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Everything posted by asciwhite

  1. Patek on woodland camo for today... MIlitary Phillipe
  2. I really don`t care about a minute detail like that A replica is a replica...
  3. Came in the mail today. This is one of my favorites. Put it on a canvas nato witch some say is herecy. But I don`t care. I think its looks perfect!!
  4. Thats why the new thing is vaporizors... Almost nobody smokes it anymore Much less harm on your lungs... By the way i smoke 20 sigs a day for the last 24 years. And I have lungs llike an athlete *LOL* so the damage done by all kinds of different things are very individual... I also walk 7 miles a day in the mountains. I don`t drink alcohol, and I don`t smoke weed. BUT I am on the worst poison in the world.... Antidepressants. A make and model made by evil itself,
  5. ---------- I run into people with your attitude all the time Zeleni. I am a militant atheist also, and no matter how much you pound the theists into the ground with facts. They just cover their ears and say "LALALALALALALALALA, dont want to hear it. LALALALA" LOL Did you not check the link I gave you to the NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE? I can get you as many sources as you want. But you still try to joke it away here man....
  6. And you good sir.. are ignorant! And there is no excuse for ignorant... *LOL* And although we are having a discussion here. I would like to say I don`t have anything against you Zeleni We can`t agree on everything in this world. But I would like you to do some more research before you succumb to the old style propaganda about marijuana..
  7. Remember COCA cola hahaha... In the beginning it wass FULL of cocaine.
  8. Its true. Recent studies are very optimistic in cancer research Marijuana does not "fry your brain" ... Don`t be so ignorant please Historys great thinkers, musicians, poets, painters have enjoyed it since it was dicovered http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/19/marijuana-and-cancer_n_1898208.html http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page4 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/06/marijuana-fights-cancer-and-helps-manage-side-effects-researchers-find.html
  9. Oh yes you can. they give pretty much the same buzz, exept alcohol is massively damaging to your health. Marijuana is totally different. It does not harm you in the way alcohol does. Read up on it http://www.saferchoice.org/content/view/24/53/
  10. You can`t compare MJ to cocaine. They are two totally different substances. Thats pretty much like saying, "gay marriage? whats next? animals?"
  11. I am pro marijuana And I have no sympathy for the staunce NO people. Do some research before you spew your "this is DRUGS" on the same line as class A substances.. I do not use myself, I don`t even drink. But I can`t see the harm... Sorry.. Alcohol is FAAAAAAAAAAR worse!
  12. Hornback for sure...... For some reason I just can`t like rubber :S No matter how good its made...
  13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For anyone reading this. I am willing to trade this piece for a blue Patek Nautilus Swiss with correct rotor offcorse..
  14. Nope..... Its standard on this rep VEEEEERY carefully with a jewelers file *LOL*
  15. Only the insert and pearl is Jackjo.. The watch itself is cartel. I have modded the CG`s myself and changed the crown...
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