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Hip Hop

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Everything posted by Hip Hop

  1. Same as yesterday...
  2. Hey thanks for the reply, unfortunately I have pretty much no idea about the internals of the watch and I'm not very keen on touching anything in the movement as knowing my luck I would probably end up causing more damage! I don't mind having a look if there's little chance of damaging it further though, although I would need some kind of diagram to know what I'm looking at... I did a quick search on the subject but could only find one other topic, and again it involved opening up the movement... If it does need to be sent off to be serviced can anyone recommend someone who could possibly do a relume job at the at the same time? May as well get it done together! Also preferably in the UK/Europe... Thanks, Dan!
  3. Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone can help with this problem, the watch has been fine since I got it from PerfectClones in December, but in the last few days if has been running way too fast and ending up hours ahead of the actual time... I timed it this morning at 7.05am for a few minutes and each one was 5 seconds too fast, it's just now gone 7.10pm and the 111J is reading 7.55pm, so in 12 hours it has gained around 45mins! What could be the problem for it to suddenly go wrong? Could it be fixed with a service? (and if so, who is best to send to? I'm in the UK) Thanks, Dan!
  4. neverworn, whos that BB from? I still need to add a Rose gold BB to my collection!
  5. Wow, this watch looks awesome, never seen/heard about it before but I am now very interested!
  6. I got a genuine Zippo matte black for £13.90 on eBay, look up seller zipsterszippos666! Dan!
  7. Hi, could someone please help me decipher Mary's return address? The courier companies online service doesn't recognise it, and I must say I don't quite get it my self... I have the address in Chinese, which is perfect for when it gets to China, but not so good for getting it TO China. Also if I translate the Chinese address to English, it's almost completely different. The address is as follows, EDITED by Admin staff. Please don't publish dealers details like this. And the Chinese address translated to English is... EDITED By Admin staff. But neither address' are recognised by the courier... Does anyone have any other info, or returned anything to Mary themselves? Thanks, Dan!
  8. Which forum is WC? I'm only on here, RG and RWI Thanks, Dan!
  9. My tracking has finally had an update and is finally in the UK and now listed as released from customs...so hopefully it will be here today or tomorrow!
  10. As above, has anyone received there's yet? The tracking on mine hasn't changed since the 5th...I do hope it gets here before Xmas...
  11. Was that in reply to me? The link takes you straight to a topic on the RepGeek forum, where the member paso is selling that MBW/MBK sub! And he definately still sells them as I emailed him about them myself last week! The pictures he sent back looked even better than the ones in the topic...
  12. I've been looking into this as well, everywhere seems to be out of production... The only one i've been able to find is this one over on repgeek - MBW/MBK 16613 TT Submariner, The topic is 3 years old, but I emailed Paso, and he still sells them, the pictures he sent looked much better/newer than the ones in the topic too! I've also been told that there has never been a 14k wrapped noobmariner!
  13. I've just ordered one though PC!
  14. Hey, it appears that no one can get the TT noobmariner at the moment, so what do you guys think of the MBW/MBK version? Thanks, Dan
  15. Where/who can we get these from?
  16. Thanks By-Tor! I forgot about that review! I'll have a proper read when I got home from work, can I use the pics to send to Mary? Thanks, Dan!
  17. Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could link me to, or post up some pictures of a noobmariner two tone sub? I received a quite low quality sub from Mary, and have been told to ask if she can source the noobmariner instead, so I need to send her some pics so she knows what to get, only I can't find any, and don't know much about the noobmariner myself! Thanks, Dan!
  18. Thanks for the replies guys! I'll send her some pics to show her what I want, but not being an expert myself there will still probably be things even I will miss! Can anyone link me to, or send me some noobmariner pics to send onto her? Thanks, Dan!
  19. Yeah I know they are 2 different watches... Mary has said she will refund me, but only after she receives the watch back, now im just not sure how I would post something securely from the UK to China, without the watch going missing and then having no watch and no refund! She also asked if I could send her a pic of the noobmariner two tone sub, could someone post a pic on here so I can send it to her? Also what are my other alternatives/other sellers? I really want a two tone blue sub! :-(
  20. Having bought a DSSD from Mary before, I knew that she was a good seller and the watch was great quality, so I went ahead and told her to send the watch, knowing that if the crown guards were the only big problem I could have them modded... I received the watch yesterday and after the initial high of the watch finally arriving, I was unfortunately very dissapointed with it!... It appears more like a second hand watch rather than a brand new one! Firstly the crown doesn't screw in properly and is very rough to turn. There are lots of scratches and dirt all over the watch, there's also quite bad scratches on the lugs, and the pins that hold the bracelet to watch body appear to be bent and are affecting the way the bracelet fits. Also when comparing it to another watch I have, it's clear that the hour markers are in fact the maxi markers from the newer models despite this watch being the older model! (I know one of you guys mentioned this but I didnt see it!) The lume on the watch also seems to be about 3 different shades of green, and when glowing this looks really bad! I do however like the newer style clasp(I did ask for it), but I was expecting it to be the new glide lock clasp with the adjustable bracelet like on the DSSD, which it isn't. I'm really not happy with this watch compared to how high the quality of the DSSD I got from Mary was, this watch seems very bad quality, and as such I have asked Mary for a full refund. (and these are just a few problems I can see as a non pro!) Dan.
  21. Hi, I emailed Mary and she said that it is the same watch but sometimes the factory puts the wrong model sticker on...
  22. Hi, thanks for the replies...I know they are 2 different watches as I mentioned above, the first watch were pictures mary had to show the watch she can get, the second watch is the actual watch she has sourced after I payed!... I noticed the different model number too, it's odd because the first watch has the right model whilst the second one has a model number from a Datejust... I would like peoples opinions as the 2 watches do seem to look completely different, however it could just be the lighting? The first watch definitely looks a lot nicer though!
  23. Hi guys, just wondered if any if you would be kind enough to check my QC pics from Mary for any prolems/errors ect? It's a 14k wrapped two tone Submariner with Swiss eta movement! These are the original pics Mary supplied to show me what she had... And these are the pics of the actual watch she has sourced... Thanks very much! Dan!
  24. Hey, as above does it exist as a rep in that colourway? The model number is 116613lb. I can only seem to find cheaper versions of the black colourway... I already own an older model rep of the 16613 in black but was looking at getting the newer model in blue! If not, I've been in contact with Mary(watchinternational) about a great looking blue 16613 she has! My only other question is, if I buy the older model from Mary, is it possible to get the newer model bracelet(glidelock) in wrapped gold and fit it to the old model? Thanks, Dan!
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