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Everything posted by Star69

  1. not yet - first i need new hands, gen insert and maybe crown ....
  2. its the 1655 from Josh - 16750 = cheaper dial
  3. it all started here *click* thanks to Domenico the project shows first results pixxxx of the progress : thanks master much more trouble than expected .... puhhh ! result : 16750 and ongoing cheers, Frank
  4. not that they are terrible bad just too expensive - around $100 and they whould be perfect
  5. nothing is refinished or gen based typical fake Singer-dial. painted in Asia - sold also under the label "NDT" - too expensive IMHO there are better dials out there ... cheers, Frank
  6. nice ! do you know where the dial is from ? cheers, Frank
  7. its always the same strap from Simona - ... its suede with patina and Photoshop here 1 more pic: cheers, Frank
  8. yours look great - still crazy how many mods are necessary at this price tag
  9. still the same .... cheers, Frank
  10. yes - here is the same noob-case with gen dial : just cut off the feet's an go cheers, Frank
  11. you should get it - its easy fixable - no tools required - just a hammer and good luck
  12. here is a pic of the complete assembly - maybe JMB is the best solution cheers, Frank
  13. what is this ? glue ? you have 4 parts in the vintage assembly : retaining ring, washer, bezel and insert ... cheers, Frank
  14. and an other fine example : vrf
  15. im working on the same watch right now - i used the crystal from cousins uk - and yes - you can press it out with your fingers - but to assemble the watch again you will need an crystal press. cheers, Frank
  16. you find everything in my old Euromariner post : *click* or here is the short version : cheers, Frank
  17. the nipples are just not so popular (in the watch world ) i prefer SS - so i would not pay too much putting a fake bracelet on a gen watch is always a bad sign 4 me ...
  18. no - this is not an usual NDT dial - looks really good to me - at least better then their normal crap i wish they would make other dials like that cheers, Frank
  19. here is a pic WM9 V1 vs GEN - i find the bezel not so bad .. cheers, Frank
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