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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Blimey C !!




    Remind me never to travel on any form of transport that you are on.... your luck mate aint good karma...


    I hope it gets resolved mate.... one way or another....


    Dont PP offer some  sort of delay payment from your account now....? They pay seller but you dont pay till receipt etc....or its an option..but not sure if its available in tehse sorts of deals..


    Is he about much? here or on RG......


    How did you get on with the HBB BBK mate? Have you heard owt?

  2. The absolute fastest way to identify a rep of an RM is looking at the CB.

    If it is curved (So the watch sits better on the wrist) its gen, since this is very complicated to do.

    Never seen an RM rep that has this, and the dial is just terrible, the lettering is faded and not clear, unlike the gen.

    If the CB and whole back side of the watch is flat = its a rep.


    The majority of reps are curved.... especially on the wrist.... the 36 especially....... I would not suggest that is quite what you mean mate.... a rep is simply not flat...


    There is a shape difference ... on some models like the 11 etc.... as you look at the profile from centre of the case back or underside... on the gen the curve is greater...however the rep is softer but does curve round towards the lugs...so on the wrist you get the same look..... the difficulty isnt shaping the CB thats easy enough...the cost implication comes from the sides of the case and getting that to fit against the CB.... that is where the maker struggles but that is more a cost issue for him rather than a complication...if you know what i mean...


    I had an RM 36 Skeleton rep that I got for a friend and the CB was curved.....I would not try to judge a rep by its CB on these.... there are plenty of other constant flaws on these reps that are much easier to judge..especially on the wrist :)


    Heres a rep


  3. Glad to see you back on here Mike...


    this is all just a curve mate...that we all experience in our lives at some time or another....it is never the measure of who we are...it is how we respond and move forward that shows us for who we are... so welcome back.....and I am glad to hear you had support ...


    It will be good to see you back up on here and getting involved again.... :)

  4. I assume by all you mean all and not just guys on here....Usually Sillix and Sead etc can source out of line stuff.... so if he couldnt get it the only other possibility I would try is that new dealer on RWI...name escapes me but its a woman... Lucy or something liek that...


    She goes to markets and wholesalers to search watch requests... she may well be able to if the watch is on a stall/shelf somewhere...

  5. Looks pretty awesome!

    The one thing that caught my eye as a possible fault (Please correct me if I am wrong here!) is that the date window seems to be too "centered", and too far into the dial. 

    Is it just me, or should the date window be closer to the rehaut?



    No mate DW is correctly spaced....I wouldnt have worn it if it werent...plus I had this next to a gen.... my mate was pretty [censored] !!



    This is 48mm with 7750 which is the smae as gen 1400 is based on... whereas the 48 in your link is using a 2892 clone

  6. For Friday, still rolling with the new arrival, the GMT Master II, Blue / Black (Batman).





    I have no idea if that is a good rep...but its a lovely looker mate....


    I would love to have one myself...but I reckon like all Rollies it too small.... :(

  7. The Evolution dial (batton) is nice mate and a good choice however if you dont plan on modding.... then I would stick to the V6 (TAG) maker and V6 range of 44mm HBs... also try looking at the HBB King 45mm ...Black magic...


    However if you are happy with the 48mm size.... and want the best OTB 48 BBK then IMHO its the Black Magic II A7750 from H maker...it is ceramic black case with genuine CF dial and superlumed with clear hue strong AR.... I had one ..I have had all the BBK 48s...and IMHO its the best OTB 48.. I did a review of it on here somewhere... The other big thing i liked about it was the markers are extremely well polished like the gen...the reps generally arent as well polished and so dont catch the light does like the gens do


    And Sead at Supermirrors is offering them at $215 dollars at the moment...I paid $300 ...and other dealers still sell it for the same if not more...I think Sead has a line of them from the H maker who has probably dropped price to wind down the model stock... though other delaers havent reflected that drop...


    So go and look on Seads section at his BBK Black Magic II...best value and best OTB 48mm rep defo..


    Also wears very comfy because of ceramic and feels light on the wrist...as the gen does...


    Only reall flaw is the LE engraving on CB and H...as its not an LE...but thats minor.....

  8. I am back.... but under sufferance.... my mouth is full of saliva...


    But thank you Mike...my first cook is your ribs mate...I will be out to shops for weekend.. then I am going to try Docs pasta and pork but would prefer the prawns..hint hint :)


    I will report back when I am stuffed and if it dont work I will take Decks option...however even the Kebab shops round here are rubbish... I always like going back to London for my regular haunt .... the guy always lets me sit down at the back and eat the stuff he cooks his family upstairs... :)


    I will post pics of something this weekend :)



    2 questions


    What is sweet cream.... we only have single or double cream here...I never seen sweet cream


    Do I need to score the skin of the baby back ribs?


    Thank you :)

  9. Defo the black version.....


    My wife has something similar... and it looks much classier in the ceramic and steel plus it wears either out and about or for night time... she also has a white ceramic but doesnt really wear it much...she prefers the black ceramic or her pink ceramic watches...


    And the black ceramic really catches the light.... it looks like a glitzy metal...if you know what I mean...

  10. Gran you need to add an idiots guide to some of your posts mate...for me anyway.. :)


    I remember many years ago while working I was called a Neanderthal..... I dropped him because I thought he was swearing at me....!! Then somone else explained what it meant..


    I thought I had come long way since then.... (evolved maybe !! ;) ) but reading your posts I realise I aint moved far... :)

  11. Have you ried Radico mate?


    First trry water on ear bud only dampened (press it in fingers) and use a blank/clear kitchen towel (no pattern etc just white area) or blotter


    If not then i might try a water and acetone mix on an ear bud but only damp not soggy so press fingers on it to wring it out...then have another bud with just water dampened to imeadiately wipe over the area to soak up the acetone mix...you need to try and lift the dirt in the lume then use a blotter or clear kitchen towel in the hope of lifting the damp out along with the dirt..


    But I get a sense that its buggered mate.... especially if its soaked in to the lume.... but if its sitting above it/on it...then you could be lucky :)

  12. I dont think any PAMs meet that status....


    I agree on the Ebel or possibly the Chopard GT XL 2008 LE.... I have held it against a gen and its an amazing rep OTB better than any so called PAM super reps...



    Plus I always think the best rep of all time will be a model that isnt well known either...or rather isnt popular with guys that would spot a rep ..or know enough about the gen brand...


    If you never seen a gen Rolex...then to you any BP current Rolex would be the best rep of all time...but if you knew Rolex inside and out ...then it aint !!


    Its the same with PAMs.... I can see a rep 90% of time on the wrist across a table.... because I know them......


    So its always going to be subjective and based on the brand and its understanding in the wider community....we always place too much respect to most of the people we meet when wearing reps.... the truth is 95% wouldnt know..and of the remaing 5%...3% wouldnt know looking at your wrist... (might suspect but wouldnt be sure) and the remaining 2 % would.... and how many of them would you meet?


    Most call out threads....are usually by a guy who is guessing or showing off to put the rep wearer down...not because he actually knows... ;)

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