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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Me too! Just as a hobby.......................Here's one that I haven't modified since '06. It still needs some tweaking, but I've been busy tho'............. RWG Homepage
  2. True this, but presently @ 2 pages, this thread is way short of the 17 page modicum required for a 'TTK' thread. Towit, I certainly would never order a watch from him and not expect the routine, though it has always been fodder for a 'replica watch daydream', the experience, but would surely want him in my fox hole with the sh*te falling all around. And I never said I wouldn't go fishing with the man.
  3. But she was quoting Churchill. Right?
  4. Pretty much, but he did drive a Lotus Esprit The Spy Who Loved Me and a L E Turbo For Your Eyes Only and a few B'mers, including the Z3 in GoldenEye. lol a Z3 what a chick car. Only a Miata MX5 could have been worse, but yeah, the DB5 is, was, and always will be...........'it'.
  5. Yeah, that's a good one. But Churchill said it best. K'inell, Churchill said it ALL best; " A Democracy is the worst form of government. Until you consider the alternatives."
  6. How did I miss this! Well done day. A vision in her cloak. Handsome couple. You're taller than you post T'J. Other than that, just as the mind pictured! Much happiness! Dems
  7. lol! The Full Monty! Some of us can only aspire to the complete.
  8. Indeed! But therein lies the rub. 'Control'. Is it inate? A learned behaviour? Easy for some, impossible for others? I can have 'no' beers. Easy! I can not have one beer. Like Federal Income Tax withholding. Some can take their entire check, bank the money, earn a small dividend through the year and pay tax in April. Others know themselves better and opt for withholding and a return, others see themselves as the former but just blow off their tax debt found short at tax time. It's convoluted. Participation in the 401k program is voluntary. It has some good incentives, makes sense to good thinking/planning, and so people participate. To withdraw money pre-maturely goes against the philosophy of the 'plan', but some will do it frivolously or in unsubstantiated panic, or by 'loop hole' by design as Chief alluded given this opportunity. I have talked A LOT of friends into Roth's and IRA's, are determined, and are set. Others just join mutual funds and build up 30 to 50K and look similarly prepared toward retrirement. Then they just show up one day with a 911 Carerra. It basically comes down to personal responsibility and personal philosophy. Me? I'd rather live on potatoes and pasta, swinging a pick axe with 10K more in the bank, than have the money now and a 'hope' for a better unknown future. Still, it's subjective. There certainly are GREAT reasons to get behind, or in 'debt'; health, home, employment situations. I think 10K is enough of a bridge, but not enough for one 'too far'. I will say though, it is a rather 'Conservative' gesture on the part of this President. He's essentially saying; "You be the best judge for your concerns here with this offer. Take on the responsibility of the consequenses." It is indeed THEIR money. There certainly is NO re-distribution od wealth here. That bodes well for bi-partisanship. JFK would have done this. Cool.
  9. lol, group 'Banned' and still he gets his own thread. I bet it turns into a 17 pager. Classic RWG. Yes. <edit> Hmmmmm, First post. 'Capt.Cope' is that you?
  10. No, no you obviously don't.
  11. And the US Social Security program as it stands................ Wow, it just dawned; what if W. succeeded in the privatization of the US Social Security? Hmmmm, maybe not so much, I forget the particulars of the Bill, but I don't think the entire entitlement would have been wrapped up in equities like the 401K? Meh, no matter................ But you know, not allowing people to withdraw or manage the 401K as a 'portfolio' (for younger demographics looking at decades of productive employment) probably saves them from themselves................if you maintain shares you can benefit from the eventual market incline. Too many, if allowed would panic and bail. Why I only maintain a very small amount of my own invested wealth in my direct control with no safe guard (an investment entity) as a buffer. Like mediation in divorce, you really should have to jump through hoops of those who 'know better' for your own best interest. For older participants in the program? Let their wealth of knowledge, or deficit thereof, having walked this world, be their guide. God Bless.
  12. That's awesome. First you have to define the 'box', then you can effectively think outside it. Seeing this market as 'normal' as you enter the private sector is a major advantage I would imagine. I would also then think a lot of the old school 'Warren Buffet/ Bill Seidmen/Peter Lynch' types are looking at it like it was from Mars. They will not make much of it. "It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies." Colonel Walter E. Kurtz Embrace the horror. Horror is your friend. <edit> Seems the Fed Chairman made good use of 'rehtoric' today; DOW up @195. I hear O. is speaking this evening? Too bad it will be after the market close. His speech is supposed to be "Reaganesque". Now, is that so hard?
  13. MmmmmK, so it's 1010 EST and the DOW hit what? 75+ around 0945 on the financials JPM, C, WFC all up about 3% ? And the index is just about flat now? There was money to be made there............ But Bernanke is flapping his yap, and Geithner has another shot at 'open mouth insert foot' this afternoon. Don't bet the market, bet the psyche. It can work. I'm going fishing.
  14. Unfortunately, with my two personal 'inside market' gurus on the Syrian border tending to other important stuff, the only intel I can draw from is reading the WSJ everyday, internet blogs, surfing the satellite and filtering the chatter from the talking heads, which, in this environment, makes me a pro. I would say, the money on the sideline is a pretty well wound spring in it's barrel, to use the vernacular of the board. Right now the hang for a bear market rally is the ambiguous signals sent from Washington on the bank support. The investor corps is willing, and ready, but no one want's to be the first one into the pool. Not on any sound economic principle, but just because just as you collect $200 passing "Go" in Monopoly; it's just a quirk of how the game is played. If Geithner would 'ceremoniously' just spell it out, the plan, ant reasonable plan, in Russian if he want's to-what the heck, then the market would rally 3-5% on a vaporous sigh of relief. That's the new market. Invent a rally on rehtoric, and immediately sell into it. It's the first day at school. Old school long-term investing is closed. The DOW could quite possibly never grow to 14000. So what? The market fell 3% yesterday, wish I had an early trade in on Citi and BAC. For the day. Right now, waiting for the market to open, the Futures are looking like a DOW bump of perhaps 40-60 points up till maybe 1000 EST, ALL the major US banks are up 5-7% in the pre-trade. It will all be over by 1030, and millions could be made in trades in the financial sector even if the DOW drops to 6500 by 1600. OK fine, I used to bemoan 'traders' because they screwed with my long term investment models. But if you can't lick'em, lick 'em as the Reverend Ted Nugent used to say. Heck, I'll trade until 1045 EST and then go fishing if that's the new game. I'm all in. "Gold" is f*ing stupid though.
  15. I hear ya' D, it's gonna be a long, long, long four year term...................
  16. Oh, right. One to get to work in, one to be in the shop. K.
  17. Poor economic indicators this week due to 'Policy confusion'='Poor adminstrative performance'. It's like, whoa, the top exec has no executive experience or what? Which is OK, I suppose, because, when I needed heart surgery? I didn't have any personal experience in surgical cardiology. I just used a good vetting plan to find a man who did. So................................C'mon people get it together. Jeez.
  18. Hey Dave. Is RepGeek down again? Hate when that happens. Roger on the 'resale/depreciation' on Jaguar. Oh well, you can't be a big dog on chump change. Speaking of 'Change', I saw O. was in Canada last week. Good thing you guys have all the oil. He's gonna shut Mexico out of NAFTA through US protectionism. You'll still be able to get MOPAR and GM parts. It'll cost you though.............when the government owns two of the big three, a fan belt for your 'Vette will cost as much as one off an F-22. Good to see you!
  19. BRILLIANT! Like I said, the truck has a V-10, my portfolio holds Exxon/Mobil, and I have an Exxon card in my wallet.
  20. Man, just do it. All cars have consumer horror stories. All. Name a car that has the best recognized service record, then Google it /Horror Stories............................http://www.porscheenginefailure.com/?p=11 Then someone here will post a "Yeah, but, yeah, but, I'm Mr. Porsche and that site is crap, and I ran a service tech in Germany and you should listen to me, because when I was at Brumos................" PHOOEY!! I drive Fords; a '03 Excursion V-10 and a '98 Cobra modular V-8 32v, and all the import guys will say American is crap, and all the Bow Tie guys will say Ford is junk............but my experience with both vehicles has been nothing but sheer bliss and contentment. Do your 'Consumer Reports' due diligence and if you can easily talk yourself into it, grab for the ring. My father has owned XK-E types through the sixties, XJ-S types through the seventies, tried a couple of Lexus through the nineties, and now drives an old geezer's XJ-S................there have been computer problems, brake problems, fuel injection problems, electrical gremlins but every single Jag has been BUTTER!.............cars are man made. Men are fallible. Get some faith. JUST DO IT!! Pics please.
  21. Wadan? You're not helping Actually, I have no real sense of what you are going up against Carbonless, but it seems 'image' is an ultimate concern? I was just thinking, driving home, that you may want to demure a watch altogether. 'Image' is more than the obvious 'visual'. In a court room 'actions' may speak more to the perception. What if, even in a casual, perhaps nervous, aside, when the focus of the room was not on you, you found yourself drawn to a 'new' watch, pulling back your suit sleeve and it was observed by others? "Is he bored or something?", "Does he have somewhere else he'd rather be?", "Is he wondering if his Tivo kicked off?" I know a lot of successful people who do not wear wrist watches. There are always subordinates around with their fru-fru watches concerned with 'time'. Concentrate on your performance. Maybe get a Mont Blanc rep pen and hold it like Bob Dole.
  22. Put more thought into your neck tie. Honestly, what watch does Dennis 'Denny' Crane wear? Exactly. But his seven-fold-four-in-hand neck ties starting at 165us (cheaper than a Beginmariner) are legendary. Best of luck. Rip their heads off!
  23. lol, you're mad. However, I have a similar experiment under Wey. Literally. outside the Yvonne Arnoud Theatre, Guildford station pump house. My POS Asian Sub stopped working there. I will not however be able to supply any infos to data. That will be the fodder for Muslim archaeologists who will find the piece well into the future; "Hmmmmm, praise Allah! The Asians once inhabited this holy land after intermingling with the Swiss! They fashioned steel and brass into trinkets of the devil! And held a penchant for the occaisional Wimpy Burger!" No one gets history right. Anyhoo, good luck with your trial!
  24. lol C'mon Shund' this is 2009 let the stereo types go. Ironically, this photo was taken when President Obama was visiting an elementary school reading. You know, almost an identical photo-op as when W. was apprised of the 9/11 situation. The press jumped on him because he took that 40 sec. eternity to absorb the news before he conferred with his aides. lol, I wonder what the underground press would have gone with if this were President Obama's reaction to said same? Anyhoo, I just checked in here and wondered why this thread fell apart. Then it dawned; all the capitalists have been in the fetal position since Monday. Make sweet love to the free-market O, and you will have 'Rome'..................ignore it and you won't have any political capital to set them free.
  25. Smart ass. lol, Rya and Doc have the same Picot. Man. I laughed.
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