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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Robbie: The difference is the ones I posted are all new cases and (mostly) reworked gen MVTS. Look at it this way, The real thing is 80G plus. The rep is just as good and allmost no tells between it and the gen even at an AD level. Big difference.

    Like the PN 'tona. six and a half Gs compared to what, 60+? I can't help but wonder how many of them get bought to scam folk tho. It would be very easy to be scamed by somthing as good as those by J&W. The Brit horological soc has ostrasised the guy BTW.

    What the OP is doing is different IMO. The're beautifull, stunning and highly desireable but they are not an exact copy of the gen down to the last screw like the J&Ws are.

    The amount of work going into these is amazing. You, sir, are an artiste. And I do not use that term lightly.

    /me goes to find GregR

    Regards, Col.

  2. First up, wot BT said.

    Now, as mentioned above what you need is a rivit pin. It's a little two or three piece pin consisting of a hollow tube with rivit like end pieces that are taped into place after the pin is inserted in the clasp. Mesure the required length of pin (length of tube without the rivits) and go down to your local jeweler/watchmaker. One that actualy works on watches is what is needed here not just sends 'em off to be fixed. Ask for a rivit pin of the required length, hand over a cpl of bucks and your away.

    When you get home get a flat surface like a vice top or the side of a pair of pliers and the smallest hammer you can find. Tap one end of the rivet in to the tube and insert in the clasp. Turn the whole thing over and place the allready inserted end down on the hard surface. Use a apir of tweezers to place the other rivit in the end of the tube and tap it home. Check every few taps to advoid geting it too tight and makeing the hinge joint too stiff. This may take more force than you expect but don't bash it any harder than necessory to advoid maring the side of the clasp. There! job done complete with a glow of satisfaction having done a watch repair yourself. EASY!

    Hope that helps.

    Regards, Col.

  3. Not that Tony Ken.

    Seems oke. He hangs out over at RWG1.1 every now and again. We're think of adopting him as a pet :)

    Seems on the up and up.

    Why bother? 'cause tho we have some great dealers new blood is allways needed IMO. Look at how many dealers wern't even arround when RWG2 started. They didn't just appear from the aether and straight onto the recomended list. Folk had to take one for the team and try them out first. They then report back with "hey, I found a great new dealer" or "don't touch XXX, they are hopeless" things go on from there.

    "our" dealers may not all be around for ever either so new blood to take their place is a good thing.

    Just my 2c

    Regards, Col.

  4. Hi Chris

    Happy to see you back! For good? I sure hope so....

    Yours kindly


    I emailed Chris and asked if he had any info on what was going on. He was kind enough to reply here for the benifit of all.

    AS for "will this kill the rep trade?" No, of cause not. But it has just undergone the first stage of a major change and may never be quite the same again.


  5. I suppose however it could be just as likely that the factories are making this up in attempt to jump start sales. IF you think your rep feed is coming to an end, you might place a big order.

    LOL, if I could afford to, I would too :)

    No mate, it ain't BS. It came from a very trusted source. If she says that's what's happening, that's what's happening. The smaller dealers are going to dissappear overnight and from what T4D says the large ones are going to have trouble geting stuff out of the country for a while at least. This could be bad, real bad.


  6. Time4direct just replied to my thread at RWI. It don't look good folks.

    This has been going on for a week or 2 . Also Hong Kong is a problem for shipments now I know 1 Bangkok dealer that had $300K worth seized at weekend in Hong Kong.

    I think it's serious to be honest. They are certainly making their presents felt far more than normal . I would imagine loads will fall by the wayside due to this most small dealers will have extreme difficulty in obtaining stock on a daily basis only dealers with stock will survive if it is a permanent thing. I also heard they are putting about a 1000 cutoms officers in the main sorting office but thats only hearsay and not confirmed

    Oh crap!


  7. Since Luthier hasn't posted this here yet I hope he doesn't mind me doing so. About 18 hours ago he heard from "mary" a dealer in GZ who sent him the following which he posted on RWG1.1

    From last week there's 20 policemen patrolling between dealers counters all day long every day. No more replicas there. All dealers offices from 2nd floor were ordered to leave premises. They're gone.

    Sad news...

    That ain't the usual walk thru with prior notice folks. This is serious especialy for the smaller dealers. Aperantly the biz is currently spread over various unspecified locations in GZ. None of the folk I know there have replied to my email regarding the crackdown. Normaly I would get a responce in a matter of hours.

    This may be bad, real bad.


  8. OKE, I think the OP has had long enough to come clean. Yeah, it's a rep, sorta. IT'S A 12 GRAND REP!!!!!!

    Have a look HERE to save you loging in the prices on the three shown are 15.5k , 12.5k and 9.5k. From memory the MVT in the one he shows is six grand on it's own. I dispute the OPs statment due to the fact this guy does Rolex and BP as well. Take a look at his Daytonas. They start at about five grand and $1650 for case only.

    This one is $6500


    This is the guy that Rolex and PP love to hate. His work is as flawless as you expect at the price point There is at least one person here seriously considering one of the 'tonas after I pointed him at this site a while back.

    Thanks to JohnG for finding it in the first instance.


  9. Too bad i can't get a noobmariner anymore! I so would have loved one of those!

    Where do you guys get the idea you can't get a Noob anymore??????

    I am realy tireing of hearing this BS. Real noobs are indeed still available. Try Chris at Eurotimez. He stocks the full Noobfactory range. Others can prob list further dealers who stock the real thing. Daytona4me at RWI can source them as well. A lot of dealers stock crap and claim they are Noobs but this doesn't meen thsy can not be sourced if you know whome to ask.

    Regards, Col.

    PS: Oh, and welcome to RWG!

  10. Just like to add my best wishes to what Greg said (been on a Fire Service course all weekend).

    Many, many happy returns guys. Whithout the generosity of TT's in allowing us to foul up his bin for those weeks when we had no home RWG1.1 would not exist so we owe you guys our all.

    You are right, even in the year or so I have been here this place has changed a hell of a lot. It is not the same place it was then, it's imesurably better!

    Arguably this place is no longer strictly a rep forum, it's a lot more than that. It's more of a hybrid of gen and rep forum, something that has never been seen before so you are breaking new ground here folks.

    I see no reason there will not be many more birthdays for RWG2 thanks to the blood, sweat and, I'm shure at times tears shed by your admin team here.

    You owe a huge debt to those keep this great place up and running and don't you EVER forget it.

    Best wishes and kind regards,


    RWG1.1 Team.

  11. Don't use MSGR. That was the bit that jagged me. Prob nothing but better safe than sorry. They have nothing but emails if it has been. It would be a logical target after all. Password was changed and problem went away, another pointer. As stated all personal info has been removed. I just would feel real bad if somone was scamed by an email apperently from the Red Cross. Incedently, all hard copies of recipts and any other personal info were shreded imediatly after the draw. They are now goat beding :)



    give the login details to someone you trust, let them try it on their PC, see if they have the same issue
    I did. they did :(
  12. The email account ozfirefund may have been hacked. I have just been booted off with the msg "You have been disconnected beacuse you have loged on on another computer" several times in a row. No credit card details are compromised 'cause I didn't have them in the first place (one of the reasons I set it up this way). How ever your email and postal addys may have been. Your postal addys are particial only, they do not contain your country of origen. If you recive any mail either postal or electronic from the Red Cross please enshure that it is from the Red Cross before replying. I would sugest emailing them via www.redcross.org.au for confirmation before taking any action. Do not reply before this step. If indeed you recive any mail you belive may be bogus please contact me ASAP as I have a contact with the AU Federal Police who can deal with the issue. Hopefully this is nothing but better safe than sorry.

    All data identifying members has been removed from the mailbox.

    Regards, Col.

  13. Great post mate!

    I can confirm for Aussie members that wot he said applies here as well. Customs have much more serious things to worry about than your hobby. I have never had a worry here, never been charged duty on goods. If you own a company "munufactures sample" is allways a good dodge.

    One thing for OZ, DO NOT allow your collector to hide stuff in toys etc. This is another red flag to customs. As soon as they see on xray anything hidden in somthing else they get very interested very fast. Here, regardless of the value of the item this is smuggling and THAT is a big deal indeed.


  14. sorry i'm newest in the forums, who is franken?

    A franken is a watch made from gen parts and aftermarket or rep parts. Like frankensteins monster. The case is usualy genuine with a different dial and maybe movement plus bracelet, crystal etc. It can also be a gen movement with a aftermarket case.

    Geeez guys, when someone asks a sensible question how about giving a sensible answer or not answering at all? The propper answer is just as easy. You were a noob too once. The only ones born WIS are The Zigmeister, By-Tor and may be Puggsey.


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