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Posts posted by krpster

  1. Not one of you would have not done the exact same thing. The watch business like so many other businesses, has no moral values. Anyone anywhere will drive a hundred miles if there is a steal on a watch. Good fortune like that makes up for the rip offs you have also experienced. The problem is, the rip offs far exceed the great deals, by say, 100 to1

    Sorry matt, I don't take kindly when people assume they know what I would do. Your statement is completely false, I do not believe that everyone would do as you say. Some perhaps but definitely not all, I being one of them.

    A business has no moral values...of course not...but people should and many do.

    Frankly speaking if it were my friend I would have helped them sell it to maximize the amount of money gained, especially given the circumstances as described and being called upon as knowledgeable by my friend. However, I was not there and I don't know the conversation that transpired and I don't know the the financial status of the individual with the watch. For all I know he was independently wealthy and didn't give a rats a$$ about how much he got for it. If that is the case then kudos to the OP for scoring a great deal. If not then I don't know. All I can say is that the way the OP came across was a bit of a brag on how great a deal was scored at the expense of a friend in troubled times.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program :)

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