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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. If you do use PP ..


    I would suggest you do it now....


    PP works by first opening a dispute...although this is formal it does not involve PP it remains between you and the seller and as last opportunity to resolve the issue.... you would still need to claim within 21 days of filing the dispute...


    This would be done automatically by PP if the seller has not replied or looked to make a resolution when the dispute started...


    So by doing so now you are at least forcing him to respond in some way.... if he doesnt then you will by default get your money back when you make the claim...

  2. QC pics are done by dealers... not the makers. What a lot of guys dont realise is that when a buyer refuses a watch in QC that generally the dealer cannot send it back to maker... the makers can be very hard to work with like that.... so that watch gets sent elsewhere maybe repaired etc but generlly never goes back to maker...


    lesser known dealers outside the forums tend to send you regardless of whether its QCd or not...most drop ship and also the maker can vary so you might order a Noob V3 and get an H V2 etc etc


    The reason we have TDs isnt so much to get the watches its more about how they deal with the issues that will arise from buying reps.... something which lacks outside these forums TDs


    I read of that site a while back...I am struggling to recall the specifics but it wasnt positive I certainly remember that ...

  3. Yep, exactly right. Message on here from buyer the day it was delivered saying thanks then not a peep for 7 months, now chargeback due to "unauthorised use".



    Thanks ..


    So guy is saying the card used was used fraudulently and hence claim back



    But if address of card holder is same as PP verified address where you sent it and you have tracking to show delivery to that address then he will have a problem....


    You should contact mods and find out his registration details see if they match details you have... then also check with previous sellers and see where they sent the items too... hopefully they may have details still in their PMs or in their PP archives

  4. So just so I am clear.... (as some of you may know I have been dealing with  lack of interest in the sales section which is effecting my interest elsewhere)


    Guy buys watch used from M2M (no warranty blah blah)

    Guy says watch good thanks

    Guy charges back to CC 7 months later

    Guy not contacted you before guy not said word to you


    Now you wait to hear from guy direct...?

  5. I understand your thinking mate.....


    I dont think personally that its a good idea....for several reasons but most notably the issue of the purchase and its cost and ownership and the potential ramifications of that ownership...


    It is and always has been the responsibility of the TDs to update and maintain there sections.... and arguably that is where we need to focus a solution if needed.


    Maybe the crew need to be a bit more proactive in chasing up the dealers maybe they do...I dont know ..but I have seen comments on the sections by the crew asking dealers to update their site details etc...


    Maybe it simply needs a rider stating to non contributing members that they should satisfy themselves that the sites are current and up to date etc etc


    I am not sure what non contributing members see in the TD section so its difficlut to say...but if they can see the TDs section then I would suggest that is removed from view...


    Overall I personally think it is up to the individual to satisfy them selves that they are not using the info on here as a blanket way of being safe.... if you know what I mean....It is always imperative that new members read all the introduction threads and guides and get to know the place and the way things are done....


    Most of us ended up here because of being scammed or researching to avoid a scam...and the latter shouldnt stop because anyone is on this forum...after all scammers and scams come in all shapes and sizes and appear in the M2M as well as the TDs.... can be one offs or ongoing...


    Those URLs you refer to are not always used as you say...indeed you tend to find more often than not that the scammers use the original sites looks but vary the name slightly rather than just use the old URL...though it happens...


    So for me...


    TD section should only be viewable to contributing members (if it is)

    Dealers should be made or asked to regularly update their sections (that is if there arent already) maybe to maintain TD status a 3 or 6 month 'check in' (update and edit etc 'housekeeping') and confirmed by crew/admin is required or something similar and if not then section is made invisible until it is... or perhaps only when new URLs are issued TDs must remove all previous URLs or make clear the new one etc etc.... maybe having a specific member/crew person/s responsible for administrating the section might help..that I am not sure of how or even if it is but there are better guys than me that would know how best to do so...



    But it is up to the new member to read around in all the intro topics etc etc..... I recall I spent many hours doing so and so have many others but at same time you see guys that clearly dont...and those guys cant expect this community to carry them if they dont choose to do that... it is still important even under the umbrella of this forum that individuals still dont take everything stated here as gospel without at least double checking first or asking especially when it comes to parting with their own money or watches....


    We are, as a forum and a community here to help each other and share a great hobby...but surely we cant be here to help those who wont help themselves or follow even the most basic of guidelines when joining... we are not I believe a 'nanny' forum or a controlling one... (Now I am not suggesting that is the case in all these situations but does tend to be the case more often than not)



    I applaud your motives mate and hope it will create debate and hopefully better suggestions than mine .... but I dont see the benefit of going down the route first suggested....

  6. TBH mate...I know little about the ladies reps of these..other than what I read which sort of gel with what you say as well as the case size and DW etc....  that is subject to maker and entry point...


    However I would say that the guys that talk about these are like most of us...pretty anal and in my own experience with ladies reps... as long as the reps arent glaringly wrong then they are going to be fine on the wrist and unlikely indeed very unlikely to attract eyes of criticism...for some reason ladies watches dont suffer the brutal eyes that mens watches do and so my advice would be that if it looks good ie nothing stands out and the price is good value then go for it..... I am certain you or rather your Mrs would not feel uncomfortable with it.... Cartier have so many variations that tbh most reps as long as quality of build is there do look the part...


    Unfortunately this forums or rather some of its members are so skilled at spotting the flaws that we end up over criticising some of these reps to a point that no one in the real world would ever notice or challenge.... especially so in my own experience with ladies watches


    The better reps are very well made and do look every part the gen on the wrist....


    I do also recall that Angus at Puretime released a few new Cartiers a few months back now whether tehy are updated or same maker I couldnt say but can say its worth a look... :)


    I have had the mens Cartiers and have always been impressed with them on the wrist.... yes not perfect but as said I doubt very much it would ever be spotted on the wrist.. ;)



    Personally if your Mrs likes it I would get it..... I do that when buying ladies watches myself.... I do some quick research of the gens and as long as my eye doesnt catch anything glaring obvious I get it.... I tend not to rely on comments on forums as it can taint the true feel of the rep on the wrist... ;)


    I wish I could do that with my own reps... ;(     Sorry I cant help more mate... :)






    PS If you are keen to search more and assuming you havent already then try searching ladies reps rather than being specific...you tend to find these models get discussed in threads starting about best ladies reps rather than model specific...if you know what I mean. :)

  7. The rubber etc including screws etc can be ordered direct from Angus' site it's under hublot accessories

    Crystals can be bought from Angus too but you need to contact them direct in addition you can try Rochest at watchesinternational (in dealer section)

    However Mikey was selling gen size crystals with clear AR. I don't know if he has any left but he has a small shop section on RG just go there and see updates or PM him direct on RG.

    In addition a WTB wouldn't hurt as guys that bought Mikey's crystal will have a spare makers crystal from swapping them round ;)

    • Like 1
  8. So the quest is reignited the great search begins again…will it be in vain with those that try and fail…and if so when will that be.. have you the strength to even consider it or must you fall be the wayside before this paragraph even ends…. That is the great question and to answer that question you must step forward and say “I am that person! I can succeed where all that have tried have failed…I will seek the answer and the truth!”







    So now you have stayed and together we are at the second paragraph… “how did we get here?”  I hear you ask… well that we will never know….was it fate…was it providence.. who knows …but here we are together in our quest…. The second paragraph may be only the first step into the second paragraph but we are nearly at its end and still we are no closer… “What pain! What hardship!” I hear you say but fear not we are here that is all that matters…and our reward is so close…the reward of moving forward again into the third paragraph..







    And here we are!! Together again moving ever onwards towards that great quest, that unknown force that we all seek…some have by now fallen to the side..realising they do not have that spirit that inner strength to move forward again into perhaps what may be the …and dare I say it…yes I do!! I dare say it!!...the fourth paragraph! There I said it!…. Hold fast my friends..I can see this is too much too soon but stay with me …together we can do this…we have the strength in our hearts..the willingness in our minds to move forward in our quest.. but wait can you hear that…. Shhhh! I think its…..






    Yes!!  It’s the fourth paragraph! Here at last …we have come so far so quickly and yet it seems like we are still in the first paragraph.. yes!  I know..I know!!.. take strength my friends this is the test we must face in our quest for the great TRL….. are we strong enough together to move on..maybe, maybe not…I can see by now that many have fallen as our quest ventures deeper and deeper into this strange and scary world of paragraph after paragraph.. but what can we do? We cannot turn back…we have come so far…but what awaits us… what is beyond this next stepping stone into the great unknown?







    Maybe it’s the fifth paragraph…. Wow! Where did that come from??…I didn’t see it from the fourth paragraph and suddenly here we are…. Deep in the fourth paragraph and still we yearn …yearn for what we seek… is it here?… can we be close?… that my friends is the true test of our quest…it tests us all to see if we can make it through the perils of these paragraphs.. the reward is there trust me …I have felt it.. I have read of it..I have heard that others have made this quest and shown us all what can be achieved by allowing the force of the TRL to lead them into the great unknown..







    An unknown which has now become clear …it’s the sixth paragraph and still we stand here together moving onwards on our search for that elusive and great force the TRL… “Can it be real ?” I hear you say… but surely it must..look how far we have come and we are still here surely that in itself is proof of its existence its greatness its need to feed us the good that we know is in us all.. but can it show us more ..maybe a sign or a way of moving closer to it …maybe if we reach deep inside ourselves and think the most positive thoughts we can maybe and only maybe together do it…! But how will we know?








    It exists! It Exists!! Here is the proof the sign we craved…it’s the seventh paragraph..I cant contain myself I am so excited could this be really happening? am I going mad!! Is this a mirage? I must control myself …please guys take a breath… open yourself up to it feel it we are indeed here… it is and can only be described as the seventh paragraph…. I cannot believe it…but I feel so tired so weary I don’t think I have the strength to carry on…I feel so weak and my heart feels so empty..for so long I have gone without that sense of the TRL I don’t think I can move forward… the doubts are creeping in… I feel my strength waning in the midst of this seventh paragraph.. I must I must go…..








    I got here…are you still here with me…someone light a match… is this the place? Is this the eighth paragraph or am I light headed … my pulse is racing yet I can feel the strength going from my body…my fingers are crunched up my mind is all a blur…but if I fail now …where will I be? … the quest cannot end here surely not after coming this far I cannot go back to where I started..where we all started…we cannot have lost so many guys on the way to throw it all away on going back to the beginning…where it all began…when we were fresh faced and confident ..young and full of life but yet the sapping of the words and their paragraphs in this quest has taken its toll… I can feel the force drifting away as I look back to where it all began…









    So the quest is reignited the great search begins again…will it be in vain with those that try and fail…and if so when will that be.. have you the strength to even consider it or must you fall be the wayside before this paragraph even ends…. That is the great question and to answer that question you must step forward and say “I am that person! I can succeed where all that have tried have failed…I will seek the answer and the truth!”



    ARRRGGGGHHHH ! It cannot be!! It cannot be!!…….!! I have come back to where it all began and so my quest has failed and I must fall away like so many before me and step back into the darkness….

  9. Not a single TRL reference 



    I kept trying but I couldnt find it....


    So I will keep searching... :)




    But as I recall....if you are quiet...now I dont mean just not making a noise...but I mean listen...listen very very closely... not just with your ears but with your inner TRL....and if you are someone true and pure of heart without the balckness of even the hint of the blackness of the DL then you might and I only mean might... just hear it... now close your eyes and feel it and open your heart....



    Now Shhhhhh!







    Can you hear it? Can you? Are you the chosen one....the seeker of truth the light eternal the great sign of infinity are you the bearer of that great force the only true force the force of good that leads us that guides us..... the only force that matters that great TRL in the sky.... do you hold it have you the key to open it...have you the kazzumas...???



    Shhhh !!! Listen my little noobs just listen..... :)

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