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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. :tu: Excellent post. I poured over bezel photos for hours on VRF and elsewhere.

    My conclusions were:

    1.) With Rolex, there is no hard and fast rules governing parts/replacement parts.

    2.) I have found some examples of shallow bezel cuts that look almost spot on to WSO's shallow cut bezel.

    2a) I also think shallow cut looking bezels could also be the result of wear and tear and/or polishing.

    3.) Rolex GMT line, especially 1675's have the most variations of ANY Rolex Sport Model ever produced.

    Based on the following photo's what are your thoughts on these? Gen/Rep etc...





  2. I have handed GENUINE Rolex's to friends with GEN 9315, 93150, 62150, and they ALL thought the watch was fake based on the GEN bracelet. There is a thread on TRF about the rattle of the GENS. Yes, GENS rattle too.

    I think this is hyper-sensitivity. Rolex bracelets are notoriously NOT the highest quality bracelets out there. Hell Seiko kicks their a$$ in the bracelet arena.

    You friend has a GOLD Daytona. GOLD is significantly heavier to begin with. So take his assessment with a grain of salt.

    I also own a GEN Omega that has a bracelet that consistently binds up.

    While there are no doubt crap REP bracelets out there, don't fret too much. If it looks good on your wrist, wear it well and don't hand it to people.

  3. I have done tons of 1675 research lately, and based on my findings:

    ALL 1675 Bezel replacement parts appear to be coming from the SAME SOURCE/FACTORY. We are talking aftermarket to fit gen spec. So whether you use Yuki, WSO, Clarks, JK, Classic, JW chances are you will be getting the SAME thing. So choose based on price and local shipping if you have the choice.


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  4. I use mine a TON... on my GEN's (non-A7750).

    I use mine as follows:

    • Track my parking meter use. I live in a major city, so when the meter says I have 2:00, I hit start.
    • Time airplane flights. Usually wheels up-wheels down, when the Capt. says "Our Flight Time will Be" (Gives me final Bathroom warning).
    • Grilling. (i.e. Salmon 9 minutes (5min on skin, 4min flip side)
    • At allergist. I get allergy shots and have to wait :20 then show them my arm.
    • (Telemeter) Time distance of Thunderstorms (or Artillery)

    So, for me I use them. I also use my Dive Bezels for the same reasons often.

    As for "Military Use" pre-digital age, having a Telemeter instead of a Tachymeter had its advantages. Still might actually.

  5. okay - so wat is the best solution?

    Depends on who you want protected. I posted in another thread, that more and more watch sales on the GEN forums are asking for Bank-Bank Wire Transfers. No (significant) fees, and all 'good faith' between buyer and seller. However, in our little "Hobby" I am not sure this is an option unless it is between true friends on the forum.

    The other option is PayPal "Money Owed / Gift". This makes it another 'good faith' transaction as there is no buyer protection. This is banned on some FS Forums, but I don't know why given it is really no different than a wire transfer, cash deal, or god forbid Western Union.

  6. Boxes are an optional "Accessory" purchase. Usually +$50~$90.

    To set the time should be pretty obvious, open the lever on the CG, pull the crown out to its one and only position and turn. (This must be your first MANUAL wind watch???)

    You can wind the watch 'gently' until it comes to a stop ~ won't wind any further. My GEN 6497 usually take about 40 thumb/forefinger 180' turns, or about 20 full 360' rotations of the crown. Just go slow, and you will feel when it stops and cannot be wound further.

  7. ...

    Ebay's policy now is to put your money on Hold if you have less than 25 sales. I found it difficult to believe that I hadn't already passed that milestone.. So I called Cust Service.. The Ebay CS rep told me I had 18 transactions as a seller.. over $2100 in sales. My buying has been even higher.. over $4000.. Regardsless of my perfect record and $6000 of buying and selling I was told "tough sh#@" essentially on getting my money released.

    This is such a crazy policy. All you need to get around it is have some friends buy a bunch of 99 cent items to falsely drive up your sales. Good to know, I think I am a little short on sales, so I will be having some people I know buy some 'trinkets' before I list a high value item.

    What ever happened to Google's attempt at this?

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