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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Blimey...


    I will need to speak to my son and see if he remembers ... All I remember is him asking me to buy some and me thinking it was some sort of treasure hunt money for one of his games... if I remember right I couldnt buy one I had to buy an amount based on my currency... I think it was around £20 worth that I bought and i got 5 coins ...I just remember thinking it looked like a mining for treasure game...I thought he wanted to use it to buy some credits for a game or some maps etc..



    I aint going to get too concerned as this sort of thing never happens to me..

  2. Thanks Krp,


    I found a homage of this a Pam on eBay and it has this movement, just want to confirm its movement type.


    Looks great, thinking of ordering it as well as a gen dial and work on a new project.


    Thanks again !


    I wouldnt put that movement on a gen dial if that is what you mean mate.....


    Those movement sell for around $30 tops and can be got for $15 and less... most watchsmiths dont service these as they aint worth it... its easier to replace it...


    Here is a link to several examples of Chines movements..you will see yours above for $25 :)http://www.ofrei.com/shop-bin/sc/productsearch.cgi


    As a movement they can be great workhorses and can last a loing time but as with most Chinese movemnts its down to quality in build etc and can be equally as bad as they can be good..


    Another interesting point is that these are made under license by one chinese company however other chinese companies make copies of them.... !! So you dont always get what you think... sounds familar ?? :)

    If you want that movement I have one you can have which is just laying about... :)

  3. That is a great charity to raise money for... Isobel should be very proud of herself for her dedication mate....


    My family and I have had many dealings with MacMillan nurses and hospitals over many years and I can honestly say they made such a difference to us all and without them I cannot imagine what more difficulty our family would have gone through... I will never be able to thank them enough for what they gave us and helped us through. :)


    You are a very lucky Dad to have such a caring and thoughtful daughter mate ... :)

  4. There are a few guys that have posted what they do with OTB bracelets ...the term is usually referred to as an Oil bath or bath.... when searching...


    But I would also advise that you check any screws after any method you use and make sure everything is tight .... I would also suggest you use some thread screw glue such as loctite just to ensure the screws stay where they should.. :)

  5. To be honest my experience of Andrew is that if you ask...


    He will only say no if he specifically knows about that one model.... if he doesnt then he will say order it and if I cant find it I will refund you...or you can chose something else ;)



    Personally if I wanted to check something from a maker I would probably ask Connie or Mary... :)

  6. Thanks Richard, that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that I did make the first post but there is no option to edit it. In face there is no option to edit any of my posts except for what appears to be a few hours after making one. My post from earlier today for example I no longer have an "Edit" button for!


    Thats because of your membership level mate.... you need to upgrade to get those privileges :)

    • Like 1
  7. Hi mate


    Welcome..yes plenty of brits about on all the forums.. not sure I know Blue though..is he member here or on other RWG (RWG.biz) ?



    There are 2 guys that work out of UK.... Narika (Reg) and UKWatches.... Reg is on here but UK watches is a trusted dealer on RG


    You will find Reg in the dealer section under Narika and find UK watches in dealer section on RG


    Both sell low to mid budget reps.... I have never seen top end reps sold by them though.. if you want those then you will need to go through the bigger trusted dealers on here etc


    If you are worried about customs some dealers guarantee delivery or replacement but generally uk is considered a low risk destination for reps sent out from GZ...but you can also buy from members in UK who have listed thier own reps for sale in the trade section..


    There are a few UK guys that regularly sell their reps as they dont keep them long..... and I am sure if they read this they will know who I mean.. :)



    PS RG stands for Repgeek


    Here is link - http://www.repgeek.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64

  8. I heard from a TD here that the "ultimate"  bronze version would be released soon. 

    Now work in progress.


    As usual, take everything you hear in this hobby regarding new model developments with a pinch of salt. ;)



    There is one being made...it is being created using a gen 389 case.... it is going to have a CuSn8 bronze same as gen so will patina correctly .. (it is the ZF maker)


    It is due out in a few months...case is in prototype stage...

  9. How long does it take to get QC Pics??? I purchased from Andrew at Trusty Time two weeks ago and still waiting for QC Pics... He did reply after payment sent Saying QC Pics would be sent but that was two weeks ago.



    It shouldnt take long mate ..few days maybe.. however depends what you ordered...


    It may be waiting for new stock or maybe waiting for delivery from maker or searching for one...etc etc


    Have you emailed Andrew...after this time I would, assuming he hadnt already said it may take a while as he needs to find one or something similar etc


    What was it you ordered?



    And I am curious how/why you posted in this old thread....

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