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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. As with any PAM its a secret recipe... by OP :)



    But to recreate it you would be looking at a C3 and C1 mix...with a heavier ratio of C3... Domi uses RCTritec lume an he knows better than most mate about how the mix works in terms of ratio...


    But given that you are trying to create that L creamyness.... I would think around 66 to 33 ish ... as a starting point

  2. In the buyer preference section it shows that at least a third of guys went looking in the grey market....there were considerations that drew them back to the AD...


    and you can guess what one of them was... !!  ;)




    The report breaks down the summary above which sort of explains the logic or preferences that buyers showed in making their purchases.... rather than just price being a factor etc



    2013 Watch Collector Report by LGI Network.pdf

  3. To be honest mate...you are better contacing a dealer direct with a pic of the specific model..


    But Josh and Andrew defintely have them listed on thier site...so does Angus I think...










    You need to click on first link twice to open up direct link...so you open it twice basically.. :)

  4. Here is the introduction and executive summary of a just released report based on a survey of watch collectors...I am sure some here took part themselves but this report is the first of its kind in trying to identify trends within watch collecting and purchasing. Hopefully the info below gives the details needed to consider the conclusions but I do have it in full if wanted by anyone. To be honest the whole report makes for much more interesting reading.... but the info below gives you a flavour of the results from the survey...hopefully the next one will be from a larger sampling..





    LGI Network is pleased to produce the first‐ever confidential survey of luxury timepiece collectors. Nearly
    all of the leading watch manufacturers have indicated a strong desire to learn about the preferences and
    beliefs of serious collectors. In the past, opportunities to learn about this rarified group was confined to
    occasionally conducting focus groups composed of perhaps 6 to 12 individuals. This report provides
    quantitative and qualitative feedback synthesized from responses by over 500 individuals that collectively
    own in excess of 2,750 watches with retail values exceeding $65 million.

    The report’s goal is to substantially deepen the knowledge of manufacturers and collectors by offering a
    fact‐based understanding of the profiles, preferences, and purchasing behavior of timepiece collectors. For
    manufacturers, we hope the report is a powerful reference tool that leads to smarter retailing, marketing,
    and product development decisions. For collectors, we hope it will lead to more informed and confident
    purchasing and selling decisions, and generally, a greater enjoyment of the pursuit of timepiece collecting.
    Space is provided along side each exhibit to enable the reader to note any special significance of the data
    and any implications for future actions.

    We thank the more than 500 timepiece enthusiasts that participated in this survey and the leading ultraaffluent
    publications and blogging sites that enabled LGI to assemble this impressive group of high‐end
    watch collectors. More specifically, we appreciate the assistance of ABLOGTOWATCH, ATimely
    Perspective, iW Magazine, Niche Media and its various properties, Perpetuelle, the Robb Report,
    Watchuseek, and the Linkedin and YPO watch forums. Their commitment and effort made possible the
    publication of this report.






    This report’s objective is to substantially deepen the knowledge of manufacturers and collectors by offering
    a fact‐based understanding of the profiles, preferences, and purchasing behavior of timepiece collectors.
    Some of the key findings in this year’s report are as follows:


    • Collectors come in a wide range of “shapes and sizes” but the common descriptors of the typical
    Collector would be White/Caucasian men between 35 & 54 earning over $250,000 working in the fields
    of finance, law, or healthcare.

    • Collector’s collection composition varies widely but on average can be characterized by:

    • Size. 5 to 19 timepieces with an average collection of 8.5 watches
    • Condition. One‐third obtained in pre‐owned condition
    • Brand mix. Consisting of 5 brands where no single brand represents more than 34% of owned
    • Value. Costing $175,000 to $200,000 for them to assemble the collection

    • Collectors tend to have a clear view on the timepieces they seek to purchase. In 72% of instances, the
    collector had a specific model and brand in mind when purchasing.

    • Craftsmanship and Timepiece Styling are the most critical dimensions. Over 95% of respondents noted
    these elements as critical with a sizeable, though less widespread recognition for the importance of
    brand image and complication mix.

    • Certain basic features are widely sought by collectors while others are more variable based on the role
    a particular watch is purchased to fill within a collection.

    • Design Staples (90%+ watches). Male watch styling and no diamond treatments

    • Preferred features (80%+). Strap models, exhibition case backs, and proprietary movements

    • Other common design choices: Rose gold vs. other gold materials; 36 to 40 mm cases vs. other

    • Less desirable design choices. Skeleton front designs

    Purchase Process

    • Collectors rely on distinctly different sources for learning as opposed to purchasing watches.

    • Learning. The majority of respondents learned about the timepiece they ultimately purchased
    via reading about it or hearing about it ‐‐ in roughly 60% of cases. Fewer than 25% and 19% of
    respondents, respectively, indicated that 3rd party retailers and brand boutiques were very or
    extremely important information sources. The most relied upon sources were indicated as
    watch enthusiast web sites, watch forums, and word‐of‐mouth discussions with other collectors

    • Purchasing. The vast majority of new watch purchases were transacted at 3rd party retailers or
    brand boutiques with over 85% of watch purchases coming through one of these two sources


    • Purchases are rarely made on impulse. Respondents indicated that in fewer than 1 of 5 cases, a watch
    that they liked was purchased immediately and more than 60% of the time the elapsed time extended
    several weeks or months.

    • The timing of collector purchases does not follow traditional holiday gift‐giving seasonality. The most
    common purchase months for watches retailing above $40,000 were April (perhaps reflecting the
    greater availability of new special product launches at Basel and SIHH exhibitions) and January (perhaps
    reflecting the timing of year‐end bonus payments).

    • Collectors heavily favor purchasing through authorized dealers. Over 85% of the time respondents
    indicated they purchased new watches through authorized dealers.

    Future Intentions

    • Collectors plan to increase purchases during the next two years. Collectors focused on watches
    retailing above $15,000 indicated plans to purchase 2.1 units per year, up 5% from recent years.
    Collectors focused on watches retailing between $5,000 and $15,000 indicated plans to purchase 1.1
    units per year, up 22% from recent years.

    • The majority of collectors have experience selling or trading their existing watches. 60% of Collectors
    focused on watches retailing above $15,000 indicated they have sold one or more of their timepieces. ‐‐
    likely indicating a propensity to continue to do so in the future. No dominant approach to trading
    watches was employed . Most commonly, these sales were completed via person‐to‐person
    transactions (approximately 34% of the time).

  5. Me thinks as me viddy the thready title.... that thsi is some chelloveck writing some chepooka interessovat me.... guff!


    But my gulliver tells me great bolshy yarbles.... thsi is real horrorshow..... My great droog Alex with some devotchkas groodys.... :)


    Some merzky messels passing in my mozg.... now I must away with this pan handle in my nezheenies and slosshy some glorious Van.... and let my rosoodock prod some choodessney ultra violence... Ahhh Real horrorshow my little droogie...


  6. There is only ONE good version mate.....


    You should only buy the HBB Diver from the V6 maker its referred to as the V2.


    The lite version of the V2 is OK but try going for the full version V2



    DO NOT BUY the V3 or its lite versions.... aint worth the money and poor details... (The V3 is a different maker not a different version)

  7. Ken will reply but you need to give him an idea of what you want... for example I bought some glasses for my wife...I sent him the gen pics and he found them and sent me pics and prices


    Sead is the same but he also did a thread in his section with dozens of sunglasses...



    Thats what I mean by contact direct....they dont work like  catalogue/site where you find what you want and order....thats also how you order watches from most smaller dealers... and thats what saves you money as they dont have the overheads of a site etc ;)

  8. Do you mean export or import mate...


    If export...I bought a few things of late from guys in US and it has taken an age to get out of IPS in NY.... one was 6 days and the other 8 days....


    I aint sure why but it never used to take that long...I had assumed just increased workloads or security protocols etc



    Not sure if  IPS is also running backlogs etc and/or is effected by the shut down that I keep reading about over there also...

  9. I might be mistaken but I think those 'gen' eBay crystals have also had the outside layer removed. Which is why they ended up on the used market


    There are a few that might be mate.... I aint sure which ones you might mean as there are a good few on there with varying prices.... and of course on Chrono too...


    But I havent investigated.... I only went by description on the ones I saw which stated them as NOS ... from the pic I would say it had the AR top side... as the hue is definitely there on the crystal surface


    But your right...it would be important to clarify if you are unsure before buying.... and at least the sellers seem to be of good standing....

  10. F is right mate.. all packages from any country go through customs.... before departure....Chinese seem to be getting harder now on packages and they return to sender generlly...


    reads like your package got sent back to sender..... and given holidays now you probably wont be certain till after the 6th....


    Just email dealer mate.... he will reship if that is the case....


    Its a pain and you need patience mate...but I guess its going to take a few more weeks now mate :)


    GL :)

  11. I agree mate but its is not really what I meant in this case to hi or lo beat.... the sweep or hackiness of the seconds hands relates more to the tension within it...the lighter the more noticeable... that is common in both


    It is unlikely that many would notice a difference of 6 to 8 beats on the wrist.... it is easier to hear than see... in addition size of dial and length of secs hand all influence the way it looks as it revolves...


    And i suppose its also worth mentioning then... that the 21J isnt actually a 21J its a 22J...



    As an aside....what or who is JoeyB?


    I remember many guys calling the white dial Legende a baseball.... and your avatar reminds me of that dialled watch...is it related to baseball? Is taht what the guys were on about?

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