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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Here are some pics I picked up elsewhere of the Noob version from some QC pics...gives you an idea I think :)


    The gen side by side with the H does show the differences, (differences that arguably are over critical ;) ) case engraving depth finish, hands finish and lume thickness size, CP, case lugs difference, crown knurling, case shape difference, bezel difference, dial finish, LSL and LP plus lume and cutouts, CG shape and finish as well as lever, and of course case construction, H makers has welded lugs.... until we can see a side by side with the noob which hopefully will be soon comparison with the Noob is harder to judge at this time apart from the more obvious detail variations..like dial etc in meantime we must content ourselves with these sort of pics of the Noob :(



  2. Now guys look at payhomage's post about RWI ban  I am not commenting on right/ wrong actions of mods or guilt or innocence but does he go on our list. Slippery slope these lists are................... be careful what you wish for you might get it.



    That is a very good point mate...one POV is a different POV to someone else... such a list can be a double edged sword



    Personally my first post here was tongue in cheek.... ie "Put my name down"...



    I genuinely believe we already have what we need here already.... we just need to use it in a more effective way or ensure that guys on here follow the great advice that is readily available here already..


    So many seem to just jump in...which i cannot blame guys for but it is imperative that like any site guys need to learn their way round things..


    Of course that is only one end of the issue.... and effects can be felt throughout the spectrum of members here


    Personally I still believe most of the issues that we have seen of late could have been avoided or certainly minimised ... but I dont think a list would have stopped it... first off because of above as in how many would actually read it and worse still how many would actually know it existed..


    Not now I mean but a few months down the line when things sort of quieten..if you know what i mean..and like Mike says then who decides who is and who isnt on the list and where is the line drawn...


    Scamming comes in all forms from outright scam to maybe  a misdescription... one guys misdescription is another guys genuine mistake... one small non disclosure is one guys error and another guys way of seeking a partial refund or full refund because of change of mind etc etc


    I dont think I am making sense but all I mean is the variables are huge in trying to put a list together and then deciding who goes on it...



    Maybe the easiest way for us but not necessarily best for the crew is a zero tolerance approach ... but then you also have to balance that with trying to resolve an outstanding issue... you cut a guy off because of scamming or alleged scamming then likely is the guy will just walk away even if the whole thing started as a miss understanding etc



    Personally I think we do enough here and enough is available in terms of info and advice already on this forum....


    I think the issue in all honesty is us ... a lot of us are so trusting because we are here we let our guard down .... what we need to do is remind ourselves that because we are here doesnt mean there arent people here ready and willing to scam us in a big way or in a small way...



    I know thats not the same for all the current issues but it is the same for most IMHO.... basically i think we need to reconsider our own ways of dealing and doing deals with people on here and once we are disciplined in that then we can consider further measures if needed...



    I hope that makes sense its just my own opinion and I hope its taken in the spirit it is given...

  3. RWI for me is a great place to visit for additional help and research... I have always found the mods to be decent guys and very accomadating..I have made a few errors on there and have always been shown a lot of patience by the crew there in resolving it...


    Thats my own experience


    I am sure if you contact one of the mods direct (which I am happy to do on your behalf if you like) I can pass on your email etc


    But from looking at the thread in question it seems that the ban is based on a few issues you had there (which I dont know about) I can see on your profile it shows 3 warning boxes and it was made mention of in one of the posts on the thread so maybe the ban was made on that basis mate rather than the single issue you mention


    However I am sure if you can contact someone on there you will be able to explain the misunderstanding and get things sorted out ... :)

  4. LOL !!



    I was looking at the thread titles and thinking scammers? Best Sub?..... then I look over to right and see a familiar image...


    Funny it looks just like mine.....



    Its a popular Avatar I guess maybe..perhaps.... or I have ahd my ID pinched..



    YES Thats it...I have had my ID pinched.... :)  Its a phantom poster !! :)



    It must have started after I tried to sell my lack of interest !!

  5. I just wrote out a long answer and my firefox crashed Grrrrrr !!


    I am hoping you dont just mean straps for your PAM I really do hope that is not the question especially given your search comment...


    On the basis you are after rep straps...


    Basically you can get most rep straps from most dealers..


    Start by going to the dealer sites select PAMs then choose accessories you will see many rep straps available if the one you want aint there ask dealer direct with pics etc...so if you want the H amker 372 Ranger strap send that request to teh dealers by email...


    They will confirm if they can get it ot if they can source something from another maker like say the Noob ranger strap etc



    Go to Josh, Andrew, Angus  plus of course TB or Sead or Rochest all in the TD section



    That includes Rubber and just buckles



    If you want alternatives to PAM rep straps then the list is endless !!! BUt maybe start with a maker like Hirsch...they used to make OEM straps for OP and so they sell straps that are the same as the OEM but without any Logos or OEM markings etc For example a Riva OEM is a Hirsch Riva



    44mm PAMs are 24mm at the lug ...47mm are 26mm


    Size is dependant on your wrist but generally standard is 115/75 and long is 125 (115)/95 .small is around 110/65....but you need to look at a strap you have and work it out from there... use a ruler and measure the length of each side..if you want to go bigger than add what you think is about right... it is measured in mm



    Buckles size vary on straps generally 24/22 or 24/24 then 26/26 or 26/22 (diver strap) or 26/24..... I wont go into Rads or deployants !!

  6. Hmmmm there's food for thought. I could do but I'm not sure if the hands would clear it. I suppose if was mounted out far enough then the hour hand would clear it and the minute hand should be high enough to clear it. Good idea. :)

    I know a new gen dial is easy to source so whether you go for the same dial or a variation ie different colour or model then any decent setter can drill the dial to receive the stone so hands and clearance ain't an issue mate :)

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