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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Nothing wrong with quartz. Quite a few real nice gens are available in quartz. Some only in quartz.

    Welcome to the madness. As stated above, it only gets worse mate. You may want to take the timezone watch makeing course to put those tools to good use.

    Regards, Col.

  2. Well that went well. We raised a grand total of 6997 USD that's 10.155 AUD! Well done to all who contributed. Give your selvs a pat on the back. The total for the entire Red Cross fund has now risen over the 250,000,000 mark so a big difference will be made in the lives of those affected by the fires.

    My thanks go to all who contributed prizes for this effort.










    SFA347 (@ Geeks, I don't have a link)

    And a cpl of anon doners who know who they are.

    Thanks guys, without your generosity it would never have happened.

    One of the best things in all of this for me was to see all four fora work together with a common goal, raising money for folks worse off than us. It just goes to show what can be achived if we all work as one.

    Lots of thanks must also go to the Admins who allowed this to happen and lent me various facilities on the fora to make it so. Thanks also to Onzenuub who ran things at Repgeeks on my behalf as I don't frequent there. Thanks buddy!

    Please reward those dealers who gave prizes by buying from them when you can. Each and every one of them is #1 to deal with and all round great guys. If you won a prize, please take the time to thank the prize giver via PM/email and if it was a dealer take some pics and do a little review of the item you won on your home forum. There were some damn nice prizes there and I'm jelous of some of you. Still can't get over that Key board, wow! Damn nice phone too. All the watches were of cause first class and the more personal prizes like badges and handmade pens are of cause extra special like things money can't buy allways are.

    AFIK all should have their prizes by now execpt for a cpl still in transit. If you havn't and belive it should be there by now, please get in touch.

    So in concluding, thanks one last time to one and all who made this possible and that's everybody!

    Best regards, Col.

  3. Wont the bottle burst or the cap burst out or something?

    That's why it's important to use a gen bottle. DO NOT use a cheapie and have some respect for the possibility of it blowing up especialy the first time. Be warned, if these jiggers do blow they fragment into nasty sharp pieces due to the type of plastic used. It's very tough but also very hard so shatters not splits.


  4. A moon watch with this movement would obviously need a solid case back, but maybe another good candidate.

    A propper moonie should in fact have a solid case back! Finaly, a decent moonie. Yippie!

    And, of cause, this:



    Oh joy oh joy! I can't wait. Of cause I'm gunna have to. :bounce:

    Damn I love this watch! I forget now who first said "If you can't get laid wearing this, forget it.


  5. and the whole problem is compounded by trying to deal with forum nicks and real names.

    Oh how true! My recent experiance with the bush fire fundraiser taught me this in short time (I actualy knew this allready, I had simply forgoten). It is amazing the extent to which this simple point complictaes things. Along with folk for whome english is a second (or even third) language. Not their fault of cause but still a further hurdle to overcome.


  6. Yeah! It's amazing how different this watch looks in the various colours. It's hard enough to make up my mind between blk and wht! I think a trip to the AD is going to be needed to see both first. If they rep the colours as well I'm in real trouble. This is one of those rare repa I could see myself buying more than one of.


    EDIT: I think this would look even nicer on a course CF strap like the one on the PO I posted in one of BTs's threads recently.

  7. Ya. Dems, The problem is that AN is a fertisiler. Lagre increases in the levels of AN create massive algal booms as OS said. This has a hugly detremental effect on sealife as a whole. SO bad that there is allready a problem with the amount being leached into the sea from farming operations esp cane. This amount pales beside what is currently lying on the bottom in these containers.


  8. Yep, we just can't win can we? Bunker fuel at least breaks down in deep water. Beter than the more refined stuff. The other problem is the contaners were lost in a major trawling area. They now have 30 odd objects on the bottom any one of which can hook up a net and capsise the boat! It will be a long time before they are all safely located and ploted. Lets hope no one finds one the hard way in the meentime. A lot of operators are staying in port due to the risk. That's all they need after loseing a week due to the weather.


  9. Damn, sorry to hear that mate. My condolences to all involved.

    I have spent hundreds of hours in choppers as a crew chief/loadmaster so I feel this one worse than some will. The S92 is a big, tough bird. A hell of an improvment on the trash we were flying in Africa but even the best have troubles now and again. Sadly I have to agree with you mate, the're gone.

    The north Atlantic is like that as you well know. Stay strong bro, we're all here if and when you need us.

    Regards, Col.

    PS: I am shure I speak for all at RWG1.1 when I offer condolences.

  10. Stop it all of you! You are makeing me jelous. I want one! This was one of the first reps that caught my eye when I first arrived on the boards and I have been waiting for a decent one ever since. Now I have to find a way of paying for one. Think I'll wait a while and see what the price does.


  11. :lol:

    A blast from the past!

    I'm wearing my WM9 Sub V2 and loving it.

    Now the credit card processing is done through Las Vegas but the watches are still shipped out of Taiwan. They ship from someone with your own last name and include a "happy birthday" card. :lol:

    Mate, there are some things US customs don't need to know buddy. That is prob one of them.


  12. Yep, Tony will fix. May I sugest that in future it may be an idea to use a EU based dealer to advoid this problem. Maybe you have a mate in Spain? They seem to be a lot laxer about these things. Have them sent to him. Proberly an idea to use a different addres next time if you ship to yourself. Also don't contact customs at all even to answer one of their notes.

    Regards, Col.

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