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Everything posted by Marky1012

  1. I got my new toy in the post yesterday. It took only a week! From an amateur's perspective it looks spot on - bezel, crown, clasp and dial look as good as those reviewed by some of the RWG Superstars. Great communications - and he walked me gently through the buying process. I will be asking Jackie to source and price my next purchase Pam111, Omega UPO or anIWC Aquatimer. Decisions, decisions!
  2. So, one for TT and one for Puretime. Any more?
  3. ....She's got a face like a dropped pie
  4. I want to purchase a Pam 111H as my next rep. This will be my fourth in 6 weeks. I have a white SOSF, a HBB Steel, I am expecting the to get the Rolex V3 Sea Dweller delivered this week and I now want the Pam. So much for the 'I'll only get a couple of watches and then I'll get bored' conversation with the missus! I picked this particular model because of the dial (numbers are cut out) and the lume. The recent reviews also helped! TT has this model for $158 - which appears to have the Sapphire crystal. The Puretimme model is $188 but for an extra $30 you get the sapphire and AR, and for an extra $60 it is modded with a superlumed dial and cannon pin fix. Overall the watch will cost $278 from Puretime and $158 from Trusty. In your opinion are the mods worth the extra $120. I am a complete novice in this area so your advice is appreciated. Cheers Mark
  5. Interesting point. I purchased a rep white SOSF and it arrived just before Christmas. I am very new to this hobby and am still not sure what i should be looking for. Getting to the point...........my dial is a cream colour, not even close to white. I was expecting it to be a lot closer to white (or why bother calling it white). I like the watch and it works well but I would be a bit miffed if I did wear it out and the colour of the dial is an immediate tell. I'm not trying to mislead anyone but I also don't want 'Rep' screaming out to eveyone! I won't identify my dealer at this stage as I don't think that would be appropriate. I'll do some checking on his website and the Breitling website to see whether there is a major discrepancy. Perhaps, if at least two of us have this creamy colour then it is likely others will as well. I'll report back after doing some research.
  6. I am new to this site and to the hobby and I think the biggest issue for newbies is not knowing which questions to ask. I asked some fairly stupid questions right at the beginning and I was pointed in the right direction. As a result of the positive support I decided to show my gratitude by becoming a Supporter of this Forum. I have spent most of my time reading and practically no time since the very beginning either asking questions or contributing to the discussions. I don't know very much about rep collecting and felt it better to keep silent until such time as i had something useful to contribute. 'Better to keep silent and let people think you are a fool that to open your mouth and remove all doubt.' I think for those who choose to insult newbies I think it is more a reflection on them than the newbies themselves. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point and this Forum is no exception. If you provide the support (by pointing people in the right direction rather than necessarily answering the question) then the benefits will follow; take my example - I am now a supporter. So, welcome the newbies, give them some help and remember, (I think Donald Rumsfeld said it best) 'they don't know what they don't know'
  7. Gentlemen, thank you. I think, after you have been so helpful, it is only right for me to upgrade my membership to demonstrate my appreciation.
  8. I have been hunting through the forum and am amazed at the knowledge and support I found here. I have just purchased a couple of reps and I can't wait to get them in my hot sticky hands. One is an SOSF White face and the other is a Big Bang with SS bezel. I have picked out half a dozen other reps for my collection - I now need to get the cash! I suspect this might fall into the 'dumb question' category but I have no idea how to change the strap on a watch. I have ordered the leather strap for the SOSF as well as the steel bracelet but not being in any way practical I don't have a clue what tools I will need to do this. Any help is appreciated.
  9. Thanks guys, I am so impressed that you make the effort to offer advice. I'm gonna go for the more expensive option from Angus. The g/f will have to buy one less pair of shoes this month!
  10. Good point - best I do a bit more saving! Thanks
  11. Hey fellas, I'm just building up the courage to purchase my first Rep, which will be the Hublot BB SS Black Dial. I have been looking on Angus's site and there are two options available: The first is the standard version at $428 - but includes AR Coating both sides. The second is the Lite version at $248 plus $20 for a single AR Coating. From the information provided it does not appear that there are any other differences. My question is - is the 2 sided AR coating worth the additional $160 being charged? Any help greatly appreciated. Marky1012
  12. A couple of things I have noticed on the site and would appreciate clarification. 1 I was looking at Angus's website and noticed two similar watches - but on had the word Lite in the description. What does light mean - or will this be a D'oh! moment? I also noticed that where watches are for sale there is a response with PM Sent. What is PM and how do you do it? Thanks.
  13. Thanks guys, I'm starting to look around the site - and there is a lot to look at! I'll definitely be picking up a couple of reps before Christmas. I love the Hublot Big Bang! Any thoughts on the best supplier for this would be good. I'm hearing that Angus is the man to talk to about Hublot. Would you agree?
  14. Hi, I'm Mark and I am new to this. I live in Swindon, England and will shortly going to Florida with my partner and our 5 year old to visit the parks. I am interested in purchasing some replica watches, in particular, Breitling, Chaumet, Graham and Urwerk. I have a real 1999 Movado and much as I would like to purchase other real watches - but being a normal person I can't really afford it! I am beginning to understand the the best replicas are the 'Swiss' replicas and after that comes Japanese. Am I right in thinking that Swiss or Japanese only relates to the movement, and the rest of the watch is the same? I am currently at the stage of "I don't know what I don't know" so any advice on how to start would be gratefully received, particularly where I should be spending my money - who are the best suppliers? I have been flicking through the net at a range of suppliers but I am finding it a bit bewildering, there are so many suppliers out there. Also, are there any 'Classic' watches which should be part of everyone's collection?
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