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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. They are NOT a better rep. All reps come from the same sources regardless of dealer. No one dealer has an exclusive maker. At 420USD your AD is a fool and there is no way it has a Swiss MVT. There are several tells that any compentant AD should have picked up on. Someone more familer with HB than me will be along shortly to point them out. I would be hesitant to buy a Swatch from that AD. This was a HB AD yes? 420 is not a lot for a BB and it may not even be top grade rep.

    LWL = Little White Lies.

    Our Standard Replicas are one of the few built with real diamonds

    :rofl: Yeah, Riiiight!

    Steel: Whenever mentioned Steel, you see REAL 440 Stainless Steel. 440 is the level of Steel strength, made in Switzerland.

    No it's not!

    * Japanese Made (Standard Replicas) * Swiss Made (Swiss Replicas)
    There are no Swiss or JPN made reps! Period. 98% of reps are made in China and the rest in Thailand and Vietnam. The Viet are usualy the rare and expensive hand made pieces and can cost up to 20 grand or so.There are no JPN auto MVTs used in reps and very few (if any) Swiss. A BB with a gen ETA would set you back at least a grand if you know a dealer well enough to get a real ETA.



    See this?


    It's a 300 dollar watch (even less from some dealers) with a ETA clone in it. They sell it for $599, double the price it should be!

    This Speedy?


    Price from our dealers: $250 ish. Their price? $529 (!) with

    Genuine Swiss 7750 Manual Winding Movement
    Problem there. There is no such thing!!!!! It has a Chinese Sea-Gull ST19, same as all speedy reps, a great MVT but no ETA, gen or clone.

    Geting the picture? Do youself a favor and leave this site well alone and get a new AD, yours is broken.

    Have a look thru the list of recomended dealers here, go to their sites. The reps they are selling are either the same or better quality than these pirates are flogging. They should stick to flogging something else since they are apperantly so good at it.


  2. Please, please do not take reps to ADs. You only get them worried and then they start stirring HB for action.

    The AD said Swiss? Wow. Since any AD should be able to tell a 7750 clone (neither of the two brands are quite the same as ETA) it very well may be. As surprised as I would be by that since a 7750 is $500 plus on its own and RH are basicly over priced and the site is full of LWLs. $239 for a quartz PO? How much did you pay?

    They do have a sence of humor tho, read the watch bit in the below pic.


    Would you print that review on your site?


  3. Chances are you will be quite happy to wear the UPO in its standed form untill your gen is on your wrist. It's one of the better reps. The one mod you may consider is the crown and tube as the origenal can be fragile. Wait untill it plays up tho as if youre carefull with screwing it in it will be fine. AR is nice on these. The gen/rep pic above shows the difference AR makes on this watch.


  4. Actualy what kills the glow is usualy the Zinc Sulphide (the stuff that glows when bombarded with the radiation) breaks down from being bombarded. The dose recived from a watch (between .06 and 1 millirem a year) is recived thru leakege of tritium from the watch being absorbed thru the skin as the radition is too week to make it thru the watch case.

    The giger should have recorded a reading somwhere arouind 2mCi if a a paint lumed dial and between 25 and 100mCi if of the GLTS (gas light tube source) type.


  5. Swiss ETA huh? What, with a crappy CN sec@6 module on it? I have strong doubts about this one. Hope I'm wrong 'cause it's a preety big LWL. Even if it is a Swiss ETA, it will still have that crappy module hung off it. What a waste of a great MVT. How do you figger 100 bucks cats? A gen 7750 is 400 to 600 bucks for a low to mid grade.


  6. There is nothing wrong with quartz but as long as folk keep dislikeing them the longer bargan quartz collectables will be out there.

    Take the RAF Seikos for example most types can be had for under three hundred bucks.


    Between the RAF and Navy models there's about a dozen to chose from.

    The grand daddy of all collectable Seiko chronos is the RAF Vulcan model. Issued only to flight crews of the bombers they are named after there are less than 800 of these made but you can still have one for just over a grand.


    You won't find any plactic in these. All metal MVT, acurate to with in 1/60 sec a day and full EMF shielding better than that of a Milgauss.

    Or maybe one of the moden classics:


    Not the same quality of MVT now days of cause but as stated earlier at least you can replace it for fifty bucks or so.

    Even Rolex, Brietling and co have the occaisional foray into quartz.


  7. All the fora have their own "pet" dealers, it just depends on which board you are on. Most are good, some are having the odd bit of trouble ATM. There are dealers on most boards that I would not consider dealing with personaly but there are no "bad" dealers at any of the boards where I am an active member. D4M is finest kind and you can deal with him in total confidence. He has some of the best deals going anywhere.

    Yep, poor old little RWG1.1 is up and running again <insert shameless plug here> RWG1.1

    You will find some unique dealers there as well as some from the other boards but we do not have a sales section there, you deal direct. If you come over for a visit be warned RWG1.1 is the wild west of watch fora and is basicly unmoderated (unless you realy p*ss me off). Funnily enough some of the dealers tend to chat there a lot more than the other fora, still don't know why but we like it.


  8. Wow guys! If you can indeed pull this off they will sing songs and tell stories in your names for generations of rep fanatics to come.

    If it is indeed possible it will be the hardest of hardcore mods ever. And with any luck the factories will take notice! I think you will find that the font is unique to Brietling so the only way to get it exactly correct would be to buy a Navi MVT and do a high res scan of the datewheel, reasemble and sell.


  9. I see the quartz nay sayers are in full swing.

    Personaly I'd much rather have the quartz version than the 21J with faux Chronos. The sec hand is so small no one will notice anyway. On the other hand they are likely to notice that the sweep hand is allways running and the sml sec ain't. I abhore faux chronos, yuck!

    For the OP: A quartz version has the same features as a gen but the second hand (the little hand on a chrono) "ticks" instead of sweeping where as the 21J (an asian automatic MVT) has faux (false) chronos that tell 24hr time or simply index one click when the pusher is pressed. On a faux chrono watch the large second hand does the job the small one should and is allways in motion while the small one (which should be moveing) stays still.

    Better still, save up and buy the A7750 version where everything works as it should. They are under 300 bucks ATM thanks to the WEC (world economic crises).


  10. Yep, the're geting beter but I still think that a FG rose or yellow would wear thin in a reasonably short time. If you have acess to the gear you can allways retouch any thin spots but I'm not shure if the same can be said for RG as the colour depends so much on the mix of alloys used.


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