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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Oke, I was hopeing I may have a cpl or be able to get them and send 'em over. Sounds like I'm not. Give me a day to try something else other wise the best chance is to order your next piece from one of the big Pam guys. DVN or T4D come to mind and get a few pins sent along with the watch. Both of these guys will proberly have them on hand. The value is just too small to bother a dealer with for just the pins. We'll get the pins somehow, forget having to get new deployents.


  2. Can't help with the bars but I can with your english :)

    It's actualy a French word so english is not totaly correct I supose but it's "deployent" not "deployment"

    I gather they are not just standered spring bars?


  3. Was the letter adressed to you? Was it registered? Never sign for any letter unless you are expecting something important! If they want your sig, it's gotta be bad. Depending on the post office rules there it is an idea to used a different name on any pkg as well. Most POs will allow you to P/U mail if the addy on your ID matches the mailing addy. The deny, deny , deny route is usualy best but in SU I realy don't know. The fact they are dangling a promise of not giving you up to IWC tends to tell me that they are on thin ice here. Why make promises like that if they are on firm ground? If it was cut and dried they would just say "You owe us, pay up." Is there a free law advice service in SU? Ask them for guidence if there is as Swiss law is wierd and tough.

    Also, move countries :)

    Good luck and regards, Col. (who thanks his lucky stars he does not live in an EU police state or SU).

  4. I wouldn't call that a rep. poor imitation more like it. My sisters father in law has just finished a rep Lambo, space frame, gen engine and running gear. THAT'S a rep! Mind you, he's also hung a pair of whopping great Garrett turbos off the engine :)

    Retired F1 engineers get bored quickly.


  5. Eeeeks! A hundred bucks each?

    Also, they are NOS. How old he does not say. Chances are they may be nearly buggered anyway. Worth it if you have a gen vintage piece but there's other stuff I'd rather spend 100 smackers on.


    EDIT: Just noticed, you wanna sell? They publish your IP!

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