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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I'd stick to AP Bands. There are several black oem bands on eBay. Quality is miles above anything aftermarket unless you go to apb in Paris.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

    I personally think APBands straps are overpriced for what they are. I have ordered about 4 to date for my gens before I discovered the likes of Donerix and Jacob.. the quality could be inconsistent, and so is the fitting.. they do not fit snug 100% of the time, so be aware. 


    I agree with you on the quality of the OEM hornback. Top shelf stuff all the way. :)


    Other than OEM, I would recommend Jacob and Donerix, the quality of the Jacob hornback strap is very close to OEM. Donerix is another very good choice as well, and I use both fairly regularly.   

  2. When switching the strap on an AP that currently has the deployment buckle are the only two things I have to purchase beside the strap the tang buckle and spring bar ?

    Some useful info for you:


    a. The ROO deployant clasp is 18mm in width. 


    b. The diver buckle is 24mm in width.


    c. If you want to get a direct buckle replacement, there are several 18mm buckles on ebay going for a few dollars each. They come complete with the springbar and buckle pin. If you want to fit a 24mm buckle, you would need a different strap that tapers to 24mm at buckle end, and if you want to use the AP Diver buckle, you would need straps with larger holes to accommodate the flat and wider buckle pin. 

  3. Mike, there's a black one out already? It would complement my Survivor nicely. 

    The black one is out already.. so are you going to wear both the watches side by side on your wrist? lol

    Expensive is relative

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

    Indeed, money is relative. The more money you have, the more relatives you find yourself having. :D

  4. T,


    Look at the gold deployant clasp this seller is offering..




    It has holes in the clasp, just like the ones our TDs are offering. 

    Now, if swisswatchparts are an OEM replacement parts manufacturer as they claim they are, why would they not get the clasp correct, and instead offer a clasp that is identical to the ones used for our rep RG ROOs instead? ;)

  5. I just got myself a nice AP Diver (received it this morning) and am on the hunt for a bracelet since a few days.

    I realized that it's almost impossible due to the fact that the producer moved to another country and isn't back in business yet.


    However...I found a bracelet on the bay and according to the price I thought it must be a used gen...but it isn't...




    A company located in UK that is selling fake AP parts via ebay at ridiculous prices.... :g:


    What you say...scam? Worth it?

    I feel like "stay away" but on the other hand I really want to have a bracelet for my diver :(

    Hey T


    Coincidentally I sent an enquiry for a 44mm ROO rubber strap recently to the same buyer.

    My feeling is that they are buying the same parts off our TDs and reselling them at ridiculous prices!

    Better to enquire straight with a TD if you can.

    Trust me the swisswatchspares merchandise most likely originate from China. They don't manufacture them as they claim.

    I have asked for an extra hole to be punched in the strap and they replied that they cannot do it due to the fact that they don't make the straps! 


    When I asked Eric (Donerix) to punch an extra hole for me on the strap he made, there was absolutely no problem at all. 

  6. I have not dealt with you, dwswatches, but from what I see, you have got 10 positive and 0 negative feedback, so that is to your credit.

    Also, you have been around a lot longer than I have, so I am not in the position to judge your credibility based on historical transactions.

    I would just like to say that I would feel uneasy dealing with you if bank transfer is the only option you offer your buyers. 




    I like the way you approach your case. One of the best -written posts I 've ever read on a forum.
    There is no doubt that I was taken by surprise when I discovered that this was a forum for replicas and trolling was not my motive to sign in. I am in principle opposed to all kinds of fake manufacturers. There is no doubt that this industry supports criminal activity . That the legitimate industry, governments, banks or other are engaged in criminal activity to an even greater extent does not legitimize this . Statements in this thread can be interpreted as it is okay to steal one hundred dollars because someone else steals thousands. Statements like these are hopefully a result of my " trolling " and not a general opinion here. Anyhow , there is no point going further with this discussion in a forum dedicated replicas .
    Something that really amazes and impresses me with this forum is the members' high level of knowledge about replicas and even genuine watches. Not to mention the passion for watches - replicas and genuine.
    Back to the FWB and the topic of the thread. He is genuinely interested in genuine watches, and him being a former replica enthusiast is not true . He is only looking for those who claim that their reps are the real thing. In which I support him one hundred percent. Those people deserves what's coming to them.
    We certainly have different opinions, but it's none of my business going ahead and ruining the day for the members of this forum. I thank you for the welcome and I might just be stickin' around. But I will never ever buy a replica watch ;)
    I guess you have room for some trolling: A wise man once said that he'd rather be found dead wearing dirty underwear, than a replica watch on his wrist. To me:  :bangin:
    PS: Sorry for the bad English. I did my best.


    And I do believe your intentions. I sincerely do.


    This is actually more than a forum for replica watches, Mr Minuteman. Its a forum for discussing all things horological. If you sieve through the topics, you will find watch related topics of all sorts being discussed. Some are not even related to watches. ;)


    I do own both genuine and replica watches, and replicas to me are just extensions of my collections, and I wear them for my own pleasure, just like my genuine ones. There are many like me, and you would not be surprised if I tell you that affordability is not a factor for these folks when it comes to collection of both genuine and replica watches.


    I respect your beliefs and point of view, and I agree with you that replica watches should not, at any time, be passed off as genuine ones for the intention of glorifying oneself or for purposes of fraud and cheating. That is wrong in my opinion. 


    You are welcome to stay Minuteman, if you would kindly exchange respect as well as opinions with the rest of us. I do not agree with you calling us names, but neither would I agree with anyone calling you names. We are gentlemen, and lets stay that way. Sometimes, people get heated and the fingers (or tongues) type faster than the brain could react, and all sorts of crap appear on our screens, which leads to more heat in the responses, and it goes on and on and on. Tiresome isn't it? :lol:


    Markiemark and the rest of the guys here are good guys, regular guys just like you and me. Believe me when I tell you that they've mostly got decent jobs that have nothing to do with drug or human trafficking, nor would you find them working side by side next to hungry 12 year old boys wearing scraps. No sir. At the end of the day, we do appreciate a little debate and entertainment, but lets communicate with respect. As with any other board, be free to take away knowledge useful to you, and graciously ignore the rest. Some things in this world are still free, and I am glad if this forum could let you gain insights into new trivia, knowledge and other miscellaneous nuggets of facts..The guys here are knowledgable and a lot are very affluent financially. They simply have a different mindset on rep watches compared with you.


    So there you go, Minuteman. Nobody should gang up on you just because you are new and different. But if you start being rude or nasty, sir, then of course, some of the members might reciprocate accordingly. This is not what I want to see, because if given a choice, I prefer to make a new friend than a new enemy. Lets say you are a regular member of a military forum, and some guy signs up and starts dissing the forum, how would you respond? I would like to think that you and your friends would put enough holes in him to see the daylights coming through isn't it? We are not too different here. It is mostly instinct to protect what we know, against new threats. So please pardon some of the responses directed toward you. I see them as mostly reciprocative in nature and nothing personal. We do not even know you enough for anything like that.


    Enjoy your stay, like I mentioned. Try to be amicable and less truculent. You seem to be a reasonable guy who can give and take, and stand on your own. Give the guys the basic respect, and you will get the same. You will find that in the end, we are not too different from one another. :)

  8. I'm sorry - or actually I'm not.


    Yes I did make an account to post in this thread, but I didn't realize this was a forum for fake watches before your comment. I did not copy/paste anything, but if I did it would be just in the line of the copying you [censored] are dealing with in here.


    Adios to you [sencored] people!



    Firstly, hello and welcome to RWG. 


    No, you don't any namecalling or insults from me. I would not bash you for your difference in opinion, but understand that just like being on any other forum in any part of the world, better manners would get you nicer response. So be a gentleman, and deliver your opinions in ways that would invite replies that are less barbed. It makes the thread easier to read I think, without having to filter out all the derogatory terms and get to the real messages. I believe that swear words and namecalling are for times when we are not intelligent enough to replace them with proper words. I have been guilty of that several times ... ;)  


    I do not see how signing onto a new board and engaging in namecalling is going to make you a better person just because you have a firm belief in something. It is far greater to win others over than to win.

    You can be a minuteman, a navy seal, a deltaforce veteran, or whichever elite military organization you proclaim to be, and of course, you may even be telling the truth.

    But surely you know that the internet is a rather superficial and faceless place, and at the end of the day, you are known by what you type until you get known as a person in real life.

    So yes, post what you wish, but please be mindful of basic courtesy. The same applies of course to those who reply to you.


    Enjoy your stay here, and you know where the logout button is when you finally decide not to be tainted further in our company. :) 

  9. I'm fairly new to this forum, IMO I have bought several replica watches. I purchased these because while I have the means to purchase genuine versions I have been collecting watches for several years and have several thousand dollars into my current collection, and the one thing that I have learned is watches tend to go in and out of a collection quickly. Because of the aforementioned reason and losing some times hundreds reselling or trading buying reps is a great way to "test drive" a piece before buying a used Gen for several thousand and losing hundreds when you realize it's just not for you. My other issue is that the replicas I own I will never purchase the real version so none of those companies would have gained my money anyway. As far as child labor is concerned do your research because I'm willing to bet you own something that was made in China or India by children. Anyone who owns an iPhone and researchs Foxconn is a perfect example. I belong to several online watch groups and have posted my replicas but with a clear understanding that they are replicas, if you pose replicas as real to make yourself out to be something other than what you are than you deserve to be called out.

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

    I liked what you said, because a lot of what we own (clothes, phones, electrical accessories, fashion wear, shoes etc) are made in China by workers who are either too young, too old, underpaid, employed under very poor and harsh conditions, or in conditions not acceptable in more fortunate countries. This is a much more salient problem than the rep industry.


    There are replica guns, knives, clothes, phones, furniture, and a million other items we see. And they exist simply because demand for them exist. The reasons for the demand vary from case to case of course, but ultimately, the people who buy them mostly want just to enjoy them in their own right, and share their passion with like-minded collectors without intending any fraud or harm to others. I am against anyone representing the rep items as genuine ones, and those who do so deserve 100% to be called out. But each of us have the right to wear and enjoy the watch of our choice. I have seen replica watches of all grades on all walks of lives. To name a few I know personally: A senior banker, a lawyer, a dermatologist, an administrative clerk, a business owner, a delivery driver. They are very decent people, and got personas more appealing than the snobs who wear  genuine rolex submariners and think they own the planet. Each of us has the right to wear and don what we prefer, as long as we buy them with our own money. If one wants to debate the harm that the replica watch industry is causing to the genuine brands, this is a moot point, because without the existence of the replicas, they still may not/could not buy the genuine article. And if its the theft of design one is against, then there are many many more instances of this happening in other items ranging from clothes to even aircrafts.. why pick on this specific industry?


    Bottomline: Each of us has the right to enjoy our watches, genuine or replica without being called names or made to feel shameful about it. There will always be haters, and haters would always hate. A little more respect both ways, and both camps should just walk their separate ways. We can never get the entire world to agree with what we do or say, whatever it may be, so in the end, we flock together with like-minded individuals who accept, encourage and affirm our ways. That is a fact. We could be collectively wrong of course, but in this world, being right or wrong boils down largely to a matter of opinion. 


    Replica watches are still going to be sold and purchased by hundreds of thousands each year. It is going to be a neverending mission of haters to go sniff out and call out each one. Good luck to them.


    Me? I have only one wrist to watch: My own. 

  10. Well I'm in 'real life'. And personally I dislike all forms of replica watches and never owned one and never will. Still I don't dislike their owners. Everybody is entitled to his own taste. As I'm a collector of 'original' watches and replica's are becoming harder to recognize I do follow this market.

    As there is a lot of useful information shared on fora like these. 

    Thank you, and I respect your opinion. At least you are able to separate the watches from the people who own or collect them. 

    You are correct, this is a good forum to share information, and I assure you that the people here do not have any less class than the genuine watch collectors.


    I know, because I do own a few high end gens, and I am on other gen watch forums as well. ;)

  11. He probably got molested as a child by a priest wearing a gold rolex rep. Now he is seeking "vengeance" on all those who wear reps. He probably finds pleasure as well when he touches himself in the shower wearing a canal street rep, that is not water proof. After the watch is filled to the brim with hot steam and water he smashes it with a hammer whilst crying and laughing with an evil tone at the very same time...

    :lol: that was awesome!

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  12. In real life, those who know the tells of a rep are those who own reps, so I wont be surprised if this dude actually owns some low-level reps himself.

    As to why he is calling out his fellow rep collectors, it could be a case of self-loathing and hatred being projected onto others in the same hobby.


    I agree with limestone though: If you own a rep, make it your own business and not show it off to the world. Its very bad taste to do so.

  13. Ryan from intime.co can be trusted 100%, trusted dealer or not. He is a trusted dealer on both RWI and the other RWG.

    I buy from him quite a fair bit.


    I do recommend him for the quick communication, accurate info and superb experience overall.


    The bottomline is: While trusted dealers are more reassuring to deal with, not having an official "trusted" status does not automatically mean ostracizing or boycotting. 

    It means: buy at your own peril as little is known about the dealer on these boards, OR enough is known about the dealer to make him an outsider on the boards.


    Intime in my opinion should be made a trusted dealer on RWG. Ryan is definitely a lot better than a few of the TDs I know!

  14. Hi everyone, as per my intro post i am new in here, and honestly having a lot of fun reading all the posts and trying to get some understanding of the replica world.


    I after weeks of reading around i now have a doubt, a curiosity.... You all guys talk about "trusted sellers", semms like these guys can source decent quality replicas. I never bought from trusted sellers, was initiate into the replica world in a holiday trip in thailand and then continued in istanbul.


    If i compare what i got (daytona rose gold sec@6, daytona white gold sec@6, AP ROO chrono passion sec@12, acquanaut rose gold, AP rose gold, all supposed to be ETA) and what's offered from the trusted dealers, it seems to me that trusted dealers are offering watches at very expensive prices vs what you can get in thailand/turkey. I paid on average 350$ for my replicas.


    I understand not everybody travels to thailand or turkey constantly, but the same watches (should be the same) are offered at close to 2x what i paid @ trusted dealers...


    Now the question is? why paying more? service?? clients not easily sourcing it from thailand/turkey? or simply maybe what i got is lower quality than what it is offered from trusted sellers?


    Any advice and omment is more than welcome!

    Hello and welcome!


    Firstly, I really doubt that most of what you got (daytonas sec@6 and AP ROOs sec@12) are ETA powered movements. ETA is a Swiss company that manufactures watch movements and the movements they produced are often named ETA-xxxx, where xxxx denotes a series of numbers to identify the movement. I daresay that for $350, what you are getting would be the Asian modified movements, altered to have the sec@6 and sec@12 respectively.


    Now to answer your question regarding the trusted dealers. Firstly, the dealers do not produce the watches. Most of them would source the same watch from the same factory. Second, buying from a trusted dealer does not automatically make the watch a problem free one. They are trusted because of the information they provide regarding the watches they sell (you would not for example, find ROOs with sec@12 and swiss ETA movements listed), and the fact they would communicate with the buyer to a reasonable extent, and get the orders delivered. In my opinion, buying from a trusted dealer has nothing to do with getting a better quality watch. You do however, get a better quality buying process. Understand and assimilate the difference here.


    I do not understand the rep industries in Turkey or Thailand, but chances are, you get a lot of reps of chinese origins in those markets as well. Price wise, they could be cheaper, but do not expect the street vendor holding their child in one hand and handing the watch you are interested in with the other to tell you about the movement and specifications of the watch. To them, it would be more a case of "see? Heavy heavy. Like the original Lolex. Good watch!" while flashing you a huckster's grin.


    So, I would like to say in brevity that buying from the trusted dealers here does not mean that you get watches with spanking new shiny ETA movements in them, ticking flawlessly when they reach you. But in most cases, you get reasonably accurate details about the watch you are getting on their sites, and you get pre-shipment pictures as confirmation, and you mostly receive the same watch you ordered. Where the trusted dealer sites leave gaps in the details of the watches, that is where experts and members in forums like RWG step forth to advise and help.


    Oh yes, speaking of which, RWG is a great place to be for anyone who loves their watches.


    Welcome, and I wish you a happy and fruitful stay here.   

    • Like 1
  15. Hey, I'm trying for couple of months already to find a replica for the Royal Oak Chronograph.

    I'm looking for the best replica you can find out there with the best movement and material.

    please can you guys help me?


    oh and heres a picture - 

    There is one that looks close, and has an A7750 movement. Its the closest you get to a quality RO rep currently.


    Please note that this is a fantasy model, but I have seen it before in real life and it looks very nice. 

    And by the way, welcome to RWG :)

  16. I got QC this weekend finally.

    I've had the issue noticing money loss on refund as well. This time around really tested me patience with CNY then all the setbacks. The good news is the maker is a perfectionist and so the end product is expected with high expectation.

    The watch looks great. I'll take some pics when I receive it.

    Would it be possible to share the QC pics? 

    I have heard that the FC dial underwent some updates, and that the one being released has a better and more accurate dial.

    I just want to have a look before deciding whether to order.


    Thank you kindly

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