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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. I still worry that it will end up being Uni bronze etc...


    They are saying CuSn8... well the maker doesnt understand phospor bronze alloys and leaded bronze etc and is relying on the case maker ... who apparently when asked by maker  "nodded agreeably" !!


    I can just visualise that scenario... what we missed from the answer given by the maker was the guy that "nodded agreeably" then turned to his mate who asked "What did they want?" and he replied "Dont know... I just nodded"





    Problem is they are replicating from a 389 for case shape so the patina means nothing to them like it would to us.... just like how they palm off the steel quality in reps especially PAMs... ;)

  2. Thanks PeteM, I'm actually wearing my new Hexa, but am going to clear some space soon. You don't happen to anyone who's bought one of the Plolprof reps do you, Interested but couldn't find any theads on here.

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


    I dont think the better versions are made anymore mate...so I would try a WTB ... You will need to ask for a V2 or some guys call it an Ultimate version but it is a V2.... OTB they are very good but they do need some work mainly lume IMHO


    But you wont get one from a dealer...

    • Like 1
  3. Anyone have a navitimer datewheel (gen) or even a good scan of one?

    I need the date at 4 from the tricompax model.




    I cant say I have seen a gen DW for a 7753 based movement plenty of 7740s...


    I would start with the Chrono-shop.net or Dr Chrono on Ebay...they get dials and parts so might have some DWs.... but you would need to ask them direct... or just search chrono24 for parts


    Of course they aint a straight swap into the rep movement unfortunately...

  4. Thanks mate!

    How about cape cod? will that do the trick? The crystal has single AR on the inside right?


    Yes to single AR inside and yes to CC but only if scratch is very fine IMHO


    I would need to see the crystal itself to judge properly best option


    but if that dont work I might use a low cut compound initialy if it is as fine as it seems to be...I would likely try that first as I dont have diamond paste to hand..but chances are it wont work so I would probaly get the diamond paste scratch removal kit.... but I would start with the finest of the pastes as I dont think this scratch would need the whole method... ie larger grit paste then medium grit then fine or superfine paste...


    So basically a 0.5micron or preferably 0.25 micron paste..


    You can do this by hand or using a tool... pretty quick and easy once you have the paste



    Here are some reference links to get an idea of what I mean






  5. I apologize Walter, I didn't mean to call you a liar. And I did not lie about the regulation.

    I didn't see the scratch on my pics on in real life until other member called it out. I did see something on the pictures when I was writing the post. But I thought it was the reflection of the camera lens like in the first pic.


    Does anyone know what a new crystal costs?




    I have seen them starting at around $30 for an H makers no AR....upto around $60 ish all in for the better Noob and H maker ones with AR..... 



    A WTB would be best IMHO or you can try contacting Angus etc and getting a quote for one from him direct... Noob dont like selling parts and if they do they are expensive but H maker will ...


    But a WTB on all the forums might be more successful... or indeed why not ask Marlin mate.... he might have some laying around as spares :)

  6. ok, regulated is shipping fold...



    Just deep breaths my friend...I know...believe me...I know how frustrating this can be.... it is hard but try to keep a balance in your mind.. :)


    I am sure matters can be resolved... :) :)



    Might I suggest that if the buyer is adamant about a refund and the seller hasnt the money to refund..


    That maybe you could between the 2 of you resell the watch...with disclosure and agree a revised asking price etc


    Then buyer can resell it and seller can cover the difference in actual sale costs.... you can both agree if an offer is made...or if price needs to be reduced further etc etc


    That way you avoid returning costs etc and trying to get money that seller doesnt currently have...


    It aint perfect resolution but it might be best way to resolve the issue given seller and buyers position ... and after all we are still talking about a good quality watch so it would still get a decent price.. :)


    And while doing that it might be possible to source a good sapphire from a WTB etc that can be also sold with the watch ... if you get what I mean...the seller can perhaps chase that while buyer reposts a sales thread...

  7. Welcome to the forum Daniel.... not a great first post mate.... :fool:



    I would suggest you read this before going any further....








    TBH you have made the mistake of posting a question that is frowned upon here especially by a noob..... basically this is a "Who has the best sub?" thread and if you read the link you will see how that is viewed by members here....

  8. next is, yoou tell me watch is regulated and all like this, +3/sec a day, i test it with Kello, it says +22/sec, and yes i know its not the perfekt test, but with my 005 regulated from dimi, it says +2/sec and thats right.

    i don't know what happened but now i can send the watch again anywhere to regulated them, i pay you lot of money, you says movement is lake a charm, runs perfect, no scratch an so on, and now?


    and yes, now you tell, maybe its not your watch, exactly like the scratch. 



    Unfortunately regulation can be knocked off kilter by shipping.... it does happen....I have had gen watches and swiss movements do it... but It shouldnt take much to do that mate...indeed you could do it yourself if so minded...however you cannot say that the seller mislead you in respect of the regulation mate....


    Indeed I am sure Mark didnt mislead you in any respect.... and the issue of the fine scratch could easily be missed..... I believe Mark is a genuine guy and I am sure between the 2 of you that a comprimise can be reached :)


    I know it is frustrating but please dont get yourself worked up and make things worse for yourself in your mind..it is easy done..I have done it myself so I know the pitfalls ..

    • Like 1
  9. M

    The first pics..are they yours? Because the 2nd pic i think shows the scratch!?






    If that is your pic mate...the scratch is clearly there.... and is the same shape as the pic with the red highlight..... The problem is as we all know that a scratch varies in light in angle especially on sapphire so some pics might not reflect it whereas other angles and lighting can... I can understand how you could have missed it...



    However given it cant be seen too easily it must be light scratch so it can be buffed out without reducing the crystal surface too much..... the AR is single sided so you wont damage the AR.... you need to purchase a diamond paste kit for sapphire scratch removal.


    Thats if the buyer accepts that or some other arrangement like replace crystal and/or partial refund or return...TBH I would be happy with a partial refund as it can happen and just shows use etc etc.... the issue of course comes if the guy wants to sell it on... so reaching a figure is the difficlut part...

  10. Apparently the rep one being currently made is the maritime quality bronze ie CuSn8.

    So we will see a rep that has correct material and more importantly will patina as gen

    From my understanding they are using a gen 389 case for shaping it and as you say its about 2 months away from release :)

    They are also using that gen case for a new 305 too :)

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