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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. Actually I was more impressed by Wilkins, a Nobel Laureate, and a legend - I remember even the stairwells of the lecture theatre were packed and rightly so. It was like breathing in history.

    Dawkins was more of a star performer granted, even back then, but really it's only in the last few years he's really taken off (and with it, yes his bank balance) and become renowned outside academia. A couple of years back, I actually met him one-on-one as part of a symposium on gene therapy in which he was providing a light-hearted evolutionary angle. Considering he was the star turn, he was still the same very down-to-earth guy, minimal ego.

    Quite easy to be popular (among specialists at least) when one is a genius in disciplines like physics or molecular byology / biochemistry.

    Much harder to become popular with common people after telling some very uneasy truths like the selfish gene and the extended phenotype.

    It's not by chance that Dawkins :notworthy: made the anti-darwinist lobbies much more furious than Wilkins, and that he is currently spending almost all his time now (that is a real shame) rejecting their critics.

    As you encountered him, :notworthy: to you too.

    Personally, I would give an eye to have a talk with him.

  2. Harsh! Why fascist-enthusiasts? Not challenging, just genuinely want to know. Is it because of the XaMas in close proximity to the death skull and rose? :)

    (The Fascist cult of death, etc)

    Yes Victoria, you got it perfectly.

    I was not especially using 'fascist-enthusiast' in its political meaning (which I suppose is the first to get perceived by American people*), rather in its historical meaning.

    *yes, yes, I know you are not American :)

    I am all but a commie, and I feel the greatest respect to the men of XaMas -- as a matter of fact I even had to defend them on RWG I some time ago, maybe that post got lost in the 6-months RWG I lobothomy. In the Alessiandria rush they managed to sink the biggest amount of enemy Navy tons at the smallest expense of human lives (and I am sorry for your dad's uncle).

    But that is an entirely different matter from wearing on one's wrist a skull-and-rose-and-slogan watch in 2007. I would be very curious to know how many people who will actually buy that watch would have the balls to behave today like the Alessandria frogmen did.

    P.S.: I wonder if people like Paolo Di Canio would wear this new watch. *g*

    "Paolo Di Canio"?

    Uhm, on your pic I suppose he is a soccer player.

    And on his gesture yes, I also suppose he would get placed quite right on the political compass ;)

    Considering that soccer players use to have big money and low taste then yes, I definitely think he may be a target for that XaMas watch :lol:

  3. If THATS what the Italian military wants, LET THEM HAVE IT!

    I am not surprised the Italian military is opting for an Italian watch

    People, what are you thinking??

    That watch has NOTHING to do with present-day Italian Navy, you will never see one on their wrist.

    It's just a small house targeting a small number of old fashioned fascist-enthusiasts with decent bank accounts.

    In my eyes, the case looks exactly like this Panerai prototype from the 1980's (minus the crown guard of course).

    Yes, just OP had the good taste of leaving it at the state of prototype... :lol:

  4. No, the AR I told about was only on the inside of the crystal.

    Besides of being the only accurate AR on PAMs, the inside-only AR has the benefit of being a low-temperature treatment. So it can get performed on crystals that already have a cyclops on them.

    Higher temperature AR coating, like double-side AR, would make the cyclops' adhesive melt and the cyclops pop out.

    The inside-only AR actually coats the cyclops, and that is why it is so effective on the date, differently from the rest of the dial.

    Believe me, get your crystal w/watchmen or chieftang cyclops AR coated, you will get the best from your cyclops!

    I hope this makes sense, my English did not help.

  5. Which do you think is overall better? I think that the Watchmen is the correct size - but how is the distortion now that you can really see through it?

    I tried both them on a 104, and the watchmen cyclops looks perfect. NO distortion, good magnification (just a little lower than gen). I could not even believe how good it came out.

    But it is because the 104 has a small rehaut. This makes the chieftang cyclops a little underpowered on the 104, and the watchmen cyclops bringing no distortion.

    On a higher rehaut model like the 063 I would try the chieftang cyclops first, even if it is a little inaccurate in its diameter.

    Stay assured you will get very pleased with the results of (even) single-side AR on date readability!

  6. Those among you who tried a watchmen cyclops surely remember that, while its mag power was great, it suffered from light reflections that actually reduced the date readability in comparison with the attained magnification.

    The chieftang cyclops had less reflections, still not perfect.

    Those among you who tried [chieftang's] single-side AR coating (especially made for PAMs) surely noticed that single-side AR is far less effective than double-side AR, as reflection from the crystal's outer surface stays untouched with single-side AR, that is applied only to the inner surface of the crystal.

    This is an unavoidable issue with PAMs, as the gens are single-side AR coated as well.

    I got two PAM crystals AR coated in the chieftang's single-side AR run -- one with a watchmen cyclops, the other one with a chieftang cyclops.

    Well, on both them the AR effect on the cyclops reflection was stunning! The AR coat reduced the reflection down to about 10% on the watchmen cyclops, 5% on the chieftang cyclops.

    This makes sense, as reflections in cyclops are due to the light reflected from the crystal's inner surface and the datewheel. Differently from reflection from the crystal's outer surface, both those components are cut out by the single-side (inner side) AR coat.

    Now I am able to really enjoy the full mag power of those improved cyclopses! :wub:

    I plan to post pics as soon as I'll also have a certain DW sticker (kindly provided by a great RWG member here!) installed. These are Asian 21J watches, and I don't want to ruin the great effect of the AR coated cyclops with a bad date font.

  7. Yes Bob, we eagerly wait for your experience report.

    I can tell about PAMs only, but this site is definitely either a scam or a great deal:

    147 @ $105!! -- And this is not even a gen pic, look at the pusher @8Hr!

    212 @ $105!!

    104 @ $99!

    050 @ $102!

    Fiddy @ $103-105

    140 @ $103

    091-165 @ $102

    164 @ $102


    There are even pics of inaccurate models...

  8. 1. Yes.

    But I heard that 050 reps produced before 2006 were somewhat better than more recent ones. If that is true (what I am highly unsure of) then it should be a matter of microns in the boldness of numbers and markers, and in the date font.

    2. To me, the 050 is the best out-of-the-box PAM rep (at least in its pre-2006 incarnation).

    If you want it perfect, a relume and a new AR coat are the only needed steps.

    I don't even feel that replacing the datewheel and/or cyclops is necessary.

    3. The Zigmeister is your man. Just, if you want a perfect color, ask him to use a 3/4 C3 + 1/4 C1 mix. The Zigmeister usually goes with C3.

  9. Tell me, for Paneristi IN ITALY, is Mario Paci the big name he seems to be here in the US? I understand what you said in my thread about watch appreciation in different countries -- that Italians could care less about watches; but surely in the land of quality leather, Mario Paci is known and respected?

    Well, Mario Paci is hold in the highest esteem by Italian Paneristi (on what I can see on their site at least) and PAM geeks like me, and he is completely unknown to anyone else.

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