i cant believe it... today i got a letter from the german costums... they confiscatet my watch parts, keep in mind that this are only some cheap watchparts with no brand or anything, only two parts for a watch
i need to show them how much i paid, i contactet the seller and im sure he can mail me a bill for them, i told the costums it was a gift and the guy who postet it was a friend and i did not paid any money for it
i hope he can send me something and i can finaly have them, man so much trouble and it was not something expensive or a rep or something....
yes only usps can track them and only in usa.. no tracking in germany im real sorry mate, but maybe you should ask another costum office??? cause this letter was from another costum office this time, normaly i get them from frankfurt/main this time it came from amberg...
maybe its another costum office this time?? worth a try