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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. To understand all, is to forgive all or as the French say, "tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner".

    Unfortunately, I do not understand at all. :lol:

    In that case I'll go plain and just tell you I want you, not your 111s or 112s... :D

    (Please don't reply that they are part of you, I would reply that I want you as a whole, not parts, and in the end you would make me admit that I would even swallow those watches for you, I know :lol: )

    Somewhere out there, Highflyingclive just had a sudden case of tachychardia, and ran to check his watch case. :p

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Not a great issue here.

    I'm just playing around with a black sub that I got for a few bucks.

    It is black in the dial, bezel, case, and bracelet.

    The black color on the case and bracelet is just due to black paint -- nothink like PVD or black-oxide.

    That black paint is polished and shine.

    I would like to make it matte, so to make it more similar to this old TTK's watch (if this pic is annoying you TTK, just lmk and I'll remove it):


    I tried with all sorts of chemical agents -- acids, alcales, solvents, bleach, etc -- and nothing worked.

    Physical agents (brushing pens, pastes, powders and so) either just removed the paint in unneven and very bad looking fashion, or they did nothing at all.

    Has anyone a clue, by chance, of what I might use to the task?

    Thanks in advance,


  3. So, RWG is on the up and up?

    What would you expect?

    We have Admin, By-Tor, kenberg, offshore, Willith, Nanuq, TwoTone, $tingray, 82KUBA, addingwatch, Aegis, alt.watch.obsessive, AMK000, Bazz, bosk, bubba, Carl, chris5264, colinmgzt, cranium, Craytonic, Defacto, Feta1, frankpower88, FxrAndy, georgegrasser, giorgio, Heywood, Hyster, Jetsons, jiro, jkarpas, jmt, kdirty, kelster, khumzi, linkukbora, lorenzo, lysis, pampam, Phantom of the Router, pizzanooo, premiumdesigners, prof, promotersf, reelamore, sammalone, scotty, sport ice, straight_six, sulone88, tech, verbal, wannab, wheaton26, Woody, World Traveller, a german in denmark, abakan, aeroflott, ahchard, ajoesmith, alant, alligoat, archibald, avara, azerbyjam, azgjav, azmindreader, b16a2, baltic, bbell6, beano2004, bertieng, bigpops, bklm1234, BobM, brook0, buckeye, butterfly777, cableguy, Cats, Chicken Manny, chieftang, chinkiechunkie, chrgod, chronomat123, clos, crystalcranium, cskent69, dachshund, daffy, dangerman, davethecat, dave_nyc, dieselpower, diggs, DISCOVERY110, dluddy, 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zaly, zctpm72, zestieboy, archeion...

  4. You see, you see, that's just what I mean!! You write a brilliant reply (thank you), full of excellent, considered and encouraging advice, and then you have to go say that!!! Sigh.

    Don't try playing those psy tricks on V, khumzi.

    She's a female, we have no chance at tricking them (unless they want it, obviously).

    Better going plain and just tell her what you want. :lol:

    Btw, congrats on your purchase!

  5. So am I! He's got a 127E in there. B)

    Ooops... missed it completely. :blush:

    Oh well, in this case no special preference for DSN vs TWP.

    I think I'll leave the comparison pic to the benefit of anyone inquiring about what is a dagger swan neck and so...

  6. sssurfer, TWP carries the E-series movement now too. The engraving doesn't look as crisp as the dsn version, but at least it's the right series movement. It looks like a dagger-style too. I just ordered it last week so I'm just going by the pics for now.

    Thanks for the heads up, slai!

    I was naturally talking about the model currently displayed in the TWP gallery.

  7. Summary: a very good rep but for the date font and as long as you don't take it off your wrist.

    Details (inaccuracies graded on a 0-10 scale, 0 = giveout, 9 = almost invisible, 10 = perfect):

    Crown (a little thin): 7

    Date font (really too thin): 3

    Minute markers (a bit shifted towards the border of the dial): 9

    Font of the numbers in the subdial @ 6 (not perfect): 9

    Caseback (it's from the G [2004] model i.e. the 196): 1 (but obviously 10 as long as it stays on your wrist).

  8. There used to be two avatars that hit me, but it is a long time that they disappeared, I don't even remember which members they were of (one of them swdivad, maybe).

    One was a rotating tesseract. Amazing.


    The other was a 3D and animated Taichi (Yin-Yang).


    ...Oh, and naturally an evergreen favourite of mine is ajoesmith's! ;)

  9. Apologies for being a little late.


    TWP's has the needle swan neck, not the dagger one.

    I also become very cautious anytime I read "synthetic sapphire".

    Being the sapphire of watch crytals always synthetic, that is a redundancy that might cover something different (Andrew and Josh teaching).

    TWP's is also incorrect in that sort of "clous de Paris" pattern on the movement bridges.

    OP introduced that pattern only on H series (2005) and onward -- while the 127 comes in E series only (2002).

    In the end, I am sorry I have to qualify TWP's model as incorrect.

    While DSN's is 99.5% correct.

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