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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Okay gentlemen, I've looked deep into my heart and I can ignore it no longer.

    Yes, most could walk by and blissfully ignore your plight, but I need to rise above. I'm duty-bound to right these wrongs ... to bring solace where it's possible.

    And so, I have decided to carry your burden. I know it's unexpected, but I cannot stand by and watch you suffer. It breaks my heart to see your anguish as your crowns only screw down 1/2 a turn. I feel your pain.

    Please package up the wretched things and send them to me for (cough) disposal. I'll deal with them.

    And in return, a shiny new 703 crown for every participant! Guaranteed to screw down at least one full turn.

    It's the least I can do for my friends here.




  2. Kinskey as ghost said "week" give it some time to get a response. Posting in forum after a week or so not such a good idea.



    I am not so sure I agree mate on the face of it....


    There are 2 issues in the OP


    1) The provison of a full service to his watch and the lack there of


    2) The communication after receipt of the dead watch



    The first one given the historical issues that abound should be posted or can be posted (OP decision) based on his review/feedback..


    The second one is ongoing and yes a week maybe a short period to some but still its worth noting so other guys thinking of using the service at a later date reading this can decide whether they are willing to accept slow communication..... or the risk of it.


    Waiting a week after paying for something you didnt get is pretty poor.... even a holding reply would be something .. if it is difficult to deal with the issue as it should be (or has been explained to be)


    The second point also leads to a third... How the matter is dealt with by MD so at this time after contacting MD a week back he has still had no reply (people can read into that what they will ie thats normal, thats slow, thats unacceptable etc )


    Even if the OP waited to post anything and later posted a thread...it would still start the same way and again guys could draw their own conclusions from it and how it was dealt with.



    We all know things like this can happen..... I have had a couple of watches that I sent away for servicing that came back with issues.... however on both occasions the watchsmiths involved got back to me quickly (within a few days) and without any real hardship just said "send it back and I will sort it".... it may be frustrating it may be annoying but I couldnt ask them to do more than that... and the reply email was a simple couple of lines in both cases....


    I aint trying to start some long winded thread here.. ;) Its just my 2 cents based on my own experience and expectations (that I have learnt) in this hobby :)

  3. Also where are you mate.... that way guys can suggest least shipping risk for you :)



    I think there has been quite a lot written about MD2020..regarding service etc It might be worth contacting through those threads as some guys are points of contact for dealing with issues arising out of MDs services...


    I think MiketheBike is the guy to ask mate....


    Plus I would also suggest you copy this thread to the review section just below the watch sales sections etc :)

  4. Airsure mate.... plus you can insure up to £500 roughly a quid extra for each £100 insured.


    TBH I could never understand the price difference in Signed for International and Airsure...... on an average watch to US it costs about £12 to use Airsure but the same package is about £11 or just under for Signed for.


    Airsure is trackable by anyone on website throughout transit...... Signed for is only trackable after receipt at delivery.


    Also remember that size of packet is just as important as weight with these methods.... sometimes it help to remove strap/bracelet to ensure package is kept to minimum size....


    And on customs I always declare it as straps and or buckles or sometimes costome jewellery or toys (depending on packet and way it feels)...you can claim higher insurance if you say its a cigar case etc from someone like FM ...though dont say all that on declaration....



    Generally speaking USPS dont ensure sig at the end either way.. !!




    Plus in the unlikely event that you can afford to lose it.... (small though that risk may be) the fastest shipping to US is standard internatonal..no tracking no nothing.... it gets there in half the time as the others !! Same coming back over here too.... my best was 3 days !!

  5. thanks Pete,,,,lol...I like chrisage....but time will tell if that is a good thing to do or a bad thing to do....going to attempt the balance......see what happens...I should have practiced more before just jumping into the movement...but I have such a planned cautious life....good to live on the "edge" with watches...


    I keep meaning to say mate and it keeps slipping my mind.....


    If you are struggling with removing the plate on some parts you shoud use a non abrasive compound and soft buff... you can achieve a mirror polish or any coloured buff etc etc without removing the plate. Its the same stuff jewellers use for plated jewllery... I have used it a few times works a treat mate.... the trick is in the method etc but just as a general polish you have to make a big mistake to end up removing the plate finish :)


    I also thought if you fancy bringing out the pattern on your wheels etc have you thought about etching it on?


    DIY etching is pretty easy..... basically cover area //wheel etc with masking tape or heat resistant tape depending if you are polishing at same time etc... get a 9V battery with 2 wires... and a cotton wool bud


    Cut out pattern you want using craft knife or razor etc... then connect positive wire from battery (easier with clips) to metal part then attach negative wire from battery to the cotton wool bud.... ensure the wire connects to the wetted area of the bud... (the bud is dipped in salted water) then hold/press cotton tip to areas cut out by masking tape...do that for about 5-10 mins moving tip around...use a few tips ie change every few minutes... you will see metal darkening ...


    Of course no good on plated or is but will remove plate so you could end up with a nice plate/brass look pattern ... could be a way to get some other patterned looks to metal parts :)


    But you get idea mate.... just a thought if you are playing about :)

  6. To me that mark or marks on the ceramic of the HB is grease from a finger/handling etc..... but you should just ask them to confirm that is all they are...from my own experience with these its common to get those sort of marks while handling...


    Hoiwever what does draw my eye is the line above the bezel screw at 10 O'Clock....I can see it in all 3 pics of front... it could be a handling mark/hair or something else ?? ;)


    That mark/discolouration on the Cartier is again common on plate etc from grease/oily dirt etc..... I would bet this would just need a good clean :) However ask the question mate and if you want to be certain ask for more pics after cleaning... I am sure they wont mind as long as you ask politely and explain your thinking so they understand.. ;)



    PS - I would also suggest you get some spare lug screws for the Hublot while you have paid for shipping :)


    And make sure you check them when recieved for tightness..even use some blue loctite ;)

  7. PO Ti has a number of flaws...but overall the build quality rep wise is very good and in addition to LKs comments (that I agree with) what really carries a watch off is the quality of it on the wrist....


    Setting aside the wearer.... if something looks of good qulaity etc etc then it will usually carry the day.....


    Details and models/batches/idiosyncraises can vary so much that rarely will you be unlikely enough to meet the WIS anal elite.... or rep anal elite ...especially on the wrist



    What you can learn from this community about reps can be a double edged sword..... when it comes to wearing a rep.... you may know what thats watches flaws are...but the majority wouldnt know in any circumstances... they judge a watch by how it looks quality wise (ie does it look expensive etc) and in turn the wearer ;)



    Most people havent heard of most watch brands let alone its specific details.....



    And to really see the above is pretty much there...just read any gen forums when they discuss 'fakes'.....or what to look for....

  8. Hey, a little pepper, a little garlic ... goes a long way!



    Sorry I didnt realise you lived in the better part of the wilderness.... where the bears only eat smoked salmon and are cordon bleu trained....



    But will they eat your salty balls... :)

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