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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Could very well be, i was very up front with them that it was a rep (and i'm sure it was obvious to someone who knows what they're doing anyway) - both were small, independent shoppes; one gentlemen was from China (not that that matters).  I'd posted in the repair forum a few days ago but haven't had a response yet.  Sead's been very good to work with, and he's walking me through trying a few things myself, and i have confidence that if we're unable to get it in working order, he'll provide a replacement.  His responsiveness has been great - my father in law just asked me the other day if i could get him a rolex rep, and based on his attention to me (i'm just some guy, no reason to treat me better than anyone else), i've no reservations sourcing it through him.  I've got patience in spades, so if it takes a little time to get it sorted, that's fine with me.  It's quite a beautiful watch.

    I am certain this could get sorted out without getting it returned to Sead..it really is a matter of fixing the screw back into where it belongs, I do not see another visible problem with the movement? :)

  2. This is exciting news and we should look forward to that .... we will see a clone movement in the coming weeks ... cool.


    Dr. Theo

    I think this pertains to the AP ROO ceramic diver with the decorated movement plate specifically. 

    Like you, I hope that this is the first step in the evolution toward a clone ROO movement.

    Technically, this should not be impossible seeing that there is an ETA-2892 movement clone already. They would of course need to clone the DD module to be integrated with the A2892 movement, and of course, the necessary decorations. 

    I do not see that day as being too distant now... ;)

  3. Given that I only read a limited subset of Chinese as Hanmun, and haven't had any real practice in 25 years, I don't feel too bad about that.

    Oh yes, you did very well, especially when the characters were written in traditional chinese.

    I always told myself that Chinese can't be too difficult, when I see the little ones in China speaking it so fluently. :D  

  4. Something like... Exciting week, just to tell you I was very surprised that this was not the real thing... I was actually not able to tell the difference from the real movement, but only just gone out of 400 goods, really looked genuine, few people should be able to tell.

    Not bad, now let me do it. I have been reading and writing chinese since I was 5. Please don't let the fact that I am still 5 mentally put you off..   ;):lol:


    A more accurate translation:

    "(No problem, just to tell you) I have been comparing the actual product (A3120 diver I presume) against the genuine article the entire week, and am surprised at how close the A3120 decoration is, virtually indistinguishable from the genuine movement upon casual inspection. Given the fact that only 400 genuine watches are produced (for the ceramic I assume), there wouldn't be many in circulation and not many guys would have seen the genuine article. Please share this."

  5. well, i took it to two watch repair shoppes today and both said they were unable to fix it.  I'm not sure what comes next.  I'll ask Sead if he's got any suggestions as to further attempts at repair or if he's able to replace - i'm quite happy to return it to him if that's suitable - not really sure!  I certainly do appreciate the thought given to me here by those in this forum - thanks folks.

    Some watchsmiths would not work on reps. Is that the case in your experience? 

    I actually could not believe that they "were unable" to fix it. It sounds to me more like "unwilling to".

  6. Hi,

    i was spending my time for fun and i found this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=5148.7631246.0.0.zpRps3&id=35756138655

    184998.00yen is like 1500USD and do you think the seller will ship a replica to make more money... At the end of the day it's on taobao and i don't trust at all this website.

    You've gotten the currency wrong like what Toro mentioned. The watch was posted at about USD29k. The pic is that of a gen watch.

    Still, I would not buy it off taobao. Taobao is ok for stuff like casual clothes and fashion accessories but not a sub $30k watch IMHO

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  7. Valid point Panerai. And this HAS been an experience to me. Let us all move on...

    Wisest thing you've said to date. Please, let it go already. Guys who purchased from Toro will continue to do so and guys that have not may one day still do so.

    Yours is a $100+ problem. Let's not blow it out of proportion.

    Enough whining already buddy.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  8. I am really sorry about this. I have refunded him when he requested, it is not my fault that his bank is holding his money.

    There's no need to be sorry Toro.

    This guy is just duplicating his posts on two threads and it's totally uncalled for. I'm starting to get tired of his incessant whining all over a watch which cost less than the straps I buy.

    Like I mentioned, enough is enough. kargo, stop your rubbish at once. Quit whining like a loser. I've never bought anything from Toro but I don't see the need to flame him on two separate threads.

    Either stick to one thread or shut the fuck up please.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

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