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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Indeed, I can't afford to lose it as it'll cost about £2500! That's for a small one. I'd have a jeweller set it rather than a watchmaker.


    As I said, I'm only thinking about it at the moment.


    F me !!


    in which case mate then dont put it in the bezel.... do as S says place it somewhere on the dial at a favourite number or birthdate (assuming that is under 12) or maybe your birthday etc etc


    But at that money defo no on outside the watch....


    Why not try and buy a gen dial to fit yours and have the original and the modified one with your dads stone ..... :) You might even go for an Omega dial variant that might suit your option better ..

  2. I was just reading that there are some new versions due soon so it might be worth hanging on :)


    The case size will vary mate as the makers use bigger cases to fit the movements they have... so possibly a quartz will be more accurate...do not assume especially with ladies watches that quartz means less accurate in terms of build details etc...


    You should make sure that whatever you decide that the feedback you rely on is based on the same version and makers model... ;)

  3. Personally I wouldnt do it at all.... as I dont trust what you give is what you get... (if you know what I mean)



    But if I did then I doubt a watch would be my choice as it is subject to your personal taste change (in model etc) or from breaking, servicing etc (ie sending it away, others working on it)


    Can these people do that sort of size for a watch? If so why not just do a big one and a small one (ie necklace and watch)


    Plus if you are looking to hand it down its another issue...



    Personally stick with a necklace or other mounting option... like a plinth etc


    But if you are determined then stick to a non aging model like Rolex etc and preferably a gen or good franken

  4. my rule of thumb is when the gen cost value of your rep collection approaches $500k, you need help...  B)



    Mate you could be locked in an empty room and still find a way .....




    The only thing I dont get about this thread is that if you could then surely you wouldnt be on here to answer it..? :)



    Its like asking gamblers how they beat the addiction in a bookies shop ...... :)



    Dont fight it ....just open your heart to your fate..... its too late to turn back... we all know it !!

    • Like 1
  5. There are 3 versions that count now mate...



    H maker - as above


    Noob version - just released


    3 series maker (Which may be the ZF maker I aint sure) - thats the one with the gold CP and likely blued screws in movement but I believe this will be updated shortly




    There are 2 more absolutely awful versions around too both from same maker but one of them has the LP lumed !!

  6. Yeah major error I made giving pos feedback. Not based on previous txn, and yes understand should only be given after a txn is complete.

    Me and the erm "suspect" had a detailed pm chat about buying/selling goods, buyers habits etc etc (I sell a lot of 2nd hand vinyl records so was able to find common ground on how some folk can be time real wasters!). After that he said we should leave positive feedback for each other to which I naively agreed.

    It was after that that I eventually bought the watch.

    He does have 3 previous pos feed backs though but I guess they were part of his confidence building.

    I was surprised he noted all the items were sold in each sales thread. I would assume a scammer would leave that open so to try to dupe a few more into parting with cash.

    Plus 96 previous posts. He some effort in to gain a few hundred quid.

    Kinda feel sorry for people stooping to this level - very desperate.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards plenty of other good watches to look at. I just need some overtime at work now!



    There is nothing to stop you leaving more feedback... and state it as an update to your first FB :)

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