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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Generally these reps are same as gen if its deployant then it works by pulling one length of the strap through a 'loop' in the deployant. The straps are holeless.

    So adjustment is made by pulling the strap through the deployant when undone when closed that part is hidden from view under the outside strap and deployant buckle.

    Other than that you just get buckles or deployants that adjust by pulling the strap through and selecting a hole on the strap that will be comfy then closing it.




  2. I spent some time doing that myself and checking out the vintage forums I know...the only thing I could find was that it was a brand name craeted by Merchandise services...



    So given the lack of info I really think these were originally made for a large Jewellers or Chain to sell from thier outlets...it was quite common in the middle of last century and very affordable to do...


    Hiwever you can still buy watches with this same TM so again from experience of other lesser brands it could be that ... the chain still oprates and these are in-house watches or the other reason is a Chinese firm have taken over the brandname and produce these current watches for small cash and carrys, chain stores etc



    But I cetainly think that this brand started out as an own name brand jewellers or chain shop and these were originally made using bought in parts and put together by the company ordering or built on thier behalf..


    The movement could well be a Citizen movement who supplied regency with the movements but with Regency brand name or it could be from a movement maker who supplied both citizen and Regency and probably others... it is quite common to see movements made by one movement house  being used in many brand names..in a basic way it is like brands buying ETA movements and fitting them in their own watches or maybe changing details or markings and then fitting them...like PAMs did or Many other gen brands


    I had a few vintage watches left to me that had a similar obscure history and information ...in fact I even posted for info here many moons ago... I eventually found a little info on some vintage watch forums...


    I did find a watchsmith that advertised his services in repairing vintage watches..in his list of brands (which was generic) he did list Regency ..so if it were me I would email him or other watchsmiths working on vintage watches and see if they recall the brand :)



    I just looked at the Citizen.... that is a newer looking movement though same layout etc but seems to be a cheaper build... so it could be Citizen bought this copyright or license  for the movement and then made them ..that was quite common in 70s with Japanese watch brands... so Citizen could hve bought this design in 70s but oreviously it belonged to a movement maker who supplied many lesser known brands no longer selling or surviving


    I also noticed a lot of Russian watches with same calibre which again could be a reason...Russia did produce western named watches for raising currency ..its a slim chance but possible...


    Its all supposition but generally the basics are true... ie Regency was a brand created by a large company who bought in parts and branded them as their own and sold on within thier outlets or to other outlets..

  3. Sorry for some reason I thought you wrote quartz in your question...I must be going mad !



    You tend to find that brands like these were originally made for a large jeweller or watchsmiths or other large company and produced their own parts or sourced them from different watch brands/suppliers..


    I have had a few vintage watches with similarly unknown brand names and found they were made as I mention above and over time they either went bust or stopped making their own brand...


    However you can still find Regency brand watches but they are pretty cheap and seem to be sold as liquidated stock etc the usual mark up mark down sales ploy ...so that would suggest that the brand is Chinese made watches now either sold by a Chinese company or made by them for a wholesaler/chain


    That might explain why you are struggling to find anything in terms of history or more info....


    Its certainly not Swiss made although another maker could have made the movement and stamped the Regency brand on the plate under a wholesale order so its possible it was made by another maker but I wouldnt know if it was Citizen or just made by Regency under license



    Sorry I cant say more I can only go on my own experience of lesser known vintage wtach brands and how they came about and why there aint much by way of info

  4. Your name dont appear in PB search tool mate says 'No results'



    Do you mean that the dial has Regency written on it? Or does it have Accurist written on the dial?


    Both makes used quartz movements in watches...


    You can also get Swiss quartz movements and even cosc quartz... :)



    Example of a Regency Quartz



  5. TBH until this post it never crossed my mind so really the issue never bothered me... I simply sent a PM asking relevant questions and if it had sold I thought nothing more about it and moved on..


    As for currency I prefer to work in USD as its the common currency on all the forums and its the curency that dealers work in on thier sites.



    I have always had a mindset that this place has many individuals with different views,cultures and attitudes and there is always a balance in what we expect and what we get...


    I am not disagreeing with the point of the original post just that I have never allowed minor inconsiderations (or what I personally consider those to be) of others to bother me...



  6. I havent read anything to taht effect


    I have found him to take his time in answering sometimes..I think the longest was a couple of weeks but he has always got back to me eventually..


    I am sure you will get a reply mate....

  7. This issue has been discussed many times before unfortunately this issue of scamming is a sad part of our hobby and to some extent our community...it is or rather can be cyclical in terms of the number r reports of them occurring here...


    And because of that this sort of thread has been posted and discussed many times before over the years with similar if not the same sorts of ideas... I am sure that it is a subject discussed and considered by the Crew here on many occasions and I am sure all these ideas as well as many others have been considered and debated.


    However just taking a few of those ideas mentioned you can easily see how those can be avioded or mitigated by anyone wanting to scam... an escrow for example putting aside the logistics of provding such a service would push the ability to scam onto the buyer if he chose to... and as well could easily be misused espcially considering that effectively what we are doing is illegal


    Then you look at payments or deposit/debentures etc etc ..this only makes it harder and more dictorial for honest and genuine guys to sell thier watches, (afterall scamming only accounts for less than half a percent at most of our great memebership the rest being honest guys) this creates hardship for genuine sellers and only means the scammers cut thier margins or increase thier scams to cover the tax of selling.


    The look at a list... again it is full of holes in practice... how do you decide who should be on it, as I said before the manner of compiling such a list can be very unfair and non objective to the genuine seller and easily abused by another person or even scam buyer..


    That indeed is another point so far all these suggestions are trying to make it harder for a scam seller but by doing something like these suggestions you are making it easier for a scam buyer...


    So then you say what should we do? Well fisrtly we need to consider if we are overreacting..... I personally have seen this same levels of scams during my time here and it has been done only occasionally by trusted and longish term members (though that is usually with watch mods, or aftermarket parts/services) it is mainly new members or not been about long or hardly involved members etc etc....I dont believe the number is any higher than it was a few years back...


    A lot of the time if we are honest what pushes us to buy is we are excited and in a rush before any one else to get something so because of that we throw good judgement to the side...or we make the mistake of assuming because we are here we are safe... WE AINT!


    However what has changed alot is the way guys use this place.... I am always seeing/reading abut guys that clearly havent read the introductions and guides or the rules in selling and advice in buying then buy something, get stung and expect someone else to sort it out.... when they didnt do the basics of buying before parting with thier money


    The same basics you see on any forum, gen or rep, watch or other item etc.... when you sell elsewhere you dont see any of these suggestions in place... what you see are guys that sell thier stuff and provide references if asked for and members that seek references or feedback... they do thier due diligence because they dont want to get scammed or lose money.

    In the event of a scammer he is banned but unfortunately as in real life thier is nothing to prevent that scammer coming back under another guise...so again it is down to the individual to do his research and engage the seller..."Buy the seller not the watch"


    I do feel sorry for the guys that got stung but at the same time I ask them to think about exactly what did they do to check the seller before buying? Did they read the advice and guides here, or the sellers history in terms of posts and topics, did they ask for references, did they check his profile and then did they balance that information against the risk of sending that guy money...


    We cannot expect any forum admin to control us beyond the norms.... we are ulitimately responsible for our own actions...I know its easy to say but it is true no matter where we are... maybe we could consider a minimum post count or a length of membership but ultimately that doesnt protect you...I have seen guys here well established doing similar stuff to members here mainly because their circumstances change they get desperate they look for easy money and who better to screw than your friends...


    Then you also need to consider the definition of scam.... is it just someone that takes your money and you get nothing or is it someone that misdescribes an item or is it a buyer that makes a claim back or has a change of mind and tries to get a refund despite the seller doing nothing wrong ..the variations go on and on... the fact is their is no one defintion in this sort of forum... and perhaps by preventing one type you are allowing another type..


    For example you sell a watch under some strict control as maybe suggested above... and then the buyer decides the watch is too big or he drops it while unopening it..all of a sudden you have a 'scam' (I use the term lossely) buyer who can back track using the suggested controls and as a genuine seller you now have to take back the watch and refund the guy or you will be a scammer or worse etc etc... it is as I mentioned before a double edged sword..


    I wish I had the best answer..I dont but without sounding like half empty sort of guy I dont think any of the suggestions actually solve the problem or the core of the problem and what really allows these guys or most of these guys to get away with it....ourselves


    Ultimately we as individuals are responsible for ourselves and in ensuring, like nearly every other forum, that we satisfy ourselves that we are not being scammed.


    The question anyone should ask themselves as a buyer is ..."What is the risk of buying from this guy and can I afford to take that risk and lose my money?" If the answer is anything but an assured yes then it is simply a case of not buying or doing more research and getting more information about the guy ...exactly like you would elsewhere or in the real world...


    Just my penny's worth guys ..its not pointed at anyone... :)

  8. Never forgotten ....



    What candles may be held to speed them all?
      Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
    Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
      The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
    Their flowers the tenderness of silent minds,
    And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

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