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Everything posted by Marky1012

  1. +1 from me. Top man, great quality, good prices. Loving his work!
  2. Would it be worth having a list of those individuals we have had a positive experience with? Perhaps a Pinned entry on Reviews but one single thread making it easier to get to. I understand there are some individuals who will receive positive and negative feedback, and where bad feedback exists then that person is removed from the 'good' pile. This should just be about the positive feeback and not naming and shaming those with negative feedback. I'm sure we can all read between the lines!
  3. And don't do any swimming with it until you get it waterproofed.
  4. I'd buy one of these in a heartbeat. I want a Breit white dial chrono but the SA looks too big. I think white looks bigger on your wrist so a Skyland is perfect.
  5. Tower of London and Tower Bridge is also a must. You might want to take a boat trip down the Thames - the pilots give a running commentary which is good value. My family took a duck bus that toured around parts of London and then went onto the river. Dead cool!
  6. I'm impressed with your knowledge big fella, but this bitterness is gonna give you a heart attack. I can only surmise that you have been banned from being a Liverpool fan at some point and forced to support a different team - or a scouser nicked your hubcaps! Liverpool have had a bad season but at least the majority their fan base comes from the same city! Come on you reds!
  7. I think you should offer to buy him a drink first!
  8. Top bloke, very supportive - get well soon, fella.
  9. I'd be happy to put in $10 too. 'Community' says it all
  10. I purchased a PAM 243 and received it just before Christmas. 3 weeks later the lume dot on the Bezel fell off and is lost. I contacted the dealer who asked me to remind him on 3 February as he was off visiting the factories. I did this and a few days later the lume dot at 7 O'clock has come unstuck. I have not contacted the dealer about this as I suspect he won't be picking up emails until next week. First question: Should I send the watch back to the dealer for a replacement? My thought are, probably not as it is something quite minor. Second question: Should I ask the dealer to help with the costs of reattaching the lume dots? I'll be sending this off to Domi as I have - to quote the missus - fingers like pigs [censored]. Third question: If the dealer is unable to source the required bezel lume dot should I then be asking for a replacement? The dealer has been great and this is not the first purchase from him. His comms are good and I have no reason to think he will do anything other than find the lume dot for me but I want to manage my expectations so your thoughts on these questions would be appreciated.
  11. Trying to resize my UPO bracelet. Broke 3 pin tools and eventually threw the bracelet in the bin.
  12. Love this watch! I think this is the coolest of the HBB's. When you get bored, give me a shout!
  13. Saw this today but not convinced. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brietling-for-Bentleys-Brown-Strap_W0QQitemZ300395838986QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Jewelery_Watches_Watches_MensWatches_GL?hash=item45f0fcbe0a What do you think?
  14. Guys, don't tell everyone about Domi, everyone will want to use him. Let's keep him our little secret!
  15. Great tips guys. I'll be giving this a go over the weekend. This is about the limit of my technical ability. I'm a lover not a modder!
  16. Big mistake? A mistake is an error - this was just a big fat lie.......... Still, I quite fancy the watch you are selling. Wanna trade?!
  17. Agreed. Sad to say the UK is far behind the US in this regard. At the moment we seem to be more divided - particularly with the disaffected youth, the gangs, the knife culture and the embedded racism in some of our institutions. Sadly, this is starting to happen with parts of the asian community, with islamic fundamentalism on the rise. Finally, add this to the BNP, a right-wing political party and and we have a powder keg just waiting to blow. Great - I've just depressed myself.
  18. As son as I learn to take my DSSD apart I'm gonna want this done.
  19. Jesus, Pho, that level of bitterness is gonna eat you up. Let it go, move on and find something to be happy about.
  20. Me too. Timely and good quality and great value. Doesn't get better than that. Recomended.
  21. Thanks guys, help and advice much appreciated. I never fail to be impressed with the helpfulness and the generosity of this forum. Ironically, Tee-Jay, I have just purchased a couple of straps for the watch!
  22. I was walking to the station in the rain on my way home from work and I felt something go on my wrist. My PAM 111H had separated at the top of the strap, as a result of the screw in lug pin (can someone tell me what it is called?) coming out of the lugs. I had noticed that it was not screwing in properly and had come loose once before. I have checked the threads in the lug and one side has deteriorated. So, I am left with a watch that I might not be able to wear again - which I am not happy about! I am thinking there may be a solution, although I don't think there is much I can do about the thread inside the lug, there may be something I can do with a spring bar as a replacement. What do you think? I there another option? Anything you guys can suggest would be appreciated. I'm not technical so it will need to be simple!
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