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Posts posted by Bazz

  1. To me the UK version was much funnier than the US one but then I am a fan of most British comedies especially stuff like allan partridge, big train, spaced etc, maybe it comes from being in a colony!

  2. Hey Rob,

    The post is not stuck to the gear its just the way I photographed it, sorry I didnt explain that very well. I just didnt want to try and force the post in as I am sure you know they are very small and easily damaged and wondered best way to get one back in?

    I will have a look over the weekend and let you know how I go.

  3. Hey Rob,

    My 007 bond omega started having problems setting the hands where it got to the point they would not set at all. I pulled it apart and it seems a post has come off the main plate.

    Here is the movement


    close up of the hole


    and the gear with the post still in in it.


    What happens now is that when you go to set the hands the gear moves back and disengages as the post wont hold it in place.

    I have stripped and cleaned movements but have never had a post come out of the main plate before so thought I would check in first. Could it be pressed back or do I have to get another main plate?

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