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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Not to threadjack but can anyone enlighten a noob on the difference between a v6 and v6.5 in the big bang?  Been trying to find a link w no luck :bangin:


    It is model dependant but basically it is updated AR, Hands and dial..... just make sure before you order that it is updated and fully updated as some come with old AR still.... I guess makers are using up stock etc and will replace as sold out.... hence why I say model dependant... and in turn probably based on the more popular versions as they sell quicker..:)

  2. Thanks for all the info guys, it seems like what I have been getting are the budget reps, but im not exactly loaded and I like the "look" of some of them. I have a friend who has went to a place where there are lots of reps to buy in bulk today.... He has just sent me some pics of some tags and I have bought 2.... £20 each. I will post pics when he returns (3hrs).

    All the reps I have had have been less than £30 and have all kept good time and I have  never had a problem with them.

    I may now be know as 'Budget Boy' and post my pics of the budget end of the rep watch scale ;)


    As long as you enjoy them and it gets you more involved on here then it doesnt matter what the price...you will find there is a wide spectrum of guys here and it may even surprise you... :)

  3. You can send that link to smaller dealers see what they price it at ? :) Remember you will save at least $20 on shipping doing that rather than trusty...











    or this guy is in UK (midlands)




    So is Reg (Narikka).. he is UK based too but sources from Thailand rather than GZ (they both deal in more budget reps) You need to email him direct.





    Also try looking here too mate





    Plus Watcheden have a large range of budget reps...some good some bad... :)





    But the list goes on and on ;)

  4. As I said elsewhere mate if on tight budget use a smaller dealer..... $170 on TT will be about $150 on smaller delaer plus cheaper shipping so you can aim a little higher... so if you see a $220 200 on TT you probaly hit your $170ish range with smaller dealers...



    Personally I would look at other brands with that budget...I think you could get something much better rep wise than a TAG...



    Also check out TDs section as they sometimes offer deals in there that are less than site deals.... special offers I guess you could say... not just here but other rep forums too and check out member sales too...some good value to be had there too :)

  5. That is a pretty hard question to answer mate...as there are so many variables to what makes a rep a certain price and what doesnt...


    Things like popularity, quality of the movement, materials used, if its being sold off to get rid of it from makers stock etc etc


    For example some models can be cheaper but be of great quality and good movements... like maybe a Hublot BBK BMII 48mm..... it was $300 but now can be bought for $215 because maker is getting rid if its stock..... dealers will still sell it for $300 but smaller dealers are selling it for the lower price...because they buy them up at and sell them on quick... other dealers just dont care and wont update and will take the additional profit...


    That BBK has full ceramic, colourless sapphire AR, Real CF dial A7750 movement etc etc.... it is a quality rep and for $215 great value.... I loved it and had up against a gen and my mate the owner was gutted !!


    Then you can get a rep like say a Sinn regulator for around $140 it has sapphire superb AR it is as good or as close to gen as you could possibly hope...and I am sure if it was a popular brand the maker would mark it up... ;)


    Then you can buy models that are in the $100-150 bracket that are exactly the same as the high end versions but with a cheap 22J/25J Chinese movement...this is especially so with say Rolex....has sapphire, Correct mag and AR to cyclops, great pearl, bezel etc etc


    You can get other reps that are expensive because of certain details...like say a Flying B.... that has a fantastic dial..very very gen like and was more expnsive to produce than say an average rep dial....


    Then you say go for PAMs some of these are great reps OTB for around $200-250 and almost indistinguishable from gen unless you know the models and brand etc... and they look quality on the wrist...


    I have bought some great reps for $100 and some great ones for $500.... but the quality was in all of them though maybe not the details... and it was absolutely dependant on the brand and then the movement....


    Say like a HB KP is around $300 and IMHO looks cheap and nasty on the wrist for a HB etc...


    Then you can go for something like a Noob maker Breitling SO II Chrono.... they are about $300 and they look and feel like gen.... and have a reliable movement...you can alos get the Abyss with a swiss movement for similar money and agian it is a easily passable in a Breitling store on the wrist (not that you would) but you get what i mean..


    So the best answer I can say is....


    It depends what model, what maker, what dealer, what movement, not so much whether price is high or low..... guys rave about those $130 22J Rolex's ...


    Dont worry about misspelling on dealers sites.... it is common and some descriptions can be misleading .... it can be to overstate how good teh watch is or it can easily be the opposite...many times you see a watch in your hand that you would never think is any good from the dealers sites or descriptions or pics....


    That is why this and other forums are so good because we can share thsoe experiences and decode if you like what the dealers are actually offering...


    Show us the TAG you mean either here or in the TAG sub forum and ask about..... guys will help.... also use search tool and go through the pages of the sub forums...


    Also remember you can save about $30-60 on dealer sites prices if you use smaller dealers in TD section..... guys like Sead at Supermirrors or mary at Kingshow etc...send them a link to the one you mean...they will confirm if available and price generally save your self $20-30 and same again on shipping ...like most dealers charge $45 for EMS but sead charges $25.. and there is bigger saving between them for for registered, DHL etc

    • Like 1
  6. I think the Ling iis awful.... but regardless... as S says they are running on $10 movements...


    Crown position is opposite to the faux chrono pushers, incorrect subdials, incorrect dial, incorrect rehaut, mineral glass, no date, no secs register sub dial...basically its a fantasy model....


    TAG is mineral, wrong colour PVD on SS, incorect dial, wrong position logo, sunken DW, incorrect sized bezel markings... etc etc


    Sometimes the details of a rep can give it away.... even a good quality rep but you need to know these if it is a good quality rep...


    but as you say a cheap watch is a cheap watch whether rep or any other type...and those watches look cheap in quality so the details sort of fall to background ...if I saw that on the wrist of someone I wouldnt need to see the details...just the crystal would give it away... let alone everything else about them...



  7. Generally dealers don't hold stock however with new releases or popular sellers dealers will buy in bulk as it can save them money or they know that getting them in bulk due to a quick sell out by makers.

    You do get the odd model in stock for example recently Angus had a legende in stock or Sillix had a very old version of the RM one which can no longer be bought.

    But as a rule never take it that if a site says in stock that it is actually physically there.

    TB can be very slow in replying to emails and generally in my own experience and reading other guys comments he can be hot or cold. I think he even went on probation as a TD on RG or another forum.

    So I would not order anything you know is hard to get or oos from other dealers unless it is confirmed to you directly before ordering.

    If I was after a watch that was difficult to find or generally unavailable I would contact smaller dealers who would be willing to find one for you as some will check stalls and wholesalers rather than just ask the maker.

    So I would contact Sead, watches international , Sillix , Mary at king and a few others There is a few new dealers on RWI who seem willing to go the extra for guys I guess because they want to build up a reputation etc :)

    Personally I wouldn't wait for a reply just send out emails and PMs to all the smaller dealers you can. They will

    Answer quickly and let you know.

    It was a habit of some dealers to say in stock so guys would order and once paid would then offer alternatives or different watches in the hope of keeping your money ;) though I am not saying any mentioned in this thread would ;):)

  8. My own experience and what I have seen the forums is that it is or seems to be hit and miss. Generally if a report on here in the scamming section gets a few replies with guys reporting it seems to get taken off however if I see a rep etc being advertised and report it nothing seems to happen so maybe it works on the number of reports from different ebayers I don't know.

    Once I stated I would inform buyer after auction if it wasn't removed, I had already reported it normally but nothing had been done and as it wasn't a private listing I said I would tell buyer and show him a screenshot of my first report to eBay and I would be sure that the buyer would take matters further.

    I got a reply stating loads of disclaimer stuff but the item was removed. Of course I wasn't sure how or if I could contact buyer but the bluff did seem to work.

    Having said all that I genuinely believe that the more reports a scammer gets during auction the more likely its removal. Hence why I also think we have the specified sub forum here so we can all get involved and hopefully get the item removed after all it is in all our interests to do so:)

  9. Depending on the watch version/maker it may well be better value or rather a way of getting what you want and having spares etc to buy a lite version these are pretty cheap especially from smaller dealers ... I think Nembo can get them for early 100. On RG. Or you can sell parts off that you don't want to have spares of... Even just factoring in screws and cost of replacement etc it is worth considering. Stems can be sourced anywhere.

    The lite is the same watch as the 7750 generally as I say depends on which exact one you have etc. Version/maker etc

    If you just want the part go to Mary/Rochest at watches international or similar type smaller dealers or you can email Angus at Puretime they all can source parts but WI in my experience is cheapest.

  10. PBdad's work is variable. Unless they have been deleted, there are examples of his work here that look like art projects. The one reason I had been hesitant to recommend BK's fine watches in the past was his collaboration with PBdad.


    I am not saying that PBdad has never done good work. I'm saying his work is variable.


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