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Posts posted by Raijor

  1. I eat out for lunch every day and usually at the same restaurant and have for years. I had a waitress / server who I have known for a few years grab my wrist to look at a Yacht-Master I had on. "Very nice" was her comment about the watch which was followed by some small talk and she was back to her tables. That was a very forward thing to do but acceptable because we have come to know each other in a casual way at the restaurant. Really no big deal to me.

  2. So, how do we get stuff so cheap from Asia? I didn't say the US had NO tariffs. I don't think we have a whole lot of them, though.... Steel, sugar, automobiles.

    Everybody gets stuff from Asia cheap. It costs pennies to produce items in China that would cost dollars to make in America. Of course no guaranties products will be safe. I will agree to disagree with you on this discussion and end my posting cordially. Cheers

  3. Tariffs are counter-productive - and heaven knows its over 200 years since the Wealth of Nations was published.

    Where it all goes pear-shaped is with special interests and politicians appeasing them - tariffs and subsidies usually look after one part of the economy at the expense of another.

    An example was the increase in the US tariff on steel imports thereby protecting (in global terms) inefficient domestic steel production at the expense of more efficient domestic manufacturing, which became less internationally competitive with higher input steel costs than overseas competitors. And if you (used to) work in a ship yard or a car plant, that's a big frickin' deal.

    I have no idea what it is about farmers that they seem to get the red carpet subsidy treatment worldwide.

    Got to agree with you. I come from a long line of farmers on both my parents sides and grew up on a farm. Still have the homestead and rent out the land. No poor farmers in our family. Every body has gone big and tech and always some kind of program available. Hard physical work though. I prefer the kind of farm I grew up on. The basic mixed family farm. Never needed the biggest or the best equipment but still earned a good living with low to no debt and paying off things when ever we could.

  4. America doesn't have a whole lot of tariffs. We do have subsidies that are very comparable to Europe, for example though. But in recent years it has been much easier to import than export from everything I've seen.

    Sir - America imposes tariffs on goods not manufactured in the US that are imported into the US, excepting goods manufactured in NAFTA countries (Canada and Mexico). This is not an insignificant amount of tariffs. This is why Mercedes, Toyota and Honda have manufacturing plants in the US. Cars not made in the US are heavily tariffed to protect US jobs and shareholders. America has done very well because of its protectionist policies and high dollar while complaining about the rest of the world's protectionist policies. I do not accept your thesis that "America doesn't have a whole lot of tariffs."


  5. I'm noticing that most of the business in the trading forum is now from European members...

    when before we Americans were the bulk of the business everywhere...

    I know I'm not buying replicas these days,.. they seem so far from my priorities that I can

    only browse and dream of better days ahead...

    I wonder how much of the void that we yanks have left is being filled with the Euro,

    and how this will affect prices ? :g:

    The American dollar weakness is a double edged sword. It hurts to import against stronger currencies but it sure helps American companies who export goods against the stronger currencies. I am in Canada and for over 40 years we had a weak dollar relative to yours. This allowed Canadian exporters to develop markets abroad much easier than if we had a higher dollar. Today the Canadian dollar is back up to levels last seen in the 1960's and is running almost par to the American dollar. Now we are less competitive than we used to be and already our exporters are feeling the pinch.

    So think about the dollar as the key to your economy. A lower dollar will rev things up in the economy and help create jobs at home. It will hurt to buy imported products but the American exporters will revive your economy over the next couple of years. Keep the faith.


    I have my Lyndon Pilot Watch...


    ...do you? B)



    DSN 113 on a Dirk Vacchetta Naturale, next to my LV mini-tote. :wub:


    The strap is a killa in Manila and everywhere else! :lol:


    @FxrAndy: I can't say for the moment. I want a certain someone to be surprised first. And then, perhaps, all shall be revealed! :p

    Beautiful ... and so is the watch ... enjoy ... many years of enjoyment ....

  7. I remember reading that some actors have written into their contracts that they can keep the wardrobe they wore after filming is completed. Given the power of some stars I am sure that would go for watches too. I am thinking specifically of some of the higher end stars and higher end watches. Stars get a lot of stuff comped to them.

  8. Cloverfield.....and it SUCKED!!!!!!

    I read your mini review to my son Jared who is 10 and he decided to save us the misery of going to the theatre to see it. "Lets wait for the DVD Dad." I owe you LR. We went to AVP Requiem for a second viewing instead. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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