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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Looks somewhat Vegan, or possibly even Caesarian to me!


    Here's my contribution. 




    Guess where without looking up the road sign!



    Nice to see the watch is sync'd to the dash clock ! :) or is it the other way round..:)


    You seem to be in an undercover police vehicle check point ..... waiting for them to realise they have finally caught one of the Pink Panthers in his Fiat... !! :)

  2. I am not a Pam guy but looks pretty nice to me!


    And that is exactly why you aint a PAM guy.... :) :) :) ;





    That is why I love this place...some many great members and friends willing to help a guy out.... with no thought for themselves.... !!!!



    But I know one difference with you lot above.... ;)


    Hike and C would pay the shipping.....


    You Benji my little sweaty sock...would expect me to pay the shipping too !!! :)





    I had to look up what a lannister was..... I found 2 answers.... some lot from Game of thrones and the slang meaning below



    "Pompous, online, gamer lacking in both talent and modesty. Usually found whining most of the time rather than working on improving skills. Hated by all."




    If it is one of these and not some pict slang meaning...A  wonderful englishman... then I prefer the latter and state myself as guilty as charged !! :)  ;)

    • Like 1
  3. Basically its a piece of boxwood mate or similar...its a tight grained hardwood.... usually yellowish.... I imagine you could use comaparble wood... its mainly used in musical instruments...


    I knw on echeaper parts the coating is poor...but again you could maybe think about DIY plating....its pretty simple to do and you may find it helps if you need to use those cheaper pieces..


    If not buying up lots from the bay of Vintage stuff could be an option and useable in 6497s etc....and cheap :) Quality is so far better than anything from China...



    Tourby does some nice stuff and there are many German located movement craftsman....


    Have you seen this guy






    Or these links
















    Not all specific but some interesting things within them.... :)

  4. Fraggle ...I aint sure if any help mate but here are a few links.... one showing the macro below of a Casio Subdial...












    Plus of course there are loads of tips and HowTos in our photgraphy section....





  5. I like them both for sure mate..... I am glad that for once a wife made sense !! ;)


    I hope you thanked her with something special.... :)



    Is that a brushed satin finish to the dial... It seems to suggest a lovely look in varying lights...unlike the first dial which looks flat... You have the same hands is that correct for this dial or will you be looking to change these if needed.... not that there si anything wrong with them as they are...just out of interest mate?


    Very Sweet and very very tasty..... :)

  6. Have you thought about these as alternatives to the RM11...you can see side by side with gen that the first link is a better option...and nice cheap try out :)








    But another option is the skull and cross bones RM .... there si less to spot on them !! :)

  7. Yes you are right, light is everything and play`s a great roll.


    But if you can`t tell major difference from pictures,  it means usually that in real life  lume tonal difference between gen and rep are  not very  noticeable also. And for me it is IMHO pointless thinking for re-luming, but it is just me:)

    For perfect rep, maybe yes, relume will help. Only there is no guarantee that atfer relume lume is 1: 1 as gen, it can be maybe better

    (or not) but still off some way...


    Edit: ok, if Cats version is more green and off, then yes, reluming will be helpful:)


    Thats a different discussion though mate...and basically I agree.... I certainly wouldnt bother with a 29 relume... well not on any of them I have seen... :)


    The bigger issue for me when reluming isnt so much the colour as we have said variables are too much ..however what is more obvious is the smoothness of the lume..beit it rep or gen


    thats all in application and machine.... modders dont use the machine (stylograph) they hand apply..so you get this roughness (for want of a better word) to the finished lume as well as others issues..height, shape etc etc


    A 29 dial is a little different again to the norm of rep PAM dial as in the lume sits up and on the markers sausage style not gangyang but sausage style... :)


    If the colour was there or there abouts then I would not give up that paste/smooth look to the lume...


    Indeed thats is exactly why I dont lume some reps... even though they are crying out for it.... a good example is the Sinn..... the markers are almost flat and smooth on rep and gen...any after market lume always sits high and slightly off square... so you lose that gen look in daylight....if you know what i mean


    Its the same to a degree with PAMs or certain PAMs....I would rather keep the rep lume because of how it looks uncharged than I would to try and make it more SL or longer lasting or perhaps even closer to gen....


    Because even gen lume is done in batches....it is done by different lumers on different days/months using different or slightly variable lume mixes... so you will even see small variations in the gen lume and markers etc...


    So that rep lume certainly on the better reps isnt worth worrying too much about given the smoothness of the lume compared to hand applied... :)


    Hope that makes sense :)

  8. I misread the thread title..... I got excited when I saw it and thought blimey this is an open minded forum...maybe I have found somewhere I can share my passion... :)


    Then reading through I realise you are talking about a fitness progrmme.... and not cross dressing... !



    Unless this is code.......????




    • Like 1
  9. The great and the bad thing for pics I guess/maybe /sort of...is how sensitive gen PAM lume is to light...whether its full on DL or just from a distant source..the lume will be effected ..add to that the varying camera influences that pics bring and you have a hotch potch of variables....


    You are right these are a creamy lume.... the C1 is white.... the C3 is a beigey/creamy almost natural lume..uncharged


    But when charged you get the green...so just a hint of natuarl light or even some artificial light from a distance will make that lume luminate....


    I used to play around with the gen lume and take pics of how you could capture that change through the dial by sitting it across 2-3 light sources.... rubberly !!



    The real trick is recognising the quality of the pic and filtering out the artificial tones it creates...there is only one guy I know that does that well in the case of PAM pics and thats W0lf...


    Other than that I would never rely on a pic to judge anything about a PAM...a guidance yes...but never a standfast rule... :)

  10. I was interviewed for that magazine a few years back.... I dont think it ever got published though...


    I think the article was called " Idiots in the watch world...have to be seen to be believed...!"



    That may of been the working title though...not sure !!





    • Like 1
  11. The closest guy to you that is a trusted on RWI is UK watchservices .... he simply does servicing nothing more


    Then you move onto guys in EU that are watchsmiths and modders... like Domi and LeWiz and a few others.


    Generally my own experience is that a good 7750 starts good and doesnt usually need breaking in...however I do read of guys that find their movements especially PR improving after use... but then I also read about guys whose 7750s die after use so...its a hard call mate


    Personally if you are having an issue get it serviced...you will need to eventually as with any rep movement..


    There are other rep friendly watch guys in London... but you need to go to them rather than jut post it...there was a guy in the tube station at Liverpool street had a small shop that would do work...


    But if others dont mention it here try search tool as the question about rep friendly watchsmiths in London has been discussd a few times before mate...

  12. Blimey guys.....


    I start scrolling down and it just gets better and better..... I think ooooo! thats nicccce...then along comes another and another.... those shots are pure porn


    Everything that makes this hobby so great is there.... from shots of modern watch details...to fantastic movement shots showing such delicacy and precision to the vintage and aged details that make the oldies such a pleasure.... (I wasnt talking about you N !!)



    I got wood !!




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