a few months I got into the whole replica craze with rolexes. And due to lack of knowledge, bad judgement and etc I stumbled onto idealwatches and got ripped for 900 bucks. I did get a watch(eta movement) but it was 3x what dealers here and TRC was selling. So now I was good, I had few good sites for dealers and information. I started searching and reading. It wasn't long till I wanted a submariner but most of them had problems with the CG's, pearls, bezels and etc. Never really a "perfect" watch. So I decided to build my own Rolex by buy parts. Real geniue parts. Ebay there I went.
I did a lot of waitng and searching looking at seller feedback and etc. Eventually after some time I finally got a chance to bid on a rolex black GMT watch case. And i won it for 90 bucks including shipping. Not to shabby i figured. I was in contact with the seller throughout the process. I even asked him if it was an offical case or if it was a replica/aftermarket case. He replied and confirmed that it was an "OFFICAL" case. Okay. The seller even told me when he sent it out and when I should be expecting it. Great, seems like a honest guy.
On monday I recieved the package and boy was I excited. I ripped into it and guess what? First, the guy sent me the wrong case, he sent me a Green LV case and not the black GMT case. Secondly, the green case, it's a replica/aftermarket case. It has a very good pearl but the CG is not right, and the etching is slightly off from the six oclock mark. And the etching is not lasered on but etched on. So this is the second time I got ripped off.