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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Hi guys


    I am sure most of you wont be affected by this thread but just in case you are thinking of ordering from them.... then I just wanted to pass on my experience of late.


    I have ordered from them before without issue... the last time was at beginning of the year



    However recently I used again..... I didnt bother checking reviews etc as I had used them before..


    But after ordering and paying ...I received no emails of confirmation or any updates.... so after a few weeks I contacted them...I heard nothing back...I tried again... still nothing..


    So out of interest I checked some reviews on gen forums etc and found I wasnt the only guy having some issues with communication etc



    Turns out that from reading the reviews and feedback... taht many guys had paid money and got nothing sent and all their mails ignored... some were dragged along till after the PP claim period... but majority were just ignored... and phone calls not answered


    Some guys recieved their order which was either incorrect items or damaged stock...


    If you look at the site and support page it all looks totally professional and competent as it was last time I ordered but obviously the guys there are having problems and that is effecting the orders and its customers...



    I guess I should have checked first maybe but having as I said used them before I didnt think to....


    So after reading this feedback I imediately started a PP claim.... I heard nothing back from them again but after a couple of days I received a PP refund.



    So please be aware.... if you are thinking of ordering..






  2. Mate any of the dealers shipp without issue to UK....


    Also some dealers will replace if item doesnt arrive....due to shipping or customs..


    The real question I would suggest is dealer feedback and price.... but any dealers in our TD section can source what ever you are looking for.


    Dont get me wrong there is a risk in shipping...but the UK is probably the least risk within EU...



    As its your first why not just stick with Angus, Josh or Andrew...if you want to save some money and contact dealers direct with what you want like Supermirrors or WI etc you will save some money on watch and shipping...


    Also depends how you plan to pay as some vary in payment methods.... like CC, PP, WU etc etc


    But simply just pick one from the list below in TD section.... There are all TDs for a reason mate :)

    • Like 1
  3. Any watch parts site mate plus eBay...but really depends where you are... if UK then CousinsUK, Watchparts.co.uk, if US then Ofrei etc...but I think a WTB with your location or asking a dealer when ordering or even a direct request..but that might be more pricey with shipping etc..


    Remember you are looking for Seagull Chinese Movement DG2813..... or tabs/screws for one...but the movement equivilents will work too ...the case can also influence fixing..I assume its a replacement ...if so a WTB is IMHO the better option... :)



    OR Contact Offshore down in TD section...under Watchbitz....I am sure he can help and you know you will get great service :)

  4. So that explains why you live in the middle of now where then N??!!



    You ran out of disguises!! :)



    I think the bad ass monster seiko is koooooll...but what do you guys think? ;) If a mod could tell me I would be grateful..... but in the meantime I must away and try on my new rep lederhosen and see how the melted chocolate cleans off... :) 


    I bought it off Ken ..... he told me to buy it .... :) Said it would look good with my bad ass monster seiko.... :)

    • Like 1
  5. I believe that I missed out on one if these from a fellow member in the EU. Anyone have one for sale, or know if any of the dealers still carry this model?

    Every now and then I need to try something else besides Rolex!!!



    Try Aston Tourby AP in the sales section ...thats a sweet dress watch  :)

  6. I dont deserve that guys but thank you.. I learnt from many great guys on here who arent around much now.. :(


    His pics are very deliberate...notice the way he is avoiding the DW shot... I bet if you see that its a very thin font DW and under magnified cyclops ... but there is so much more with this...yuck yuck.... and no originality in the story...my uncle gave it to me !!


    Why not ...While I was travelling on holiday to the pacific.. my plane crashed.... I was the only survivor... I could see the wreckage laying on the coral reef several miles out and spent several weeks trying to recover what ever I could from it...while sifting through the plane wreckage I found this watch attached to the pilots joystick...it was still working and I took it ...I was on that island for 8 years...and during that time the watch never missed a beat ..I wore it every day even when diving for my meagre food rations.... I was rescued by a holiday cruise ship for lesbians..... on which I spent 3 months as the only man on there...When I got home I tried to find the family of that pilot but after searching for many long years I finally tracked them down and they told me that the pilot would want me to have it.... but unfortunately they had thrown away all the boxes and papers as they never thought they would see that watch again..... and now the only reason I am selling this wonderful watch is because I am trying to raise money for starving slave children in Africa ... so please bid high knowing that your money is going to a wonderful cause !!....



    The lesson to anyone reading this and that should always be taken from these scammers..whether you know the gens or not...


    If you feel the need to ask the question then its always better to walk away... :)

    • Like 1
  7. Depends what you mean by customised mate...as in how much work is involved...quality etc best to get Chinese maker on dials and SL elsewhere though again depends on what you want...


    I would think your value is only going to be on a minimum 50 run...less will cost more and depend on what you want


    But starting with guys like River, or JacksonTse, ask also Angus...he has many contacts... also Ryan from InTime... or Paul who is on here Rolex..something is his user name..


    There are guys on google search that do this for custom work... they are professional dial makers... just dont do reps...there are tons of them mate with a simple search..

  8. I thought PP refunded you and then claimed the money back. You got the money back either way?

    Not much point in paying via normal PP if their protection promises mean nothing.


    I thought the same thing till I was told of a scammer that avoided this.... you simply close your PP sources...


    Now I dont think that is worth doing personally unless its a big scam but apparently its more regular than you might think ...even over small sums...


    I found there were many more ways than that if you are a scammer ...its been discussed alot on here...but best and quickest place to see the way these scammers work is to go on the eBay forum or help/support section...


    I had always thought the protection was more an insurance...but apparently not..its reliant on them being able to recoup funds from seller... I had assumed thats why they charged such large fees relatively..

  9. Now this is entirely my own experience mate having bought loads of ladies watches for the Mrs and my Mum....


    First off it depends what you mean by small.... but



    The best OTB ladies rep i have had in my hands is the Tag Link..... it is almost flawless..the only flaw I could find was the CB model number was a digit off (but on some its correct, generally the reps use the non CZ numbers so if it a CZ model it has the non CZ model number and as with most TAGs the logo in the flip lock clasp is not quite as deep...but its negligible... The MOP dials also look very nice too...


    My Mum wears hers every day...day in day out....its still going after 3 years without any issue.... it has had one battery swap and a quick clean and polish... the bracelet takes a beating because of the way she wears it so loose biut again no issue...a few of her friends are big into watches ..one guy buys gens like guys buy reps here...he does know his stuff but some of his comments are funny any way I digress...long and short is that he has studied thsi watch against his mans TAG etc etc and has declared it gen.... in my Mums circle thats good enough for me :)


    It cost around $100


    Other than that... I have liked the Chanel  J12 and mini J12 ceramics (dial depending some are good some not so good) and Cartiers....


    I am about to pull the trigger on the new FM ladies MS but that has CZ around bezel so not really your thing...

    • Like 1
  10. Where can I find it, I'll sell myself to the highest bidder if need be.



    On Intime a TD on RWI...thats Ryan :) I think he might be a probationary on RG too...he is long time member who went dealer...his frankens are a marvel !!


    But Angus at Puretime has them listed with 2 movement options....http://www.puretime.co/product/apdv5/



    Yes this aint a Noob



    Funny really because if you read Angus' write up on how things work for dealers and makers...he says that V referencing always refers to same maker different version


    Yet look at these or say the HBB Diver V2 and V3..... different makers...different watch ;) I could go on !! :)

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