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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Big Bump. More prizes!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep, I'l soon to be anounceing some more prizes! For starters WBK has come thru with a boxset for the DJ. That about doubles the value of that prize folks. There's also a Mont Blanc pen from the same great guy as well as another piece TBA.



    Thanks again Wacko Bird Keeper!

    Were on our way to two grand but with the combined membership of thirty or forty thousand we can do a hell of a lot better than that! Look at the prize list folks!



  2. I am wondering though...if the used watch prices go down,isn't that gonna affect the market and be a regulator

    to the new watches prices?

    Problem is if you cut three grand off the price of a ten or twelve grand watch those who bought last year get very unhappy with you. Ask the auto manufactures what huge price cuts do to trade. They learnt the hard way. What will most likely happen is the makers will reduce supply to keep prices up. Much like oil. Rolex for example take a very dim view of ADs drasticly reducing retail prices. There's a hell of a lot of new 'tonas sitting on shelfs at dealers but no reale reduction in price.

    If your interested in used gens BTW I can recomend subscribing to the free Gray & sons catalog. They mail world over and it's a monthly treat for lovers of fine preowned watches and jewelery. Februarys has about seventy Rolex alone inc two pages of lovely vintage stuff. Some nice DDs and DJs for arround four or five grand. About two or three hundred watches a mth from 600USD on up. www.grayandsons.com follow the links to subscribe.


  3. They are not after you. They are simply trying to scare you into helping them build a case against the shipper. The Shiltz defence is best here "I know nothzink". The Flemish authorities are knowen for working with Rolex. Don't fret and if they come back you have NFI WTF they are on about "what watch?".

    And to the OP and anyone else here - I'm sure I don't have to tell you or anyone else here to NEVER, and I mean never sign for a person to person Registered letter from anyone. Not even your Mother or even God! Those things are poison. And as a rule I won't sign for Certified's either unless I know who it is from. Nothing good can from signing anything that nails you down to a date and possesion of information. Registered and Certified letters are only used for one reason - to incriminate people by dating an event.

    Another gem Robbie. VERY sound advice for life and a practice I have allways adheard to personaly.


  4. oirish: What MVT is in your BCE? It could be that a new MVT in a few years time is cheaper than a service. I don't hink the supplt of CN MVTs is going to dry up any time soon :)

    You may want to read all you can here about serviceing the MVT in your watch and forarm your WM with some rep type info too. They can be tricky little jiggers for someone who is not used to working on them.

    Just my .2c



    All who have donated as of 05.50 GMT should have had tickets sent. If you have not PM me. We are working on the issue of paying by PP but it doesn't look good ATM. Most of us will have CC anyway.


    What's 3.3USD? Hardly buys a beer does it? We don't care if you can only afford one ticket or 100.It all makes a difference! Due to the number of book buyers I feel that people are not giving small amounts 'cause they think it won't help. Nonsence! Even 5 bucks makes a difference and is as welcome as 50. Also, the Geeks are now in the lead for total donations! Shurly that's not on? Keep it comming folks, there's a whole swag of prizes our there to be won. See the main post for the start of the auction for the NFL jersey. It's at 50 bucks ATM. The jersey itself is worth 300 and it's signed!

    Many thanks to all who have donated so far. Give yourselvs a pat on the head. And more of you post here when you do please? It looks like no one is giving!

    Regards, Col.

  6. PP are geting to be rather a large risk. Looks like it's time for a token fob. Damn! another one. allrerady got two on my keys. Going to need a seperate keyring for security tokens soon! Glad it got sorted bro. Sounds like you were lucky to strike such an honest vendor.

    B16A2: Good luck with your claim as well.


  7. Could you please help me on this?I can't find anything relevant in the Australian Red Cross site about PP payment,i am

    searching :type: since the start of the fund raising.

    Thanks for your help


    Sorry mate, I was up all night working on this and actualy had some work to go to today (a nice change).

    If there is no way to donate via PP (my bad for not asking them when I called about this days ago) You can donate at any Red Cross office in the world. Just nominate that the funds are for the Aussie fire appeal and they will get to where they are needed. Scan the recipt and send it off. Any more problems just Email me at ozfirefund@yahoo.com

    It sounds like Onze may have the answer. I shall go ask.


    EDIT: Onze has left the building and I have PM'd him and will get back on this ASAP.

  8. Hey folks. Belive it or not due to the generosity of great people more prizes have been added!

    We have an example of the best wireless keyboard ever made and a DateJust. Thats FIVE WATCHES IN TOTAL!

    Thanks to WBK and Whoosh70!

    See the main post for details and keep the donations comming. We have to make this worth the kindness of all who have given so freely for the prize pool!!!!

    Thanks to all who have allready given.

    Regards, Col.

  9. Whilst it hasn't officially been announced, Col and I have been talking about the finish date for this raffle.

    May I suggest we set it at 2400 hrs AEDT, next Sunday 22nd February 2009.

    I'm sure Col will chime in here, and advise, if he has other plans!


    Sounds good to me OS. Iwe ain't struck oil by then it's time to stop boreing :)


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