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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. I tried grabbing it with Orbit/Grab++. The problem is they seem to be doing back end authentication to the rtmp server. So when their server/host sees me/us trying to grab it from not-their domain, it fails.

    I am swamped at work at the moment, but if I can spoof the authentication we may be in luck. The other option if I get time is I have a screen recorder on my Mac that I might be able to simply re-record it to a H.264 or other Quicktime format.

  2. That logo is actually of the Swedish Air Force acro team "Team 60"! :lol:

    Here is a late 90ties Breitling Pluton with the same logo!

    plutonteam60450x6007th.jpg w450.png

    Not a bad replica really..it is on par, or even better than todays Emergency replicas.

    Wow, that looks like an old Armitron circa 1984 with different dial and bezel. If I find a picture of the exact watch I will post it.

  3. Yes, acupuncture is not some smoke and mirrors voodoo, it really works. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Although I personally have not certified in AP (yet), I teach Tai Chi and perform Reiki and Shiatsu treatments. I have trained in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean martial arts over the past 25 years. It is amazing how well the body responds to many of these modalities.

    I had a wicked sinus headache yesterday brought on by a weather front. I used accupressure points on myself to pretty much eliminate it.

    Good stuff.

  4. Wow, so if I have this straight even the new EIDE are causing the same issue. ???

    Question: Is this, or was it ever part of a dual-boot system. (i.e. Grub/LiLo or Windows MBR)?

    Since you are dealing with a *nix operating system, if you have time to kill, you might want to try a *nix based imager like PING. PING (Partimage Is Not Ghost) - http://ping.windowsdream.com/ I have never had an issue using this to image drives and move specifically to larger drives.

  5. My in-laws don't understand how much we pay for a small house downtown in a big city, when for the same price we could get a massive house out in the suburbs.

    Ditto that. I would rather have 1000 sq ft in a major metropolitan city (which I do) than 3000+ sq ft in the 'burbs. (Been there done that 3200 sq ft, but all the neighbors cared about were their lawns and sports center - yawn, never going back) :) Gotta have the pulse of the city.

    As for the hobby, my family and 'city slicker' friends support me/it.

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