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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. Really thanks, Navi, for that great reference!

    Odd that these color tables from rcTritec seem not very accurate (at least in their pic incarnation) as some former tables were.

    Anyone interested may want to have a look at this question I posted some time ago, and the answers it received -- especially the one from The Zigmeister.

    Here are those pics again, and some more details:

    SL w/ matte varnish in daylight:


    SL w/ gloss varnish in daylight:


    SL lume:


    As for which color the Officine used, unfortunately there is no simple answer.

    On several early models they seemed to use C1 for the hands, and C3 (or a mix 1/3 C1 + 2/3 C3) for the numbers and markers. Possibly because they wanted to keep a feeling of the previous Tritium lume.

    On some later models with sausage dial (e.g. the 104) they kept a similar arrangement, while on other models (e.g. the 112) noone can spot a difference for sure between the dial and the hands: they all look C1 (or maybe 3/4 C1 + 1/4 C3).

    The 115 pic from vbarrett looks C1-hands, C3-dial.

    Honestly, given the chance that even a gen can get relumed, I would not worry too much about a perfect accurate lume color (with obvious exception for very specially lumed models like the 164), I would simply go for the one I like the most.

    Just don't fall into the equation: C3 = silly green. Rather, the silly green colors are C5 and C7. C3 is a nice, slightly green color in daylight, and a gorgeous bright green lume in the dark -- by far the brighter lume among all SL colors. Personally, I surely prefer C3 over C1. Pls have a look at my 028 that has been relumed in full C3 (even if the lume pic came out too blue as I misssed to correct for white).

  2. Ritalin usually helps against narcolepsy. ^_^

    Out of joke:

    if you manually wind it (40+ full winding rounds), does it run a normal time (35-40 hrs)?

    If yes, than chances are that the rotor cannot freely rotate. This may especially be due to a missing movement holder, or a poorly manufactured caseback. It may also be due to a lack of proper oiling (in this case servicing the movement may help).

    If not, then the issue is more severe and I am afraid that a replacement is your best option.

    No expert here anyway. Just faced that same problem a couple times.

  3. Thanks!

    As soon as my watchsmith will come back from his holidays I'll ask him if he has a c-clip that fits.

    Actually, he already had to open this watch to fix another issue. A movement holder was missing, so the movement did not stay horizontal with the case and the rotor could not freely rotate, as it was touching the caseback on one position.

    Right after having it fixed, I discovered the pusher issue.

    Considering screwed-up threads of lug screws too, I have to say this watch sucks quite a bit. :angry:

  4. So I succumbed to my lust for a 212 in the end.

    But the watch looks to have a flaw. I can pull the chrono pusher entirely out just by picking it with my fingers:


    I would really like to avoid to have the watch cross the customs two times more.

    Is there any way to fix it? :please:

    Here are some other pics in case they may be useful:




    Sometimes the pusher comes out with two small gaskets attached:



    :help: ...and thanks!

  5. Ebay policy prohibits replicas. So any rep is a scam.

    'Scam' is not synonimous of 'not allowed'. Anyway, I was just speaking on an ethical point of view ('ethical' to a rep lover, naturally ;) ).

    The second one the 111

    Is a real strange one.

    Why is the back of the case black????

    You are right. At first I thought it was just a matter of light reflection, but on a second look it looks very strange...

  6. The 051 is a good rep, easy to fool someone on it. I wonder why that guy placed the CG upside down, so revealing the swindle. :g:

    The 2nd one is a barely decent 111 rep (H dial, G engraved movement, no swan neck) at a fair price for such a rep. Too bad that the seller copied the genuine specs, this makes him a scammer.

    (BTW, as a seller he received 4 negative and 2 neutral feedbacks out of 18 transactions!)

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