The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, said: "Hell in all its fury has visited the good people of Victoria in the last 24 hours, and many good people now lie dead; many others lie injured.

    "I fear in the days ahead that the news is going to be bad and, I believe, the nation needs to prepare itself as full facts become known," he said.

    Among the first victims identified last night were Channel Nine's former chief newsreader Brian Naylor, 78, of Kinglake West, and his wife, Moiree. Their daughter-in-law, who lived across the road, is believed to have survived with her two children. The first victim named was Peter Avola of Strathewen. And slowly, but surely, the names of the many other victims trickled in. Rae Carter of St Andrews. George Jackson of St Andrews. John and Sue Wilson, whose home at Barwidgee Creek was destroyed.

    Among the missing were the former Blue Heelers actor Reg Evans.

    The towns of Kinglake and Marysville have been wiped out as if they had been bombed, and -authorities are treating the disaster like a terrorist attack, with almost 312,000 hectares of land affected.

    The fires raged on last night. People in Yackandandah were bracing to resist a fire moving towards them at 9pm. Altogether 83 fires were still burning last night.

    Almost half of Victoria may be declared a crime scene, with arsonists believed responsible for several of the fires. Police said an offender implicated in the fatal fires could be charged with the offence of arson causing death, a crime with a maximum penalty of 25 years in jail.

    NSW was lucky to escape. Despite more than 50 fires blazing, there has been no loss of life or property, although one man was charged with arson over a blaze in Peats Ridge, on the Central Coast.

    Police have also charged a boy, 15, with arson over a small fire at Faulconbridge. He is expected to face Parramatta children's court in several weeks.

    Marie Jones of Canberra, who was visiting a friend at Kinglake, said a badly burnt man had arrived at the property where she was staying with his infant daughter, and told her his wife and other child had been killed.

    "He was so badly burnt. . . . his little girl was burnt, but not as badly as her dad, and he just came down and he said, 'Look, I've lost my wife, I've lost my other kid, I just need you to save [my daughter]'," Ms Jones said.

    More than 70 people died in the Black Friday fires of 1939, and 75 on Ash Wednesday in 1983 - 47 of them Victorians. Senior police sources told the Herald they feared the final figure would be double that.

    The military has been put on stand-by to provide assistance.

    The first of several interstate victim identification teams arrived yesterday to help Victoria Police and coronial staff under a terrorist contingency plan framed in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001.

    Bodies in burnt-out cars will have to be removed first so that roads can be opened to the public before gutted buildings can be combed for remains of the missing. Victoria's morgue was full last night - and hospitals and universities were being asked to store bodies until formal identifications could be made.

    Some of the 80 people in hospital were not expected to survive. Ten people remain in a critical condition.

    The once pretty alpine town of Marysville was reduced to a tangled mess of smoking rubble and twisted iron.

    Most residents were evacuated to nearby Alexandra, which was under threat from fire last night.

    But some of those who left too late or stayed to fight the fire lost their lives.

    The fire that began at the old Murrindindi sawmill near Yea earlier on Saturday raced across the Black Spur and razed the hamlet of Narbethong and then Marysville, house by house, street by street.

    After one terrible hour Marysville was no more. Few buildings escaped. Every public building - including the police station, post office, telephone exchange - and the much-loved guest houses and a hotel, had been destroyed. Worse was the fact that some of the gutted cars and buildings had human remains in them.

    Names were unavailable last night but the few residents who stayed and survived talked numbly yesterday of one firefighter's family being killed, of an age pensioner dying at home and of cars being found with human remains in them. They hoped the toll was as few as five - but it could be much higher, they said.

    Leigh Jowett, a third-generation resident, saved the old house he had grown up in - then helped his neighbours save theirs. "There might only be 15 or 20 houses left in Marysville," Mr Jowett said. "There's only three left in Falls Road - and the whole main street is gone apart from one motel."

    He listed the burnt-out buildings: the Marylands and the Cumberland guest houses, post office, police station, kindergarten, general store, time-share apartments, caravan park and the Marysville Hotel.

    Graham Haycraft, formerly of Marysville, was distressed to hear his old family home had been destroyed but counted himself lucky to have moved out.

    "My heart goes out to people who are part of my life."

    He expected to return to town for the funerals.

    Further news storys from todays papers:




    It just gets worse, Col.

  14. The chances of that being a Japenese MVT are about Zero. Allmost all MVTs in reps are Chinese MVTs. I wouldn't trust any dealer advertising Jap MVTs in a rep. Have a look HERE for a list of our trusted dealers. You can't go far wrong with any dealer on this list.

    Regards, Col.

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