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Posts posted by Nanuq

  1. Per Rolex lore, this was the very last dial Jean-Phillipe the typesetter produced before being thrown out the door.


    He had a nasty habit of sneaking a sip of the devil's brew between dial batches and his typesetting suffered.  Before long it became all too obvious when he messed up the spacing of the "o" in "chronometer" one time too many.


    "OUT!" shrieked Hans Wildorf, and Jean-Phillipe was left with no other employment prospects than carving lawn ornaments.



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  2. Magnetism?  How long would it take for every wheel, rotating at its own rate, to go around until their all their alignments (say, north to south) lined up again?  This would be like the world's gnarliest least-common-denominator problem.  Maybe when every magnetic field on every part aligns it's enough to stop the balance?


    Or maybe it's as easy as a kink in the mainspring and as it unwinds it "catches" as it goes around?

  3. Boy if I had a login to the server where that html lives, it would be a 30 second job.  I know Admin (Thomas) does, try PMing him or chat him up on WhatsApp and see if he can SED the file to replace rwgforum.net with rwg.cc


    He's a geek and he'll totally know what you mean.  Or see if there's a way to make a translation term for rwgforum.net to automatically turn it into rwg.cc


    Note when we try to write Ziggy on here it autochanges to The Zigmeister?  That's in the settings.  It might be possible to make it do that for URLs too.


  4. Here are some reference shots from my 1972 Sea Dweller.  This has had A LOT of diving use all over the world so the shape of the CGs and lugs will possibly be a little worn down.  But the brushing on top of the lugs is factory so those have not changed shape.  In these pics it's wearing a factory service T-39 crystal.  Note this has the factory 702 crown which is slightly thinner than a contemporary 703 so it makes the CGs look different by comparison.




















    Since those pics were taken I've switched the service crystal for a factory vintage Tropic 39 Superdome and that changes how the dial looks.  I've found the Clark T-19 Dome is very close to this look, though thinner in cross section so the dial won't look quite like this.  Notice how the rehaut disappears in the curvature of the dome.






    I hope these help.  Please let me know if you need more shots from specific angles.

    • Like 2
  5. What an oddysey.  I'm glad you finally have your answer.  These old school watch smiths are a marvel to work with.  I have a 62 year old Submariner and it was running poorly so walking home one day I popped into a jewelers shop with a small Rolex sign in the window.  The old guy behind the counter perked up his ears when he overheard me describing it to his pretty salesgirl, and asked to see it.  He listened for a moment and handed it back "the beat is all wrong and it badly needs a service".  I thought shenanigans so I challenged him "how can you tell?" and he gave me a withering stare "just listen to it man!"


    That was the start of a long friendship.  We talked Submariners for an hour and as I was leaving I asked how old the thing was?  He popped off the band, looked at the serial number and said "April, 1958".  I thought shenanigans again so again I challenged him.  It was then he took me into the Holy of Holys, his workshop.  My God.  He opened the thickest book I ever saw, rummaged around and found the page.  Ran his finger down a column and poked it.  I looked, and sure enough ... my serial number was late first quarter, 1958.   :notworthy:   


    Tom Nesbit.  Genius.  After we moved back to Alaska many years later I popped into a jewelers shop, again for my old Sub, and the kid behind the counter struck me as a bit wonkish, geeky, uncomfortable around people but friendly with watches and ... he wore a lab coat.  Just like someone else I know.  He listened to it and diagnosed it in a moment.  I thought "there's no way....." and I called shenanigans.  "Where did you learn to do that, Mister Lab Coat?"  He told me "I apprenticed under an old school watchmaker..." and I smiled and completed his sentence for him.  He was shocked that I knew Tom, but there are certain skills and traits that identify us.  When you've seen enough of how something is supposed to look and supposed to run, you recognize it immediately.  And you also know immediately when it's not quite right.


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  6. 3 hours ago, Justasgood said:

    BTW, banks make loans😜


    Wait, what?????   And nobody told me??????


    "Hello Trusty, I'd like to place an order.  I'll have one of these, one of these, two of those, why don't you toss one in for you wife... let's have one of those, and another in black....."




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